Sunday, October 23, 2011


A while back we did a four part series on spiritual warfare.  Today, I am encouraging you to go back to the archives and read or listen to that series of messages again.  The series began February 13, 2011 and continued for three more weeks concluding on March 6, 2011.  Now I am telling you to do this for a reason.  Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service.  Everyone is welcome in this place. 

Listen to me, church, this may be one of the most important messages I have ever preached to you.  To tell you the truth, I am fed up with the devil and the demonic spirits that he is dispatching to hurt and destroy the children of God.  It is obvious to me that Satan has stepped up his efforts to draw believers away from God.  I am convinced his demonic evil spirits have been fully dispatched to destroy the body of Christ. 

In recent weeks I have communicated with a number of you who have experienced these attacks personally.  The attacks range in scope from sickness and disease to financial problems and family disruptions.  Not even mentioning addictions to alcohol, drugs, gambling, cigarettes and sexual perversion such as pornography and fornication.  All in the body of Christ.  It has to stop and it has to stop now.

God is more powerful than Satan.  It’s time to pull the rug out from Satan and his very evil and despicable demons.  This ministry believes we have victory through and by the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Now it is time to live and walk in that victory.  You know, David the psalmist talked about this in Psalms 3.  Let’s take a look at this Psalm verse by verse.  Psalm 3:1 states:

“Lord, how are they increased that trouble me!  How many are they that rise up against me.”
You know folks, people today including some of you are asking the very same question, aren’t you?  Lord, how can this be happening to me?  Where are all these attacks coming from?  Marital problems, financial problems, I’ve lost my job, I’ve been struck with sickness and doctors and medicine don’t seem to help.  It appears I am being hit from every side.  My friends seem like enemies to me.  My family doesn’t understand me.  God, what is wrong? 

Now be truthful with yourself and God.  Have not some of these questions entered your mind?  If they haven’t, this message isn’t for you.  But, that doesn’t get you off the hook.  Pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ.  They need your help and support.  Psalms 3:2 states:

“Many there be that say of my soul, there is no help for him in God.  Selah.”
You see, there is a lie of the devil right there.  I guarantee you folks, while you are fighting these battles, Satan will send people to you with negative attitudes toward God.  There could be spirits of doubts, anger and deceptions operating through them and they don’t even know it.  What’s even worse is that the devil will use your friends, your family and even strangers to try and get you to give up on God.  I’m telling you, church, there is a spiritual war going on for your soul.  I told you this was an important message for you, didn’t I?

So, what is the solution?  It is your decision to trust God or throw him overboard that will make the difference.  I am believing you will make the right choice.  Psalms 3:3 gives you the instructions.  The question is, will you follow them?  David says:

“But thou O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. “
Oh my, church, you want to turn things around?  Start speaking the Word.  No matter how bad it looks or feels, God is on your side.  Tell God and the devil that you believe that.  State as David did -  you my Lord, are my shield from all attacks of the devil.  When I begin to hang my head in defeat, you lift me up.  You hold my head high when I can’t.  Thank you Lord.  Psalms 3:4 goes on to say:

“I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill.  Selah.”
Do you get this, church?  When you are at your wits end, don’t give up.  Cry unto the Lord.  I promise that he will hear you.  So once again, what is the way to run the devil off?  Speak the Word and cry unto the Lord!!  Remember Psalms 46:1?  We have presented it to you many times in the past.

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
That, my friends, is why we cry out to him.  I believe you are beginning to get this, aren’t you?  God loves you so much, church.  He knows how desperately Satan desires to destroy you.  But, if you will just trust God, he will bring you through it all.  In Psalms 3:5  David says:

“I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the Lord sustained me.”
What David is teaching us here is to trust God.  I mean, really trust God, and you will be able to sleep knowing that God is with you and that he will sustain you.  Look folks, I know by the Spirit of God some of you are not sleeping well lately.  That is exactly the reason I am presenting this message to you.  Psalms 3:6 states:

“I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about.”
Let me say this to you, my friends – fear not!!  Do not be afraid.  If the devil was to send ten thousand demon spirits against you, you speak the Word of God to them.  Cry out to the Lord and he will hear you.  And then just lay down and get some good sleep.  God is with you.  Psalms 3:8 states:

“Salvation belongeth unto the Lord; thy blessing is upon thy people.  Selah.”
Are you a child of God, my friends?  Well then, follow the instructions and be blessed.  The truth is, when it is all said and done, God loves you.  You are still his child.  Jesus is still Lord of all and his name is the name above every name.  He is your Lord and  Savior and he will not let you down.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Congratulations are in order. The Spirit of Wisdom Ministries would like to send out congratulations to Joel and Michelle Garcia. They were united in marriage yesterday. Joel has just recently begun to read or listen to our online church services. We wish him and Michelle the very best and we pray for a great marriage. 

New Prayer Request: Please pray for Russell Pandolph. Russell needs a good place to live and is seeking a better job with good pay and benefits to help provide for his needs. We are agreeing with Russell that his every need will be met.

1 comment:

  1. thank you brother bob this message was great ,and my head akes are gone your your friend and security
