Sunday, August 30, 2009

Staying in the Word [Part 1]

Welcome to all that enters into this place. This is your online church, and as I always say, everyone is welcome here.

We welcome the Holy Spirit in this place. We ask for Gods anointing on all that transpires in this church service. We pray this will be a safe haven from all the insecurities, fears and burdens that you are facing in this world. We pray life and blessing in this place.

Do you need salvation from the burden of sin? Do you need healing in your body or your mind? Do you need peace in your mind, body, or spirit? Do you need the power to live a righteous life that is pleasing to God? Are you discouraged about life, the economy, bills, your job, your family life, your relationships or lack thereof?

My friends, we preach the answer to all these things. We preach Jesus Christ!!! We preach Jesus died on the cross as a substitute for us. We preach Jesus was buried (in a tomb) for three days. We preach that Jesus defeated the devil, and we preach that Jesus rose again from the dead to redeem our souls. We preach Jesus ascended back to Heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us. We preach that by accepting Gods sacrifice for us (Jesus) that man can be saved, and become an adopted Son of God. We preach God will give us (His kids) Spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear. The Word of God will become alive to us and all the solutions to our problems of life can be understood and given over to God for a good resolution.

The Bible is God's direction book for life. This church teaches the "Word of God" and nothing else. Join with us, my friends, if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, do so today. If you have been born again but have lost the faith and walked away from God, turn around and come back home.

Today is the day to:

  1. Acknowledge your sin
  2. Turn from your sin
  3. Turn to God for mercy and forgiveness
(That is repentance.)

Now: Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord." If you have done that, you are saved, and my returning Christian, you are back home in Gods loving arms, cleansed and set free. I am praising God for the new babe in Christ and for the one that has returned to serve and love God with all their might.

Let's turn to God's direction book for life (the Bible), Gods Word.

In case you haven't noticed....

The Service has begun!

The title of the message is... "Staying in the Word." One night while working a part time security job, I was watching T.V. I decided to turn the T.V. off and read the Bible. As I reached for my Bible, I said aloud to myself, (yes, sometimes I talk aloud to myself, don't you?) "Staying in the Word." I no sooner said that when the Spirit of God spoke to my spirit (not audible) "yes, that is right!! Stay in the Word." I was taken aback but I knew that was from God.

Why should we stay in the Word of God? Please turn to Matthew 4:4. This could also be found in Luke 4:4. Jesus was in the wilderness and had fasted for forty days and forty nights and I am sure he was very hungry. Satan (the tempter) came to him and said, "if thou be the Son of God command these stones be made bread. Jesus responded to him, in the scripture by saying:

"It is written man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
(Matthew 4:4)

What God is saying here is, His Word is more important than anything else in this world. It will provide everything we need to live for God. The Word of God provides power to us to overcome any obstacle. In Luke 4:32 (you don't need to turn there), it tells the story of how the people were astonished at His doctrine for His Word was with power. Yes, my friends!! God's Word is always full of power, and just think, God has given us His Word (the Bible) to read, use, and apply to today's problems in life.

It is very important we hold fast to the faithful Word of God, otherwise we could be led astray by the things of this world. We could even be deceived by the smooth-talking preachers that are preaching a false gospel for their own personal reputation or money, rather than preaching about the saving of souls, through the saving grace of Jesus, the Son of the living God.
You can refer to Titus 1:9-11 to back this statement up.

In the previous messages, I have preached about eternal life or death. Your choice, right?? Jesus was once talking to the multitudes (lots of people). He was very popular with them when He was preforming miracles, but this time He was preaching about who He was, and how the only way to the Father (God) was through Him. Almost all of the crowd was shocked at this and left Him alone with His disciples, even though what He told them was the truth. Many of the people that now turn their back on Jesus had once claimed belief in Him. Jesus turned to His twelve disciples and asked them, "will you also go away?" Please turn to John 7:67 and 7:68 for the answer Peter gave to him.

"Then said Jesus unto the twelve 'will you also go away?'"

In other words, Jesus was asking them, "are you deserting me too?"

"Then Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life."

There is the answer, my good people. Jesus has the words to eternal life. Where else can we go? The Bible is the Word of God. The words to eternal life is in the book (the Bible).

This concludes part 1 of "Staying in the Word." We will pick up with part 2 next week. You have my guarantee, you will be shocked and amazed at what is to be revealed!

God bless you,

Bro. Bob

IMPORTANT!!! The Spirit of God is impressing on me, that someone (a believer) will enter our church this week. You have walked away from God. Your situation in life is defeating you. You keep asking yourself, "where's God? I can't take this anymore! I feel like giving up, throwing in the towel, what is the use?" My brother or sister, God has instructed me to tell you that He loves you.

There is something that is not of God in your life. Fear, bitterness, unforgiveness (Spiritual Poison). I am not sure what it is, but you are, and so is God. Give it up, my brother or sister, return to the foot of the cross. Ask God to forgive you, to cleanse you, and to show you the solution to your problems. I know that He will!
Email me with your praise report. That will lift my burden for you and I will praise and thank God with you.

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