Sunday, March 6, 2011


This week we will conclude our series on spiritual warfare. I must say there is much more on this subject to be explored. However, by the end of this service you will have been taught more and know more on God’s plan to protect you from Satan and his evil spirits. You will know more than most believers will be taught in a lifetime. God loves you that much. Now, let it be said clearly our heavenly Father loves all of his children and would like them to know what you now know.

The problem is not with God, or in many cases not with believers. But with preachers and teachers of the gospel that for whatever reasons they have, refuse to teach their church members the Bible truth about spiritual warfare. You cannot study our signature scripture for this series, Ephesians 6:12, and not know that God is telling us who our enemy is and how to defeat him. All through the Bible God teaches us that we have power over Satan. Is it a struggle? Yes it is. The above mentioned scripture tells us so. Let’s look at it one more time. Ephesian 6:12 states (to believers):

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Notice the use of the term “we wrestle.” That tells us that even as believers in what Jesus did for us by dying a horrible, painful, humiliating death on that cross, we (yes us) still have to wrestle with Satan and his evil spirits on this earth. The good news is Jesus paid the price for our sins. Victory is ours through the blood of Jesus Christ. That being so, however, does not stop Satan from doing everything he can to destroy us and to draw us away from God. Therefore, the wrestling match is on. That is the reason God has presented in his Word (the Bible) the instructions on how to wrestle and defeat the enemy. Now, isn’t God good to us?

Please understand this, we by ourselves are no match for the devil. Only through Jesus do we have power to resist the wiles of Satan. We on our own could never cast out devils. In fact, the devil and his demons would laugh at us. That, my friends, is why whenever Jesus told us as believers to cast out devils, he always said “Cast out devils in my name.” Refer to Mark 16:17 for confirmation. So what am I really saying to you? Do not take spiritual warfare lightly!!

You must prepare for the wrestling match. First, you must know why believers can have spirits oppressing them. The number one reason is sin. Christians through the blood of Jesus have dominion over sin. But, they still can choose to sin, can’t they? Do you know any believers including yourselves who have not sinned since their new birth? Of course not. We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. Well, guess what?!! Where unconfessed sin is, demons have a legal right to be. So what is the solution? Confess your sin, ask forgiveness from God and repent. In other words, deal with it.

Another way spirits can enter in is unforgiveness. Turn with me to Matthew 18:34-35. Jesus was giving an illustration about forgiveness and how serious it is. Jesus was talking about a king who forgave someone who owed him a very big debt. Yet the person who was forgiven then proceeded to threaten someone who owed him a very small debt with debtors prison. When the king heard about it, he was furious. I suggest you read the full account in Matthew 18:21-35. However, we will focus at this time on Matthew 18:34-35. I want you to get this!!

“And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him. So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you if ye from your heart forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses.”
Now, this is Jesus talking. The tormentors he is talking about are Satan’s demons. Pretty serious stuff, don’t you think? So the question begs how do you get rid of these tormentors? Answer, repent of the sin of unforgiveness. Forgive and God will forgive you and set you free. There is a spirit of unforgiveness, but in Jesus name, he has to leave. Cast him out and then fill your heart with forgiveness. This is beginning to make sense, isn’t it?

A third way spirits can enter in is by your dabbling in the occult. Things like Ouija boards, horoscopes, fortune tellers and even false religions. All open the door to evil spirits. Do not think for one minute they will not enter that open door. Spirits of fear, unbelief, infirmity and sickness are all waiting for the doors to your heart and mine to be open to them. Solution? stay away from all things that attempt to replace God as your Lord. That is exactly what the occult and all their devices are designed to do. Their mission is to replace God with beliefs in everything but God and his son Jesus. Repent, which means to turn away from these evil forces. Confess your sin and ask for forgiveness. In Jesus name command all spirits of the occult to leave your body and mind.

The devil assigns demons to destroy your mind in different ways. Remember if possible that evil spirits will overtake your will even to the point of suicide (spirits of death). They will attack your emotions with spirits of anger, fear and even crying. You know, some cry too much, some not enough. Satan doesn’t care which extreme you are in as long as you are not normal.

Satan and his spirits of infirmity and sickness and fear will also attack your body, especially if you are ignorant of his devices or choose not to use the spiritual tools God has equipped you with. That, my friends, is why God has given us this message for you. As serious and as scary as the above statements sound, remember this!! God has prepared you for spiritual warfare. The blood of Jesus protects you. So always plead the blood over yourselves and your loved ones.

The name of Jesus is the name above all things. His name is above and more powerful than any evil spirit and even Satan himself. You have learned through this series that you, through Jesus Christ, have power over all evil spirits. You now know you can cast out devils in Jesus name. You now know to never carry around unconfessed sin and you know to walk in forgiveness at all times. And most importantly, you now know not to open the door to evil spirits through the occult in any way. Do not ever fear Satan. Do as the psalmist in Psalms 34:4 does, just say:

“I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”
Remember deliverance is the children’s bread. Keep a hedge around you and remember God is your Father and Jesus is your Savior and Lord. That, my friends, is a mighty good hedge. Let me end this series by taking you to Matthew 28:19:20, Jesus is speaking to us:

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”
Notice Jesus says to observe all things “I have commanded you”, and that my friends, includes deliverance and the casting out of devils in Jesus’ name.

Do not ever go into spiritual warfare unprepared. First, confess all sins. Second, repent of those sins. Third, plead the blood of Jesus over you and by all means search your heart for unforgiveness. Forgive anyone who comes to mind. Speak out and command any curses that may be over you to be broken. Now, go wrestle, my brother and sister. You win!

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

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