Sunday, February 5, 2012


I believe it’s time to present a message designed just for believers.  We have talked a lot recently about salvation.  The question is, once a believer, what then?  So many different people and preachers who mean well, give you direction and advice, don’t they?  The problem is, oftentimes their counsel is exactly opposite from each other.  I know this has happened to many of you.  This week we will address life after your salvation decision.  Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service.   Everyone is welcome in this place.  My friends, I am not going to give you a seven step message on living life as a believer.   In fact, no preacher has the right to dictate your steps or life as a believer.  My mission is to help you become the best, most joyful, effective witness for Jesus you can be.

The first thing I will say to you is this:  God loves you and he desires that you return his love back to him with your own love and will.  Psalms 31:23-24 explains why I say this to you.  Let’s read it together.
“O love the Lord, all ye his saints:   For the Lord preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer.   Be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.”
There is much to talk about in just these two verses of scripture, aren’t there?  The Word of God here is giving you Godly instruction.   First it says to you the saved, born again believer – Love the Lord.  There are many rules and regulations laid down by many churches that really are just man made laws.  But in this scripture the instruction is pure.  Love the Lord with all your heart and soul.  Why?  So that no matter what obstacle or problem you face in the present or future – God says he will preserve you.  Yes folks, God is always with you and will bring you through to victory in him.

The scripture went on the say – Be of good courage.  In other words, stay strong in faith.  Face life fully knowing that God is with you.  This scripture tells us if you do that, He will strengthen your heart.  Now, let me ask you, friends, does your heart need strengthening?  I know there are times when mine does.  We live in a time of trouble and with affliction all around us.  Heartaches, relationship problems, sickness and even the death of our loved ones.  The weak of heart can be taken advantage of, can’t they?  Love the Lord, be strengthened and continue your blessed day by day journey with the Lord.  If you start out and continue this way Psalms 27:7 will apply to you.  It says:
“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped:  Therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.”
Now you know why we say to you – Love the Lord.  My believing brothers and sisters, never stop loving God.  Certainly and for sure he never stops loving you.  The next thing I would say to you is this:  Be and remain confident in the love and faithfulness of God and his son, your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.   Sometimes with all the whirlwinds of life attempting to toss us to and fro, we must keep our confidence in our heavenly Father.  The apostle Paul told the believers at the church of Phillipi this very thing.  But let me stress to you what is truth for the believers in Phllipi is the very same truth for us today.  Please turn with me to Phillipians 1:6, which states:
“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”
Now listen to me, believer.  Is there even one of you who received Jesus Christ in your heart that doesn’t believe a good work was started in you?  That would be a good check for you, my friend.  You may have uttered the sinners prayer or went to the altar due to pressure from well meaning friends or relatives.  But the truth is, that is not receiving salvation, that is just uttering words to no effect. 

A person who comes to God in true brokenness and asks Jesus into his heart will definitely know a good work has been started in themselves.  Do you understand what I am saying to you church?  Man’s rules and regulations mean nothing unless based only on the Word of God, adding or subtracting nothing.  Let me put it to you this way:  Trust God to lead and direct you.  If someone tells you something is the gospel and you have doubt in your spirit, feel free to go to God with your doubt.  You know what?   God loves to hear your voice.  Also, check the scripture for yourself.

I have often told you to even check out my words.  My friends, God desires you to walk with him in peace and comfort.  My desire is for you to walk in faith and love.  I do not want you to be torn regarding different opinions or doctrines.  The divide between denominations is not of God.  No my friends, God desires we follow him as he leads us by his Spirit and by the Word of God.

I suggest you find a good local Bible believing church.  Truth be known, you may or may not attend that church for a long period of time.  The Lord will direct your steps in that regard.  That is the reason that I say, stay in tune with God.  Take any doubts or questions to your pastor.  He may be correct in what he is teaching you.  If not, I guarantee you will get a check in your spirit.  Truth be known, I would like more of you to comment or email me with your doubts and questions.  Believe me folks, I can answer your questions regarding any message I put forth.   The reason is because I back everything with scripture.

Let me sum this message up this way:  Relax believer, relax.  Just walk in God’s mercy and grace.  You may fall, but keep your trust in God and you will be back up.  There is so much more we could  get into, but let me conclude this way:   Please turn with me to the Book of Jude and follow these instructions.  Jude 20:21 states.

“But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost, Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.”
I pray this message helps somebody.  The above scripture tells us to build ourselves up by our holy faith in our creator.  It also says to keep yourselves in the love of God.  That will guarantee you mercy and grace.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

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