Sunday, September 25, 2011


Today I believe it is time to discuss the role of believers on the earth.  Now many teach that we are to be the example both to the saved and unsaved on the earth.  The truth is we are not the example for them to follow. Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God, is the one and only true example of perfect and sinless living on this earth.  Now there, my friends, is an example to follow.  Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service.  Everyone is welcome in this place. 

Too many believers carry their Christian beliefs as a burden and weight instead of the freedom and liberty God intends for us.  There is a scripture that talks clearly to believers and unbelievers alike.  However, preachers often times narrow the scope and meaning of God’s Word too much.  That scripture says – come to me you that labor and are heavy laden.  Tell you what, let’s look at that scripture together.  Matthew 11:28-30 states:

“Come unto me ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart:   And ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Now this was said to us by Jesus himself.  Most times when these verses are taught, the focus is on the unsaved and rightly so.  However, Jesus is clearly talking to both believers and nonbelievers at the same time.  Let’s look at this closely.  The unbeliever who is weighed down by sin is being called out to here by Jesus.  Our Lord is telling the unsaved sinner that he is available to him.   He is in fact telling them that he knows they are laboring to be good and do right.  But, because they are so in bondage to sin and the ways of the world, it feels like the weight of the world is upon them. 

Now to the believer he is saying come to me for your testimony and laboring for me should not be a heavy weight on you.  Jesus says – come to me and I will lead and guide you.  You see, church, God knows we are saved but he also knows we are human.  We strive to be as Jesus is but we are not Jesus.  God desires us to strive for perfection, but he knows we are not perfect.  I guarantee you folks, if you reach perfection on this earth God will take you home because the only direction from perfection would be back to imperfection,

One thing that stands out to me is when Jesus says – take my yoke upon you and learn of me.  That goes to the heart of Jesus and what he did for us on that cross.  Jesus says to the nonbeliever – by receiving him as Lord and Savior you can be set free from the heavy burden sin has placed on you.  Taking on the yoke of the cross in the place of sin will give you a liberty and cleanness in your spirit that is indescribable in words.

Now to believers.  Jesus is saying to you – take off the weight of trying to be flawless and perfect before men so they won’t think you are a hypocrite and just learn of him.  My friends, the more you learn of Jesus by studying his word, which is the Bible, the more you will see that Jesus has done everything for you.  Jesus tells you he will give you rest for your soul.  When you have rest in your soul you will not have to try to serve God, you will just be able to do it.  It will be so natural for you to walk in God’s peace, love, mercy and grace that people will just not be able to not see it.  The burden you placed on yourself to do good works will be lifted and good works will come naturally to you.

The point I am making to you my friends, is this – as believers just be who you are, a child of God.  Serve God with your whole heart, body and soul.  Do not confuse human flaws with being a hypocrite.  There are hypocrites, but we will discuss that at a later time.  The people who are observing your walk with Christ will be much more impressed and affected by your ability to be human and serve God than by any self righteous act you could commit.

You see, God desires that we operate in his goodness.  He wants us to operate in his works and not our own.  The more we learn of God, the more we will lean on Jesus and allow our souls to rest in him.  The more our souls rest in Jesus, the more effective we will become as witnesses for him. Hebrews 4:9-10 explains it better than I can – so let’s read it together:

“There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.  For he that is entered into his rest, he also has ceased from his own works as God did from his.”
What God is telling us here is really pretty simple, church.  God is saying to us – Just as he rested from his works on the seventh day, we can rest in him.  Our heavenly Father loves us very much and he desires that we serve him but not by or our own works.  We must be like the apostles in the Bible, telling the story of Jesus and what he has done for us.  Being a living testimony of the love of God for us all.  Letting people know that what God has done for us he will do for them.

That my friends, is the role of a believer on this earth.  This is not rocket science folks.  It is just the truth. 

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

1 comment:

  1. thank you brother bob your friend in security god bless you and god bless your family
