Sunday, March 13, 2011


There is a Bible scripture I believe is just the right instruction for the beginning of this new week. Please turn with me to Proverbs 8:17, God is talking to us:

“I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.”
Pretty simple formula, isn’t it? You love God, he loves you back. You seek him early, he will show himself to you. Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service, everyone is welcome in this place. My friends, God loves us so much he desires us to seek him out early everyday. Each day brings new opportunities and new challenges. God is saying this to us: To those that love me and seek me early, I will be there for you. Proverbs 8:32-33 continues this theme, so let’s read it together.

“Now therefore harken unto me, O ye children: For blessed are they that keep my ways. Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not.”
This message is an instructional message. The instruction is very simple and to the point. God is here for us everyday of our lives. God has laid out a pathway of success and victory. Our heavenly Father desires that we be blessed everyday. How do we do that? That above scripture tells us. First, keep his ways!! Hear the instruction given to us through the Word of God, which is the Bible. Basically, we are being told here by the Spirit of God to read the Word of God everyday. Follow the instructions that God has laid out for us and we will be wise and make better decisions. Does that mean we will not encounter troubles of life? Of course not.

Life has a way of throwing curve balls at us, doesn’t it? Bad news comes. Sickness attacks. Money problems arise. Often times these are things we have no control over. I used to tell my daughter, Lyle, it is not what happens to you in life that counts, it’s how you react to it. Because truthfully things always happen to us, don’t’ they. The question is, how prepared are we to meet these battles of life? If we are depending on ourselves or the knowledge the world system has given us, chances are we will lose. But, by seeking God early, by fortifying our spirit with the Word of God, and by loving God through the saving grace Jesus provided for us, wisdom will prevail and victory will be ours no matter what the outcome.

It amazes me when I encounter believers who are facing amazing battles – sickness, poverty, relationship problems and more, yet they have a sense of victory about them. They know God is for them and with them. Their reactions to these challenges are to face Satan right in the eyes and exude the victory they know God has provided for them.
You see, by seeking God early, following his instructions and loving him, they know God is a present time God who will bring them through. Lord, may we all have that spirit of victory that you provide.

I will tell you this, church, one of the most important things for you and me to remember is that our God through his son Jesus Christ, is a very present God in time of trouble, no matter what the situation or condition we find ourselves in. You see, when we received Jesus as our Savior and made him our Lord, we became members of the family of God. Now God becomes our heavenly Father and Jesus is not only our Savior and Lord, but he also becomes our elder brother. You may say “Bro. Bob, I’ve never received Jesus into my heart, does this apply to me?” Well, my friend, I’ve got bad and good news for you. The bad news – no. What I just said does not apply to you. The good news, it sure can!! The choice is yours.

Do you sense the urging of the Holy Spirit drawing you to Jesus? If you do, you now have a choice to make. Remember, God said be wise and follow his instructions. Well, here they are. First, confess out loud, right now. Say these words and most importantly believe them and be serious about it. Say “Jesus I believe in my heart God raised you from the dead. I ask for forgiveness of all my sins and I repent, Lord. I am turning from sin to you. I ask you to come into my heart and I confess you as my Savior. I make you Lord of my life. I now receive you as my Savior and Lord. Amen”

Now, my friend – if you meant that, you are now a child of God. Welcome to the family. Please e-mail me today at Tell me the good news and I will be jumping for joy with you.

We were talking about God being a present time God. Let’s confirm this with the Word of God. Psalms 46:1 states:

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
Please notice the words “a very present help in trouble.” That means right now. Do you get this? You may have sickness in your body. You may have depression. Money problems may be plaguing you. Your job may be in jeopardy. Your relationship with friends of family members may be on the rocks. Please take the above scripture to heart, my friends. Turn to your heavenly Father not when all else fails, but before all else fails. You have no strength left? God is your strength. You have nowhere else to turn? God is your refuge. You have turned to man with all their worldly knowledge for help to no avail. God is your present help in trouble.

I wish I could tell you all the different times my heavenly Father has been my help in marriage solutions, money solutions, health solutions and general problems of life. There are not enough words or time to relate them all to you. One thing I do know. God is always my present help in trouble. My heart’s desire is for you to come to know that for yourself. I know believers today who read the Bible as if it was just another history book. God sure was powerful and good, wasn’t he? Well, guess what? He is still just that today, right now.

Believers, we have got to get back to telling our children what God has done for us and others and instruct them to tell their children. Deuteronomy 6:5-7 gives us the instruction.

“And thou shalt love the Lord they God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shall teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou riseth up.”
Do you understand this, church? We as parents are to talk about God and his son Jesus every chance we get. God has been good to us, hasn’t he? Tell your children, impress on them that God loves them just as he loves you. Oh, by the way, do not stop telling them about the good things of God when they turn twelve-years-old or fifteen, or twenty-one, or thirty, or forty or even fifty or more years of age. Keep telling them as long as you live and they will remember it long after you are gone.

So once again, here is the key: Love God with all your heart. You know he loves you. Seek him early and daily. Follow his instructions. You will become wise and your heavenly Father and his son Jesus will be your refuge, your strength and present help in times of trouble. Now that sounds like a great plan to me, how about you?

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Urgent Prayer Request: Please pray for Mrs. Leslie Revelo. She is in the hospital where she is recovering from anemia. Please pray that her blood levels return to normal. Let's pray together for a complete and total healing for Mrs. Revelo.

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