Sunday, October 30, 2011


Psalms 57:7 states:

“My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed:  I will sing and give praise.”
That, my friends, is the perfect instruction for us today.  Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service.  No one is excluded from this place.  This Psalm is giving us as believers the perfect recipe for success on the earth.  There are a lot of things going on all around us everyday we live.  It is easy to be distracted and drawn away from the love of God and his son, Jesus Christ, isn’t it?

Sometimes without even realizing it, we find ourselves giving into temptation or agreeing with the ways of the world, even though many of those ways are in opposition to and against the Word of God.  Well, isn’t what I am saying the truth?  What the above scripture is saying is – catch yourself.  Remember who created you.  Remember who loved you so much he died for you so you could spend eternal life with him (Jesus) and our heavenly Father, the God above all gods.  Fix your heart on God.  Fix your heart on Jesus Christ. 

Stop whatever you are doing and thinking and sing and give praises to your heavenly Father who loves and cares for you.  You know folks, sometimes preachers (including myself) preach and teach doctrines of the Bible but neglect the love and kindness of God toward us.  So today, we are going to think upon these things.  Love, kindness, mercy and grace. 

You know, if you talk with most folks they believe the harder you try to be good or succeed in life, the closer you are to God.  In other words, they are trying to get to heaven by good works.  However, being human, as we are, we know deep within ourselves we just can’t do that.  No matter how hard we try our failures plague us and discourage us, don’t they?  Well my friends, that is where God’s love and kindness takes over.  You see, God loves us so much he will save us in spite of ourselves, flaws and all.  Please, turn with me to Titus 3:4-7.  The picture will become more clear to you.  This scripture says:

“But after that the kindness and love of God our savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost; which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our savior; that being justified by his grace we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.”
Oh my friends, can you not now see why we must on purpose always fix our hearts on God and sing and give him praise.  Do you now see how worthy God is of your love and praises?   Through God’s kindness and love for us, he has taken us just as we are and issued an invitation to come to him.  He gave us just one way to come to him, and that is through his son, Jesus Christ. 

But, what I want you to see is this – this scripture states clearly it is not by our righteousness or good works that saves us.  It is by God’s mercy that he shed upon us in abundance through Christ Jesus who is savior to all who trust and believe in him.  You know what folks?  I am preaching myself happy here.  What a wonderful God we serve.

I think back to how my mother used to tell me how much God loves us.  She always said that God was gentle and kind in his love toward us – not always in those exact words.  But, now I get her point.  Parents, do yourself and your children a favor.  Always tell your children about God’s goodness and his love for them.  In other words, fix your heart on the Lord and teach your children to do the same. 

Let’s explore God’s love, mercy and grace a bit more.  Sound good to you?  Actually, we are going to get to the heart of things now.  We’re going to look at the book of Ephesians for some clarification here.  We are really going to explore God’s love, mercy and grace and how it all pertains to you.  Ephesians 2:4-7 is a good place to begin this journey into knowledge of God and his love for us.  This is what Ephesians 2:4-7 states:

“But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:  That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace and his kindness towards us through Christ Jesus.”
Do you get this, my friends?  This scripture not only talks about God’s love for us, it talks about God’s great love, mercy and kindness toward us.  These scriptures point out clearly that God isn’t waiting for us humans to work our way to perfection before he saves us.  No, just the opposite.  Even when we were flat out dead in sins, as many still are today, God sent his son Jesus to this earth to die for us.  A full payment for our sins so that we could be saved, not by our own works, but by his grace.  Now, if we continue on to Ephesians 2:8-9 it becomes even clearer to us.

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God:  Not of works, lest any man should boast.”
There it is, my friends.  God’s mercy, love and grace explained to you in a very simple fashion.  Because of God’s love for you, if you put your faith in Jesus Christ, wait – let me explain this.  This is for both nonbelievers and believers.  You will be saved by God’s grace not because of your being good, but because of God’s love for you.  So, where’s your faith today?  Let me say this to you – if you are not a believer, if you are not putting your faith in Jesus, why not?  What are you waiting on?  Today is the day of salvation.  Why?  Because you are not promised another day of life.  Remember the invitation we talked about earlier?  God’s invitation to you? 

If you desire to come to God by receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, now is the time to accept the invitation.  Just cry out  - Lord save me.  I am a sinner.  I believe in my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and I confess Jesus as Lord of my life.  Jesus cleanse me from all my sin.  I receive you now into my heart and life and I know by faith that I am saved.  If you said these words and meant them, you have accepted the invitation and you are saved.  I will be waiting for your e-mail to reach  me at  I am excited for you and I want to hear from you.

