Sunday, October 9, 2011


Today I am giving this message with a heavy heart.  We just found out that a very good neighbor of ours, Otis Marshall, has passed on.  Otis was a believer and a faithful member of our online church.  In fact, Otis and his wife Geraldine always listened to our online message and then went on to attend their local church.

You know church, one of the things we have preached to you from the beginning is just be yourself.  Otis was like that.  A soft spoken believer who always seemed to put others above himself.  You did not have to ask Otis if he was a believer.  He showed it everyday of his life.  Otis was ninety-three years of age, but had the zip and zeal of a much younger man.  This online ministry asks you to pray for Geraldine and the rest of Otis’ family.  As for us and the rest of his neighbors, Otis will surely be missed.  He is now with Jesus and what greater place is there to be?

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service.  Please let it be known that everyone is welcome in this place.  All this reminds me of the original and still the mission of this online church.  To present the gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that is so simple that everyone can understand it.  As the old saying goes, sometimes we are so heavenly minded, we are no earthly good.

Often times the Word of God is preached in a hateful and condemning way.  But let me say to any nonbelievers or strayed away believers – love, mercy, peace and grace should still rule the day.  Doing good works comes naturally when you truly believe the Word of God.  I understand there are times when the circumstances of life get us down.  But the truth is, even in bad circumstances we must be who we are in Christ and not back away even one inch. 

My friends, I implore you to never grow weary in doing good.  The apostle Paul told the Galatian church the same thing I am telling you.  Please, turn with me to Galatians 6:9-10.  Here’s what Paul said:

“And let us not be weary in well doing:  For in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.  As we therefore have opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto  them who are of the household of faith.”
I believe the key words in the above scripture are - if we faint not.  I have often told you, church, when reading your Bible, always circle every if, but or lest.  They will lead you to the conditions that apply to that scripture.

The instructions in this scripture are very clear.  We are to do good to all men.  Well, surely that doesn’t include Muslims or homosexuals does it?  The answer is – oh yes it does.  Does that include drunkards, druggies, obsessive gamblers?  Well, church, what part of ‘all’ do you not understand?
 Doing good to people does not mean you condone their viewpoint or actions.  Your doing good to all is exactly what will draw them to the spirit that is operating in you. Am I making this clear to you, church?  Well, I sure hope I am. 

Look, I know what I am preaching to you may be different than your former teaching.  But I just believe following the Word of God is the perfect way to be.  Anything I am preaching to you comes directly from the Holy Bible by way of the Holy Spirit.  Tell you what, turn with me to Psalms 18:30-32.  It says:

“As for God, his way is perfect:  The word of the Lord is tried:  He is a buckler to all those that trust in him.  For who is God save the Lord?  Or who is a rock save our God?”
Do you trust in the Lord?  I mean, do you really trust in the Lord?  If so, become a doer of the Word instead of a hearer only. Just be yourself believer.  Show the love of God in whatever you do.  Let your everyday actions in life be your testimony.  People are tired of words only.  Action is what counts to most folks.  If it sounds like I am calling you out here, it is because I am.  But not only to you is this message intended, it is intended for me also.  We must set aside false denomination and seminary teaching and come back to the Word of God for instruction of life. 

Folks, we serve a faithful God.  His rewards are true and just.  As you are faithful to share the Word of God, not only by words but by action, God is faithful to reward you with blessing.  This has been true since the beginning of time.  Deuteronomy 7:9 in the Old Testament sort of lays it all out for us:

“Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations.”
In other words, God’s faithfulness and mercy is unlimited and forever to you as you show your love to him and keep his commandments.  Jesus’ main commandment to us is to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.  So, who is our neighbor?  Does the word used in the earlier scripture come to mind?  Do good  to “all.”

This message is not a message of reproof or condemnation, my friends.  No, it is a message that is calling all us of back to following God through his son Jesus.  When we do that, doing good will take care of itself.  Isaiah 40:31 shows us how to serve God and not grow weary.  Isaiah 40:31 states.

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
That’s what Otis did, my friends.  The Lord blessed him with long life on the earth and eternal life forever with him.  Please, do not tell me that God isn’t faithful.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

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