Sunday, June 10, 2012


You may have noticed that we had a little technical problem with our audio last week. For those of you that do listen to our messages, we apologize for the delay. The audio has been restored. Our hope is that you will return to last week's message and read or listen to it again. I believe it was a message of love and hope and it was designed just for you. Welcome everyone to your 24/7 week-long online church service. Everyone is very welcome in this place.

The message we are presenting this week could and hopefully will stir up something in the non-believers out there. After all, our ministry mission is to point you to Jesus Christ. But truthfully speaking, it may apply more to believers that for whatever reason have become lukewarm or even cold in their faith. Some of you may have walked away from your church, your faith, and your walk with God. Now, some people would say, "shame on you." But we say, "turn back now. Come on back home."

A good friend of mine, Jim Vaughn, used to tell people, "your church or some believer may have hurt you by their words or actions." "But Jesus has never hurt you so why walk away from Him?" I keep telling you, church, God's love for you is never ending. Why not come back and return that love to Him? My friends, God never gives up on you. That is shown, not only in the New Testament, but in the Old Testament, as well. Understand this, church, it takes both the Old and New Testament to complete God's Word to you. In the book of Jeremiah, the prophet was talking to Israel but the words he spoke to them also apply to us. Let's look at Jeremiah 24:7 and see what God has to say through his prophet. Jemimah 24:7 states:

"And I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God; for they shall return unto me with their whole heart."
 My friends, the moment you truly received Jesus into your heart, God gave you a new heart or, in other words, a heart with a desire to know Him. Notice, I did not say a desire to know about Him. God desires you to know Him in all his glory and love. In this scripture, God calls you "His people." That is how much He loves you, church. Let's face it, we all take care of our own people, don't we? How much more would God care for you and me just because we are His by our choice? But, there is even more. The verse goes on to say, "and I will be their God." That is an exclusive, my friends!! 

God is saying clearly here, because of our love for Him, He is our God. This is personal, folks. That is the reason God stays available to you even when you have lost your way. Why, He even sends old preachers like me out to holler as loud as I can to you. God loves you. Come back home. May I say the word "repent" to you? What does that mean? It means to do an about face and come back to Jesus. because of God's love for you, He is ready and willing to forgive you. 

God says, He believes in you. How do I know that? Well, just keep reading verse 7 of Jeremiah 24. That's where God says, "for they shall return onto me with their whole heart." It's time, isn't it? You know and I know that the trappings of this world are no substitute for the love and closeness you once had with your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Let me remind you of the darkness that filled your life before Jesus. Think back to just before your conversion to a new life in Jesus Christ. What was it, my friend, that had you bound up so tightly? Let me ask you this question, why return to that same darkness and to the bondage of sin and guilt that was destroying you? The Apostle Paul in the book of Ephesians says it better than I. Please turn with me to Ephesians 5:8. There is instruction in this verse just for you. The scripture says:

"For you were sometimes darkness, but now are you light in the Lord: Walk as children of light."
This is not judgment, church. This is Godly information and instruction for your benefit. The Apostle Paul is reminding you here of who you really are. A child of God. Notice Paul does NOT say, "you were once in darkness." No, he says, "there were times when you were darkness." I know in my heart, my fellow believer, you do not want to return or to stay in that state of being. So here is the instruction. Take another look at verse 8 in Ephesians. it continues, "but now..." Let me repeat that. "But now are you light in the Lord: Walk as children of light."

My brother or sister in Christ, you are no longer darkness. You are light in the Lord. Now, snap out of it! Choose this instant to return to God and walk as children of light. Who is the light? Your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Who is your Heavenly Father? God almighty. Walk as His child. Let me remind you, you are still His child. Now, walk as his Son Jesus does. Full of light, mercy, and grace. This is a short message but I have said enough!

God Bless you,
Brother Bob

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