Sunday, February 26, 2012


I want to start this message by pleading with you to get serious about the business of praying for others.  Each of us who have come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ has someone to thank, don’t we?  It may have been praying grandparents or a mother or father.  Possibly it could have been a friend or distant relative, perhaps even an entire church all having lifted us up to God above for the salvation of our soul or even the healing of our body, mind and spirit.  Welcome everyone to your week long, online church service.  Everyone is welcome in this place. 

This past Thursday I received a call from a friend who had submitted a prayer request for a lady in Michigan.  The lady’s name is Nancy Stewart.  I hope that is a familiar name to you because she has been posted on the right side of every message we have presented for the last year.  Nancy has been battling cancer.  Over a year ago she was given approximately six months to live, but I believe because of prayer (the prayer of ours and others) she is still with us.   However, the doctors have now given her as little as three weeks to live. 

My friends, whether a person lives or dies is the soul decision between them and God.  I’m going to tell you something that most preachers who believe and pray for physical healings will not tell you.  I have prayed for people and I have seen instant healings take place.  I am talking about serious and small types of physical problems.  I have also prayed for and believed for physical healings where people recovered in time.  But now, here is the hard part.  I have also prayed for people and they have passed on.   So what should I do?  Stop praying for the sick because of those who did not recover?  The answer to that is No, my friends, a thousand times no.  The Bible teaches us to pray for each other.  Ephesians 6:18 states:

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.”
I have been told that Nancy Stewart is a believer.  As believers we are all made saints of God.  So let’s apply this scripture to Nancy.  It may change your perspective on things.  The apostle Paul is telling us here to not give up, but to always, under all conditions keep the prayers coming no matter what it looks like, or what the doctors say.  He tells us to watch with all perseverance.  In other words be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit desires and do not stop praying.  The end result of our prayer is that God’s will in the situation be done.

Now I realize many preachers teach it is always God’s will to heal.  But, if that were so, no one would ever die, would they?  I believe God has provided us with the power to pray for healings and our prayers will be answered.  But, one thing God will not do is go against the will of the person who is being prayed for.  The truth is folks, there are times where people want to let go and go home to be with the Lord.  We must always be sensitive to that fact. 

My inclination at this time is to pray for a miracle healing for Nancy Stewart.  I ask you to join with me in that prayer.  God is a miracle working God.  But let us not stop there.  You will notice that many of our prayer requests involve cancer.   It is time to come against that spirit of cancer with determination and faith.  I say we join together and in the name of Jesus pray and bind up that deadly spirit.  Proclaim the name of Jesus against it.  Be persistent, church.  Let’s become a wall of protection, in Jesus name.  I believe I John 5:14 will help us to understand the power of prayer and how to apply it in our lives.  I John 5:14 says:

“And this is the confidence that we have in him, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us.”

So with that in mind, clear your hearts and minds and pray, church, pray.  First for Nancy Stewart and her family.  Also, please pray for all the prayer requests that have been sent to the Spirit of Wisdom ministries.  After all, we are an online church family, and families look out for each other, don’t they?   This message has focused on cancer, hasn’t it?  Cancer is just one tool the devil uses to try and destroy us.  However, when God is in the picture that cannot happen.

I am going to read a poem to you titled  “What cancer cannot do.”  Listen and consider carefully to what this poem declares.  If you know anyone with cancer, this would be worth sharing with them.  “What cancer cannot do:  Cancer is so limited…it cannot cripple love.  It cannot shatter hope.  It cannot corrode faith.  It cannot destroy peace.  It cannot kill friendship.  It cannot suppress memories.  It cannot silence courage.  It cannot invade the soul.  It cannot steal eternal life and it cannot conquer the spirit.”

The author of this poem is unknown, so I do not know to whom to give credit.  That being the case, I will give credit and glory to God for putting it into my hands to share with you.  Please notice what Satan through cancer cannot touch or defeat – Love, hope, faith, peace, friendship, memories, courage, the soul, eternal life or the spirit of life that lives in you.  Please note that above are attributes of God and his son Jesus. 

Can you now see, church, why we must always persevere and pray for each other?  God loves you very much.  His will is for you to be healed in every area of your life.  You pray and God will do the rest.

God Bless You,

Bro. Bob

1 comment:

  1. dear brother bob, they will all be in our prayers thank you so much since the last time we talk, sincerely your friend in security thank you so much for leading me in the right path
