Sunday, July 22, 2012


My message to you this week, church, is this: trust in God!! Always trust in God. ladies and gentlemen, God is not only your heavenly Father, he is your very best friend. As all good friends should do, he helps guide you through every situation of life. Your trust and belief in his Son, Jesus Christ, guarantees it. Welcome everyone to your 24/7 week-long online church service, Everyone is welcome in this place.

In this world that we live in today, it is hard to trust anyone, isn't it? There was a time when ministers of the gospel were trusted by the faithful. Many people trusted out elected officials. We looked up to teachers, firemen, and police officers. But something has changed in our land, hasn't it? You can lay the blame for this occurrence on many things but I lay it at the foot of sin. Really, brother Bob? It's that simple? Yes, my friends, it really is that simple.

Sin takes many forms, church. Things like greed, power, love of money, deceit, lies, and even wars for greed and monetary gain rather then for defense. The undermining of workers such as our firemen, policemen, and trash collectors, just because they are unionized is sin in my eyes.

But the truth is, sin is now so rampant in our society that it is impossible to trust anyone or any thing with certainty. That brings me back to my original statement: trust in God!! God, through his Son Jesus, offers us love, peace, mercy, and grace. In a world of hate, war, and a rush to judgement, God's offer to us sounds pretty good to me.

This message is a strong message to believers as well as to non-believers. I desire to show you, in a world of uncertainty, that God's ways are certain and true. You put your trust in the ways of the Lord and you will be rewarded with joy and peace, regardless of what situation you find yourselves in at this present time. Read Psalms 25:10 with me:

"All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies."
Just to clarify something: this scripture is not saying there are many ways to God. No, my friends. There is only one way to God and that is through and by his Son, Jesus Christ. But of course, by this time, you should know that.

What this scripture is saying is this: study the Word of God and listen to the Spirit of God. They will show you God's ways. His paths will lead you to mercy and truth. Now that, you can trust! Listen to me, church!! Our heavenly Father desires to lead and guide you into victory in this world. That can only be through righteousness. Now obviously, not our own righteousness, right? That is why legalism in churches never works. Let's look at Psalm 23:3 talking about God.

"He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake."

I want you to really meditate on this, folks. Remember the time when you needed desperately for your soul to be restored? Maybe you are at that point right now. This scripture tells us God is here for you today. Not only does he restore your soul. He then leads you into his righteousness and makes it your own. What do you think he sent his Son Jesus to this earth for? He sent Jesus here just for you.

Jesus will restore your soul and lead you into righteousness. I cannot repeat or stress that enough! Psalms 73:24 goes further:

"Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory."
This is the complete story, folks. We receive our counsel through the Word of God which, by this time, you must know, it is the Bible. The Holy Spirit also guides and leads us but the key is you have to listen to him. Take some time just to be with God, my friends. Trust in God. He will lead and guide you through the land mines of life.

You know, folks, I talk to God every day about every thing. That certainly includes you. When I talk to God, I expect him to answer me. I have to admit, I don't always like the answer I receive in my Spirit and sometimes I miss the answer all together for many reasons. But one thing I do know; I trust God.

I have walked in darkness and I have walked in the light of God's ways. Take my word for it. Light is better! Jesus, talking in John 8:12 says this.

"Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."
Do you get this, folks? Are you walking in the darkness of life? Jesus is saying here: you don't have to do that. Trust in Jesus. Follow him. Receive Jesus into your heart today. He will dispel the darkness of life and replace it with the light of life. My friends, as I end this service, let me call you to the alter. Not a wooden alter, although that would be good if we had one. I am talking about the alter of your heart.

Believers, you may renew your commitment to Jesus and be restored. Non-believers, this is your chance. Please, say these words and be sincere about it: Jesus, come into my heart and cleanse me. Restore my soul and lead me unto the paths of righteousness. I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead and I this day confess you as Lord and Savior of my life. You said, in your Word if I would call on you, that you would save me. I am calling on you today. Save me, Jesus, save me. I now receive you in my heart and I know that I am saved and restored.

All I can say to you now, church, is if you said those words and sincerely meant it in your heart, you are now a child of God. Your soul has been restored. Walk with God. Follow his ways and by all means, always trust in God!!

God Bless You,

Brother Bob

1 comment:

  1. brother bob work this week message I greatly appreciate it, this should help those who are having trouble your friend in security
