Sunday, July 15, 2012


As we begin to wind up the online church services, which will come to an end the end of this month, I have asked God to show me what he desires for you to hear from us. We have covered a lot of ground in the last three years. But now, there are things that must be emphasized. Let me welcome everyone to your 24/7 week-long online church service. Everyone is welcome in this place.

As I have approached my Heavenly Father, the thought has kept coming to me, words of life. That makes sense to me, church. You see, I have always known that what God desired for us to preach and teach were words of life. You see folks, we are in a spiritual warfare. Many are not aware of this fact but it is so. You may not hear this much anymore but there are things that are right and there are things that are wrong. There is evil in this world and there are blessings. God himself shows us this throughout the Word of God which is the Bible.

We have always emphasized the word in our preaching. You might ask, "what word is that, brother Bob?" The answer is, the Word of God. The word of truth, which is Jesus Christ. We have always preached that Jesus Christ is the word of life to us all. That is the reason that in three years of preaching and teaching to you, I used no other reference sources than the Bible.

The truth is this church: the Bible is the only book on this earth that truly gives you words of life. Now I know there are many self-help books by philosophers and many men and women who are considered to be wise. But truth be known, if what these books say to you do not agree with the Word of God, they are just giving out words of death to you. Look, I only have a couple of more weeks to get to you, church, so I am mincing no words. Let's talk about life and death, blessing, and curses for a moment. Please turn with me to Deuteronomy 30:18.
"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:"
Understand this, church, God is telling us and warning us about something here. He is telling us by our choices. We can walk in death, in life, in blessing, and in curses. But then, because he loves us so much, he tells us which things to choose. God says here, look at your options, folks. Death, life, blessings, curses. God says, choose life. Now, that is words of life!

I have often taught you that when God speaks in the Old Testament, many times, his words were not just for the people of that age but also for us today. Ladies and gentlemen, when you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you made your choice. Your choice was life. For those of you that have not made that choice, what is stopping you? The answer, nothing except yourself. The words of life also pertain to you, unbeliever. There is a choice to be made, isn't there? Life, death, blessing, curses. How do you choose this day?

The Bible clearly teaches that God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, is the life that God was referring to. Let's back this up by looking at John 14:6. These are the words of Jesus and it reads like this:
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
Once again, my friends, words of life. Jesus is not a way to God, he is the way. Jesus is not just another truth to be lumped in with people like Muhammad or Buddha. No, my friends, Jesus is the truth. The Bible is his Word and the instructor of truth. Now, this is very important to understand. Jesus is once again not just a life, he is the life. Spiritually, there is no other way of life to God. That is the reason God says to us, choose life.

Every person has a choice to make, even the apostles that followed and lived with Jesus. There was a time as recorded in the sixth chapter of John where Jesus preached to the multitudes. He preached about right and wrong, something many churches do not teach about today. The people, with few exceptions, were offended and turned away from Jesus and left. John 6:66 states, from that time, many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him.

"From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him."

Now this is not talking about the twelve apostles. The people that followed him around and listened to him preach where also called the disciples. When Jesus saw them turn away from him, he asked his apostles a very important question. Actually, Jesus could ask many of us the same question. John 6:67-69 tells us about this.
"67 Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? 68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. 69 And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God"
I believe that sums it up pretty good. When you know and understand that Jesus has the words of eternal life, why would you go to anyone else? Now I know why the thoughts, words of life, kept coming to me. Jesus has the words of eternal life. Peter was right when he said, Lord to whom shall we go? The answer, my friends, is to Jesus and none other. Why? Because he has the words of eternal life just for you and for me. So, just as God said in Deuteronomy, choose life. And as we say to you, choose Jesus Christ. Now that, my friends, are really words of life.

God Bless You,

Brother Bob

1 comment:

  1. dear brother bob I do you think you for all that you have done, fortune times are getting a little rough at the moment but I have not lost any hope anyway shape or form, god bless you for all that you do for us, your friend in security
