Sunday, August 16, 2009

Stir it up! [ Week #2]

Welcome to week #2 of your "online church." Everyone is welcome in this place. May God enlighten, inspire, and bless you during your visit here.

Lord, we pray to you today, asking you to bless this week-long service. Please allow your Holy Spirit to touch all that enter in. We ask you to save the lost, heal the sick, and set the captives free. Thank you, Lord, in Jesus' name we pray... Amen.

Let the service begin:

There are so many things to share with you that sometimes I just have to ask God, "what exactly do you want the people to receive from you today?" God (Our heavenly Father), loves us so much and has so much to give us, to help us, to encourage us, that each week, I believe that He will give us just what we need for today, and the week ahead.

I encourage you to read the Word of God (The Bible) for yourselves. God can and will reveal Himself to you in His word. The revealed truth of God is in the Bible, and it is there for you.

God has given the believers, those that have asked and accepted his Son, Jesus Christ, as Lord and saviour, eyes to see, and ears to hear (spiritually speaking). All non-believers, listen to me carefully now: our heavenly Father will do the same to you. Accept Jesus as Lord and saviour of your life and God's Word (the Bible) will come alive to you. I promise!!

Today, I will be talking to believers, but I want any non-believer to eavesdrop. I am asking the question, Who are we (Christians) and why are we here? It's time to take heed, my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am going to reveal the answer to the above question for you.

Turn with me in your Bible to 2nd Cor. 5:20. Let's read it together:

"Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ stead be reconciled to God."

My friends and fellow ambassadors, it is our mission to represent Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth. Our citizenship, since receiving Christ and being born again, is the Kingdom of God. We are on this Earth in an official capacity. We are to reconcile others to God by presenting his Son, Jesus Christ, to them, that they may be set free from their burden of sin by receiving Jesus as their Lord and saviour.

One of the pitfalls ambassadors face, when serving their country or kingdoms, while living in a strange land for a long time, is they forget what country they are representing. They begin to align themselves with the country they are there to influence, thereby rendering themselves useless and ineffective to the Kingdom they are supposed to represent. Is that the kind of ambassador you desire to be? Hopefully not!!!

Ladies and gentleman, I have often said, "there is NO such thing as 'dual citizenship' in the Kingdom of God." Either you are a citizen in the Kingdom of God or you are a citizen in this world's kingdom. Please stay true to God and represent Christ well. So, fellow ambassadors, let's shake off the dust, the cobwebs, and the apathy, off of ourselves and bring the joy of serving the great and loving God back to our heart and being.

"Well, that sounds great, Brother Bob, but how do we do that?" I'm glad you asked!! Break up your fallow ground, my friends. Please refer to and read Jeremiah 4:3

"For thus saith the Lord to the men of Judah and the men of Jerusalem. Break up your fallow ground and sew not among thorns."

Fallow ground is portrayed as unattended land, thorns, thickets, and such. Sometimes, our spirit is like fallow ground: not used, thorny, and not willing to take in seed. The very seed that is sown to the Word of God, and yes, even right here at this online church every Sunday.

The way you clean up fallow ground is to rake it, like raking up grass, or brush. The Spirit of God is saying, "Rake up your Spirit." Stir up what God has put in you through His Word.

I say, by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, stir it up!! We are waiting for God to stir something up in us, while the Spirit of God, is saying it is there already. Stir it up yourself! Plow up that fallow ground. Let God's Word grow up in your spirit, so you can be that witness (ambassador) you are meant to be.

When you have cleansed your spirit, you will not be ashamed of the gospel. (Refer to Romans 1:16)

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to EVERYONE that believeth, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."

Then the Spirit of God will show you how to look past long hair, tattoos, piercings, drunkards, adulterers, gamblers, etc. Remember, God doesn't look on the outside, but upon the heart. The Gospel may be hid from them. What?? You don't think the Gospel could be hid??

Let's turn together to 2nd Cor. 4:3-4:

"But if our Gospel be hid, it is hid from the lost. And whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."

Be a light! Reconcile them to God and watch them grow in freedom, love, and the mercy and grace of God, as will you, my good ambassador of Christ.

My unbelieving friends, if you have met an ambassador of Christ, it is because God loves you and wants you in His Kingdom. What is your answer to God today?

God bless you all,

Brother Bob


Before we conclude the service, I must ask if anyone feels the tug of the Holy Spirit, to give your life to God, through His son Jesus. If so, please confess aloud with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and you shall be saved. Just say and mean in your heart, "Father I come to you in the name of your Son, Jesus. I ask you to forgive my sins and I give my heart and life to you. I confess and believe in my heart that Jesus is my Lord and saviour. I accept you, Jesus with all thanks giving." (Refer to Romans 10:9)


A very special prayer request

We have received a very special prayer request. I am asking each one who enters this site, to pray for Vanessa. She has a brain tumor and needs our prayers. Vanessa, I am praying and asking God to heal you. I am asking the Lord to give you peace in your mind, body, and spirit. I am asking all those that will pledge to pray for Vanessa everyday, for the next thirty days, to email me: This is what church is all about! Praying and asking God for his help for others. God bless you, Vanessa. Feel free to email Brother Bob at anytime for prayer or to answer any question you may have.


A couple of personal notes from Brother Bob...

Congratulations to my beautiful niece in Gaylord, MI. Yesterday, she married Stephen Ching. I am very happy for both of them. Shawna, I love you very much. Aunt Vicki and myself pray for Gods' most abundant blessings on you and your husband, Stephen. Allow me to give you some "Uncle Bob" advice. Always make God the center piece of your marriage. Always keep loving each other and make this a commitment to each other, that this marriage and love will be forever, no matter what. Stay true and faithful to each other and enjoy your life together. We love you!

I also want to send out "Happy Birthday" wishes to my neice in Baton Rouge, LA. Amy, your Uncle Bob and Aunt Vicki love you very much. I am praying for Gods blessing on you, Amy. Enjoy the day and may this be the best year ever for you. Remember, everyone should have an Uncle Bob! LOL!


Brother Bob is glad to receive any prayer requests, praise reports, or any comments you want to make, at You're feedback is greatly appreciated!

Check in daily for any updates, prayer requests, and/or announcements.

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