Sunday, October 2, 2011


I am starting this week’s message with a very direct and truthful statement, totally based on the Word of God, which by now, we all know is the Bible.  God is a good God and his love and mercy endures forever.  Listen to me believer, when you trust in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you must understand he is with you in good times or bad times.  I often put it like this, God is a present time God.  Many look at God and his son as historical figures.  They do not even believe the Bible speaks to today’s lifestyles, troubles or trials.  But here is the truth, my friends, they are believing a lie. 

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service.  Everyone is welcome in this place.  I understand there is trouble on every side for many of you.  Believe me folks, I do not live high on a cloud floating above the troubles of life.  Oftentimes, when I am preaching to you, the Holy Spirit will point out to me “This message is for you too, big boy.”  When I preach to you about trusting God in difficult times, I am acutely aware that I must do the same. 

God pointed out to me many years ago, that what I preach to you goes for me also.  Just as Paul said – only follow him as he follows Christ.  Well, I say the same thing to you.  Let me tell you a story that happened in 625 B.C. that still relates and is relevant to today.  God sent a preacher named Nahum, actually he was a prophet.  God sent him to a despondent people who were suffering many afflictions – poverty, poor health conditions, a controlling and out of control government.  Now here was the message.  Turn with me to the book of Nahum in the Old Testament.  Read or listen to this scripture carefully.  In Nahum 1:7, Nahum states this to the people:

“The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.”
Now, that was in 625 B.C. (Before Christ).  And God has sent preachers from that time to this time with the same message of love and hope for us all.  I must tell you folks, I have been saved through the shed blood of Jesus Christ since 1976.  In all those years I have gone through many trials and difficult situations.  Many of them seemed hopeless.  In truth, most of them came from my opening the door to defeat all by myself. 

Believe me, church, you open the door to the devil and he will enter in quickly and he will bring his evil spirits with him.  That is why we teach spiritual warfare on this online church.  The thing that has brought me through the sad and bad things of life is this – I know, that I know, that I know that God loves me and his mercy endures forever.  He is my stronghold and he is always present in times of trouble.  Psalms 46:1 shows us this truth in no uncertain terms, so let’s read it together:

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
Is this not also the message of Nahum?  As well as all truly called preachers of our heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ.  There are some key thoughts here, aren’t there?  Let’s review these two scriptures.  Nahum says that the Lord is good, he is our stronghold.  Does anyone out there know what a stronghold is?  It is something you can hold onto for safety in the midst of your storm.  No matter what that storm may be.  The storms of life come in many varied ways, don’ they?  The storms may come as sickness, serious health problems, bad family or friend relationships, financial problems that seem to be endless, the loss of loved ones to death.  Such sadness and heartbreak, but God says I am your stronghold.  I know you are trusting in me and I will not let you down.

God says he is present in trouble.  Now why would that be, my friends?  The answer – to bring you through the storms of life victorious in him.  I have often told my children that it is not what happens to you in life that matters, it is how you react to them.  Things will always happen to us, but if we speak God’s Word and walk in his ways we will win.  Why?  Because God knows we trust in him and he will bring us through the storm.

Jesus himself used storms as an example of how he would protect us if we trust and follow him.  Matthew 7:24-25 states:

“Therefore, whosoever hears these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:  And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not:  For it was founded upon a rock.”
Now, let me ask you folks, who is that rock?  It is Jesus!!  I wanted to deliver this message to you this week because in many ways we are in the same condition in this world as they were in 625 B.C.  The preachers today, wait let me revise that.  The truly called preachers of today that preach only from the Word of God will tell you the same thing that Nahum preached.  The Lord is good, he is your stronghold.  He knows you are trusting in him and he will be your present help in trouble.

Be encouraged, church, God will bring you through it all.  How do I know that?  Nahum and the Word of God says so. 

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Urgent Prayer Request: Betty Sue Mausp from Dothin Alabama. Betty Sue has been diagnosed with cancer. Please pray for a complete and total healing. Church, we need serious prayer for Betty Sue!

1 comment:

  1. thank you again brother bob I will make sure that I say a prayer for be in soon as she gets better god bless you both your friend and security