Now, as for you believers out there, I pray I have stirred something up in you.  It’s time for all of us to return to our first and foremost love.  God and his son Jesus.  This invitation is for all.  And all includes us.  Let me conclude in the same manner in which we started.  We will fix our heart on you, O Lord, we will fix our heart on you.  We will sing and praise you forever.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, October 23, 2011


A while back we did a four part series on spiritual warfare.  Today, I am encouraging you to go back to the archives and read or listen to that series of messages again.  The series began February 13, 2011 and continued for three more weeks concluding on March 6, 2011.  Now I am telling you to do this for a reason.  Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service.  Everyone is welcome in this place. 

Listen to me, church, this may be one of the most important messages I have ever preached to you.  To tell you the truth, I am fed up with the devil and the demonic spirits that he is dispatching to hurt and destroy the children of God.  It is obvious to me that Satan has stepped up his efforts to draw believers away from God.  I am convinced his demonic evil spirits have been fully dispatched to destroy the body of Christ. 

In recent weeks I have communicated with a number of you who have experienced these attacks personally.  The attacks range in scope from sickness and disease to financial problems and family disruptions.  Not even mentioning addictions to alcohol, drugs, gambling, cigarettes and sexual perversion such as pornography and fornication.  All in the body of Christ.  It has to stop and it has to stop now.

God is more powerful than Satan.  It’s time to pull the rug out from Satan and his very evil and despicable demons.  This ministry believes we have victory through and by the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Now it is time to live and walk in that victory.  You know, David the psalmist talked about this in Psalms 3.  Let’s take a look at this Psalm verse by verse.  Psalm 3:1 states:

“Lord, how are they increased that trouble me!  How many are they that rise up against me.”
You know folks, people today including some of you are asking the very same question, aren’t you?  Lord, how can this be happening to me?  Where are all these attacks coming from?  Marital problems, financial problems, I’ve lost my job, I’ve been struck with sickness and doctors and medicine don’t seem to help.  It appears I am being hit from every side.  My friends seem like enemies to me.  My family doesn’t understand me.  God, what is wrong? 

Now be truthful with yourself and God.  Have not some of these questions entered your mind?  If they haven’t, this message isn’t for you.  But, that doesn’t get you off the hook.  Pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ.  They need your help and support.  Psalms 3:2 states:

“Many there be that say of my soul, there is no help for him in God.  Selah.”
You see, there is a lie of the devil right there.  I guarantee you folks, while you are fighting these battles, Satan will send people to you with negative attitudes toward God.  There could be spirits of doubts, anger and deceptions operating through them and they don’t even know it.  What’s even worse is that the devil will use your friends, your family and even strangers to try and get you to give up on God.  I’m telling you, church, there is a spiritual war going on for your soul.  I told you this was an important message for you, didn’t I?

So, what is the solution?  It is your decision to trust God or throw him overboard that will make the difference.  I am believing you will make the right choice.  Psalms 3:3 gives you the instructions.  The question is, will you follow them?  David says:

“But thou O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. “
Oh my, church, you want to turn things around?  Start speaking the Word.  No matter how bad it looks or feels, God is on your side.  Tell God and the devil that you believe that.  State as David did -  you my Lord, are my shield from all attacks of the devil.  When I begin to hang my head in defeat, you lift me up.  You hold my head high when I can’t.  Thank you Lord.  Psalms 3:4 goes on to say:

“I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill.  Selah.”
Do you get this, church?  When you are at your wits end, don’t give up.  Cry unto the Lord.  I promise that he will hear you.  So once again, what is the way to run the devil off?  Speak the Word and cry unto the Lord!!  Remember Psalms 46:1?  We have presented it to you many times in the past.

