Sunday, December 27, 2009

Pray Hard With Purpose in 2010

Welcome to your 24/7 week-long online church service. A church where everyone is welcome. Can you believe the year 2009 is nearly over? 2010 is less than one week ahead. You know, the end of each year is a time for reflection, isn't it? A time to look back on our lives and a time to evaluate what went right and what went wrong. Many people are glad this year is coming to an end and hoping that 2010 will bring better opportunities and good fortune to them.

As we look backward, we will remember loved ones that have passed on, both family members and friends. We were also thrilled by new births, marriages, and good relationships. This is also a good time, my friends, to evaluate where we are spiritually. Are we as close to God as we were at the beginning of 2009 or have we drifted away from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? Have we let the entanglements of this world begin to separate us from the love, mercy, and grace of our Heavenly Father. If we have, my friends, I am here as a preacher of the gospel to tell you God has not moved away from us. He is a present time God. Always willing and eager to extend his blessings, his love, his mercy, his grace, to all that have left him upon their return. Yes, my friends, if God seems more distant than before, it is you that has moved away from him.

I have often told my children, the closer you get to God, the better things will be for you and the farther away you are from God, the worst things will become for you. It is time, my believing friends, to recommit your lives to Jesus and walk in his ways. Don't let the world take you down. Galatians 5:1 puts it all into perspective for us:

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage”

Good advice for the start of the new year. Stand fast in your love and dedication to our Savior, Jesus Christ. Walk freely in the mercy and grace He provides. The day you accepted Jesus into your heart and confessed him as Lord of your life the yoke of bondage to this sinful world system fell off of you. The only way that yoke of bondage can be put back on you is if you pick it up and put it on yourself. The devil can't do it, the world can't do it. Only you, by choice, is responsible for staying free and not returning to the former life of sin, bondage, and guilt.

As we turn to the new year, wouldn't that be a great new years resolution? Resolved, we will walk in the power, love, mercy, and grace God provides for us. We will walk in the salvation Jesus gave us when he died on that old rugged cross, and when he arose from the dead, completing the perfect acceptable sacrifice for us all. Thank you, Jesus!!!

Now, isn't that a better resolution than losing weight, making more money, or any other thing that is temporary? God is not temporary, my friends. He is eternal.

To my unbelieving friends, I must tell you that no matter what state of mind you find yourself in at the end of this year, without accepting Jesus Christ into your heart, the upcoming new year will not be any better for you spiritually. Yes, you may make more money. You may get promotions. You may even be admired by men but I promise you that none of those things will fulfill you. Only God can give you true peace and fulfillment that you are missing in your life. When God gave his only begotten son to die on that cross, it was for you, my friend. Turn to John 3:16 & 17:

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”

My unbelieving friends, Jesus in these scriptures, is talking to you. What better way for you to start 2010 than by accepting this free gift of salvation. God does not condemn you; he wants to save you. He wants you to transfer from just being a creation of his to being a son or daughter. Yes, he wants to be your Heavenly Father. God loves you. He really does. How about it? Are you tired of the endless fight within yourself? Come to God today and be set free.

Many of you have parents, grandparents, and friends that are praying for you. Yes, even we at this online church ministry are praying for you. We want you in the family. I promise, we will be here for you, to support you, and to help you grow in Christ so you will have and obtain all that God has for you. Do you want to be a better father, mother, son, or daughter? Do you want to be a better employer or employee? Do you want to be a better husband or wife? Do you want to be set free from yourself? It is time, my friends. Jesus is in this place. Accept him today and be free in the Lord. I promise, no matter what happens in 2010, God will provide a better way for you. God will lead you and guide you through the perils of life.

Do you want this for yourself and your family today? Do you want to be a new creation in God? It is yours for the asking, my friend. Email me today at I will give you instructions and guidance on how to accept and walk in the free gift of salvation that Jesus is offering you today.

Believers, please pray for these unbelievers. Pray that God will reveal himself to them. That he will give them eyes to see and ears to hear that they may be saved. Pray for spirit-filled believers to come into their lives. Rebuke the darkness and pray that the light of God shines on these souls. Pray hard, my friends, with purpose. Please turn to the book of Jude with me. Instructions for believers for themselves, and for the lost. Jude verse 20-23. Jude is now talking to believers, so if that is you, listen up!

“But ye beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost. Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And of some have compassion, making a difference; and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.”

There it is, my friends. Let's start the new year the right way. Building yourselves up by exercising your faith. Stay in the spirit, and always look for and accept God's love and mercy on your lives. Replace judgment with compassion for the lost. Lead them to Jesus rather than kicking them to the curb because of their sinful ways that at one time was our ways. Be bold, pull, or in other words, snatch, the lost out of the fire. Hate what the devil is doing to the lost. Do not condemn them, but save them. Jesus said, do the same things I do, and saving them is what he did. Well, my friends, this is the last message of 2009. I hope and pray this message will launch a new year for you, filled with God's love, filled with faith, filled with mercy and grace, and filled with purpose. That purpose being to live for and serve God with all your heart, mind, and soul. We at the Spirit of Wisdom Ministries wish all of you a very happy new year.

God bless you,

Brother Bob


  1. Prayer, if we only would pray 15 more minutes a day by the end of 2010 that would mean an additional 30 hours of prayer. How many of us work at least 40hrs a week can't we give Him 15 More min. a day? Happy New year.

    Thanks Dad,

    Love David

  2. The other day...

    Me: "Bobby, I want to make more money this year"

    Bro Bob stares at me in silence for a second

    Bro Bob: "You obviously haven't read my message this week!"

    Me: "Umm, not yet"

    **WACK!!** I get slapped on the back of the head
    (friendly slap of course)

    Lol, now I see why you wanted me to read this message Bro Bobby! I feel as though this message was written specifically for me. I've been waiting for that 'big change' to fill up the emptiness I've been having for a while, and I thought it'll be through a change in jobs or financial status.

    But as always, Bro Bobby is there to knock (or slap) some sense into me. Don't know what I'd do without ya. :)

    Thanks for the message Bro Bob, you've definitely got me interested in accepting God into my life.

