Sunday, January 3, 2010

Trust the Lord Again!!

Welcome to the year 2010. Yes folks, another year has passed. We are now entering a whole new decade. Sort of hard to believe, isn't it? One thing we can believe, The Spirit Of Wisdom Ministries is beginning it's sixth month of service. We have not missed a weekly service in the past six months. God is so good, isn't he?

We have endeavored to always present the Gospel exactly as God has given it to us. If there is no anointing, we do not preach or teach. God has blessed us with the wisdom and ability to give forth his Word in his truth and by his Spirit. Thank you Lord for your continuing anointing and the blessing upon your Word that goes forth from this ministry.

Welcome everyone to your 24/7 week-long online church service. As always, we welcome everyone to this place. Holy Spirit, you are always welcome in this place. Thank you for leading and guiding us unto the path of righteousness.

As we mentioned beforehand, we have now entered a new year. The new year always seems to invoke the thoughts of new beginnings, new hopes, and new desires. We make resolutions to hopefully bring about better life conditions, don't we? Resolutions to be a better person, to make more money, to lose weight, and to eat healthier. All good things, my friends, but all very temporary, aren't they? Experts say most new years resolutions are broken within two months. Why? Because they are usually good thoughts but not anchored by determination and hard work. Oftentimes, these resolutions are broken because we have a lack of direction on how to bring about change in our lives.

We listen to Oprah or Dr. Phil, read self-improvement magazines, follow the advice of educators, scientists, friends, neighbors, even politicians or talking heads on T.V. or radio. Am I speaking truth here or not, my friends? In other words, we turn to everything and everyone except God and his Word. We will watch the history, biography, or discovery channel, and believe what they say over what the Bible, which is God's direction book of life, has to say. I believe in previous messages we showed that God has left his directions for our lives in written form and that is the Bible.

It's time, my friends, to start the new year off the right way. Make your resolutions based on eternal things. Turn to God now and stay with God, no matter what. As our former pastor John Bulloch, of the Solid Rock Church in Hazel Park Michigan always said, “Don't go by how you feel, go by the word that's real.” That is the truth, my friends.

Believers, be refreshed in the spirit of God. Be strengthened in the inner man. Be directed by God in your affairs of life again as you were when you first received Christ as your Lord and Savior. Trust the Lord again!! Turn with me to Proverbs 3:5-6:

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart: and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

How will he direct you in all your ways? Simple, my friends. By the reading and understanding of his Word (the Bible) and by his Spirit. Listen for his voice as you once did, remember? Please turn with me to John 18:37:

“Pilate therefore said unto him, “art thou a king then?” Jesus answered, “thou saith that I am a King. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I unto the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice.”

Ladies and gentlemen, the very moment you accepted Jesus into your heart, you became one that is of the truth. The truth is Jesus Christ. Jesus himself told us that, didn't he? Oh, come on now, you know he did! Please look in your Bible to John 14:6. Jesus talking to Thomas:

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: No man cometh unto the Father but by me.”

It is very clear, my friends, if you know Jesus, not just know about him. You are of the truth and that means you can hear his voice. What a way to start the new year. Refocusing your life by recommitting your being to God through his Son, Jesus Christ. Live again by faith and not by sight. Speak Gods word into every situation of life. Ask God to once again give you eyes to see and ears to hear. Ask him for wisdom and understanding. Get back into his Word daily (the Bible) and I promise the year 2010 will be the best year ever for you, no matter what happens. Be of good cheer, my friends. God is with you and for you. This is the word of encouragement God has for you this week. Get excited about the possibilities church, God will lead and guide you through every peril of life because you have chosen by faith to love and serve him. You want a resolution that will change your life for the good, don't you? Resolve to once again walk and live in the realm of the Spirit. Don't worry about the economy or what politicians or false teachers have to say. Concentrate on God and his ways. You do that and happy new year will not just be a greeting, it will be a way of life in God, through his Son, Jesus Christ. This ministry is here to walk beside you and to support you in your resolution to get excited once again about the things of God. Father, we at the Spirit of Wisdom Ministries pray for these believers that are a part of our online church family. Bless them, Heal them, and Deliver them. Lead them, Lord into victory through your son, Jesus. Thank you, Lord for being our loving father, Amen.

Now, just a short note to some of you that have walked or drifted away from God. Come on back today. Jesus is waiting with open arms to love you, forgive you, and to welcome you back home with him and so are we, my friends. Start the new year right. Get right with God and live free again.

I know there are people that enter into our online church service that have not accepted Jesus as their Lord and savior, but I also know you have felt the drawing of the Holy Spirit. That is the love of God calling you to accept the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart. You know I am speaking truth to you. You know Jesus died for you and you believe he really did arise from the dead so that you may be saved from your sin. You really are tired of the emptiness that prevails in your life. So, come on my friend, ask Jesus into your heart today. Ask him to forgive you and cleanse you from all your sin. Believe in your heart and confess Jesus as Lord of your life. I know you are out there and I know you are ready to do this. Email me today at and tell us of your decision. We love you and will rejoice with you and we will welcome you into the family of God.

Well, my friends, as we begin this new year, be encouraged. God is a good God and he loves you. He really does you know.

God Bless you,

Bro. Bob

Prayer Request Update: We are continuing to pray for Shaun Morgan. Shaun will have the repeat of all his tests in January to see how well the bone marrow did. Please agree with us, in prayer, that the tests will be successful. Continue to pray for a complete and total healing for Shaun. Also, pray that God will bless Shaun financially to take care of his medical expenses. Ask God to give Shaun and his mother, Freida, direction and peace in the medical decisions they still have to make. Pray believing and have faith that God will work a miracle for Shaun.

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