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
That, my friends, is why we cry out to him.  I believe you are beginning to get this, aren’t you?  God loves you so much, church.  He knows how desperately Satan desires to destroy you.  But, if you will just trust God, he will bring you through it all.  In Psalms 3:5  David says:

“I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the Lord sustained me.”
What David is teaching us here is to trust God.  I mean, really trust God, and you will be able to sleep knowing that God is with you and that he will sustain you.  Look folks, I know by the Spirit of God some of you are not sleeping well lately.  That is exactly the reason I am presenting this message to you.  Psalms 3:6 states:

“I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about.”
Let me say this to you, my friends – fear not!!  Do not be afraid.  If the devil was to send ten thousand demon spirits against you, you speak the Word of God to them.  Cry out to the Lord and he will hear you.  And then just lay down and get some good sleep.  God is with you.  Psalms 3:8 states:

“Salvation belongeth unto the Lord; thy blessing is upon thy people.  Selah.”
Are you a child of God, my friends?  Well then, follow the instructions and be blessed.  The truth is, when it is all said and done, God loves you.  You are still his child.  Jesus is still Lord of all and his name is the name above every name.  He is your Lord and  Savior and he will not let you down.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Congratulations are in order. The Spirit of Wisdom Ministries would like to send out congratulations to Joel and Michelle Garcia. They were united in marriage yesterday. Joel has just recently begun to read or listen to our online church services. We wish him and Michelle the very best and we pray for a great marriage. 

New Prayer Request: Please pray for Russell Pandolph. Russell needs a good place to live and is seeking a better job with good pay and benefits to help provide for his needs. We are agreeing with Russell that his every need will be met.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Would it seem strange to you that a ministry entitled the Spirit of Wisdom Ministries would preach or teach on wisdom and what it means to you?  Well, today I want to talk to you about wisdom.  To be honest, you can be the most intellectual person alive, but without Godly wisdom, I guarantee you will do stupid things.  Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service.  Everyone is welcome in this place. 

Please turn with me to Proverbs 9:9-10.  This scripture clearly tells us where the beginning of wisdom comes from.  Proverbs 9:9-10 states this:

“Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser:  Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom:  And the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”
Now, let’s look at this scripture a little closer.  What God is saying to us folks, is regardless of how “wise” a man or woman may be, the Bible will make them even wiser.  You see, the first line of verse 9 states “Give instruction.”  Well, where do you think that instruction comes from?  Those of you who have been a part of this ministry for the last two years, you know the answer.  However, if you are new to this online church, I will go over it again for you.

The Word of God, which is the Bible, is the instruction book of life.  So, you want God’s wisdom in your life?  Blow the dust off of your Bible and get to reading.  A question that comes to mind is this:  Is there really a beginning to wisdom, or has it always been with you?  Well actually, verse 10 gave you the answer, didn’t it?  It very clearly states that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  The fear of the Lord does not mean being afraid of God.  The acknowledgement of God and what he did for you, sending his only begotten son to this earth with one mission – to die on the cross, to pay the penalty, not for his sins for he had none, but for yours and for mine.  In other words, God desires for you to know who he is.  That, my friends, is the beginning of wisdom.  There are so many benefits to knowing and using Godly wisdom.  Proverbs 9:11 continues:

“For by me thy days shall be multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be increased.”
This is the point I am making here.  As you read and meditate on the Word of God, your understanding of God and all things around you will be increased.  God says here – by doing this your days shall be multiplied and the years of your life increased.  Now, that’s a pretty good promise, isn’t it?  I personally believe your extended life will also be a better quality of life for you.  Why?  Because you will have God’s wisdom to guide you. 

So, why am I telling you all of this?  Church, I want you to be the best you can be.  I want you to be the best father or mother you can be.  But also young people, and I know you are out there, I want you to be the best daughter or son that you possibly can be.  I truly believe as you acquire Godly wisdom in your life, your life will become better for you.  Look my friends, I know this is not a jump out of your seat message, but it can be a life changing message for you.  Wisdom is very important to God and that should make it very important to you.  Proverbs 4:5 lays it all out for us.  This is what it says in no uncertain terms.

“Get wisdom, get understanding:  Forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.”
Now, is that not clear enough for you?  Really folks, it doesn’t get any more clear than that.  These are God’s words to you.  Tell you what, let’s look at Proverbs 4:7-8.  I want you to read or listen to these scriptures very closely.

“Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom:  And with all thy getting get understanding.  Exalt her (wisdom) and she shall promote thee.  She shall bring thee to honor when thou dost embrace her.”
Do you know anyone who doesn’t like to be promoted and receive honor from God?  Listen folks, you know we all love to be honored for our accomplishments by men, right?  How much better to be honored by God just for embracing wisdom.  What God is telling you in the above scripture is so important for you to grasp.  How often have you heard people say they don’t understand God?  Oftentimes they say they can’t understand the King James version of the Bible.  So what do they do?  They turn to men instead of the Word of God. 

Many, many believers and nonbelievers are led astray by reading so called new versions of the Bible, which are in fact just men’s attempt to make God’s Word say something it does not say.  Be careful, church.  God has given you wisdom so you can understand who and what is from God and who and what is not from God. 

Ask God to show you his truth in every area of your life.  Ask for wisdom and get understanding through the Word of God.  I told you folks, this is an important message for you to grasp.  My desire for you, church, is the same as Paul had for the believers in Ephesus.  He wrote them a letter and here is part of what he said.  Ephesians 1:15-17.

“Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love to all the saints,  Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.”
Believe me, my friends, the above scripture is my true desire for you.  I pray daily for you and I believe the spirit of wisdom and the revelation in the knowledge of God is available for you.  So now, you have knowledge that you may not have had before.  The question is, what are you going to do with it?  Remember, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Today I am giving this message with a heavy heart.  We just found out that a very good neighbor of ours, Otis Marshall, has passed on.  Otis was a believer and a faithful member of our online church.  In fact, Otis and his wife Geraldine always listened to our online message and then went on to attend their local church.

You know church, one of the things we have preached to you from the beginning is just be yourself.  Otis was like that.  A soft spoken believer who always seemed to put others above himself.  You did not have to ask Otis if he was a believer.  He showed it everyday of his life.  Otis was ninety-three years of age, but had the zip and zeal of a much younger man.  This online ministry asks you to pray for Geraldine and the rest of Otis’ family.  As for us and the rest of his neighbors, Otis will surely be missed.  He is now with Jesus and what greater place is there to be?

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service.  Please let it be known that everyone is welcome in this place.  All this reminds me of the original and still the mission of this online church.  To present the gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that is so simple that everyone can understand it.  As the old saying goes, sometimes we are so heavenly minded, we are no earthly good.

Often times the Word of God is preached in a hateful and condemning way.  But let me say to any nonbelievers or strayed away believers – love, mercy, peace and grace should still rule the day.  Doing good works comes naturally when you truly believe the Word of God.  I understand there are times when the circumstances of life get us down.  But the truth is, even in bad circumstances we must be who we are in Christ and not back away even one inch. 

My friends, I implore you to never grow weary in doing good.  The apostle Paul told the Galatian church the same thing I am telling you.  Please, turn with me to Galatians 6:9-10.  Here’s what Paul said:

“And let us not be weary in well doing:  For in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.  As we therefore have opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto  them who are of the household of faith.”
I believe the key words in the above scripture are - if we faint not.  I have often told you, church, when reading your Bible, always circle every if, but or lest.  They will lead you to the conditions that apply to that scripture.

The instructions in this scripture are very clear.  We are to do good to all men.  Well, surely that doesn’t include Muslims or homosexuals does it?  The answer is – oh yes it does.  Does that include drunkards, druggies, obsessive gamblers?  Well, church, what part of ‘all’ do you not understand?
 Doing good to people does not mean you condone their viewpoint or actions.  Your doing good to all is exactly what will draw them to the spirit that is operating in you. Am I making this clear to you, church?  Well, I sure hope I am. 

Look, I know what I am preaching to you may be different than your former teaching.  But I just believe following the Word of God is the perfect way to be.  Anything I am preaching to you comes directly from the Holy Bible by way of the Holy Spirit.  Tell you what, turn with me to Psalms 18:30-32.  It says:

“As for God, his way is perfect:  The word of the Lord is tried:  He is a buckler to all those that trust in him.  For who is God save the Lord?  Or who is a rock save our God?”
Do you trust in the Lord?  I mean, do you really trust in the Lord?  If so, become a doer of the Word instead of a hearer only. Just be yourself believer.  Show the love of God in whatever you do.  Let your everyday actions in life be your testimony.  People are tired of words only.  Action is what counts to most folks.  If it sounds like I am calling you out here, it is because I am.  But not only to you is this message intended, it is intended for me also.  We must set aside false denomination and seminary teaching and come back to the Word of God for instruction of life. 

Folks, we serve a faithful God.  His rewards are true and just.  As you are faithful to share the Word of God, not only by words but by action, God is faithful to reward you with blessing.  This has been true since the beginning of time.  Deuteronomy 7:9 in the Old Testament sort of lays it all out for us:

“Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations.”
In other words, God’s faithfulness and mercy is unlimited and forever to you as you show your love to him and keep his commandments.  Jesus’ main commandment to us is to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.  So, who is our neighbor?  Does the word used in the earlier scripture come to mind?  Do good  to “all.”

This message is not a message of reproof or condemnation, my friends.  No, it is a message that is calling all us of back to following God through his son Jesus.  When we do that, doing good will take care of itself.  Isaiah 40:31 shows us how to serve God and not grow weary.  Isaiah 40:31 states.

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
That’s what Otis did, my friends.  The Lord blessed him with long life on the earth and eternal life forever with him.  Please, do not tell me that God isn’t faithful.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I am starting this week’s message with a very direct and truthful statement, totally based on the Word of God, which by now, we all know is the Bible.  God is a good God and his love and mercy endures forever.  Listen to me believer, when you trust in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you must understand he is with you in good times or bad times.  I often put it like this, God is a present time God.  Many look at God and his son as historical figures.  They do not even believe the Bible speaks to today’s lifestyles, troubles or trials.  But here is the truth, my friends, they are believing a lie. 

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service.  Everyone is welcome in this place.  I understand there is trouble on every side for many of you.  Believe me folks, I do not live high on a cloud floating above the troubles of life.  Oftentimes, when I am preaching to you, the Holy Spirit will point out to me “This message is for you too, big boy.”  When I preach to you about trusting God in difficult times, I am acutely aware that I must do the same. 

God pointed out to me many years ago, that what I preach to you goes for me also.  Just as Paul said – only follow him as he follows Christ.  Well, I say the same thing to you.  Let me tell you a story that happened in 625 B.C. that still relates and is relevant to today.  God sent a preacher named Nahum, actually he was a prophet.  God sent him to a despondent people who were suffering many afflictions – poverty, poor health conditions, a controlling and out of control government.  Now here was the message.  Turn with me to the book of Nahum in the Old Testament.  Read or listen to this scripture carefully.  In Nahum 1:7, Nahum states this to the people:

“The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.”
Now, that was in 625 B.C. (Before Christ).  And God has sent preachers from that time to this time with the same message of love and hope for us all.  I must tell you folks, I have been saved through the shed blood of Jesus Christ since 1976.  In all those years I have gone through many trials and difficult situations.  Many of them seemed hopeless.  In truth, most of them came from my opening the door to defeat all by myself. 

Believe me, church, you open the door to the devil and he will enter in quickly and he will bring his evil spirits with him.  That is why we teach spiritual warfare on this online church.  The thing that has brought me through the sad and bad things of life is this – I know, that I know, that I know that God loves me and his mercy endures forever.  He is my stronghold and he is always present in times of trouble.  Psalms 46:1 shows us this truth in no uncertain terms, so let’s read it together:

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
Is this not also the message of Nahum?  As well as all truly called preachers of our heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ.  There are some key thoughts here, aren’t there?  Let’s review these two scriptures.  Nahum says that the Lord is good, he is our stronghold.  Does anyone out there know what a stronghold is?  It is something you can hold onto for safety in the midst of your storm.  No matter what that storm may be.  The storms of life come in many varied ways, don’ they?  The storms may come as sickness, serious health problems, bad family or friend relationships, financial problems that seem to be endless, the loss of loved ones to death.  Such sadness and heartbreak, but God says I am your stronghold.  I know you are trusting in me and I will not let you down.

God says he is present in trouble.  Now why would that be, my friends?  The answer – to bring you through the storms of life victorious in him.  I have often told my children that it is not what happens to you in life that matters, it is how you react to them.  Things will always happen to us, but if we speak God’s Word and walk in his ways we will win.  Why?  Because God knows we trust in him and he will bring us through the storm.

Jesus himself used storms as an example of how he would protect us if we trust and follow him.  Matthew 7:24-25 states:

“Therefore, whosoever hears these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:  And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not:  For it was founded upon a rock.”
Now, let me ask you folks, who is that rock?  It is Jesus!!  I wanted to deliver this message to you this week because in many ways we are in the same condition in this world as they were in 625 B.C.  The preachers today, wait let me revise that.  The truly called preachers of today that preach only from the Word of God will tell you the same thing that Nahum preached.  The Lord is good, he is your stronghold.  He knows you are trusting in him and he will be your present help in trouble.

Be encouraged, church, God will bring you through it all.  How do I know that?  Nahum and the Word of God says so. 

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Urgent Prayer Request: Betty Sue Mausp from Dothin Alabama. Betty Sue has been diagnosed with cancer. Please pray for a complete and total healing. Church, we need serious prayer for Betty Sue!