Sunday, January 16, 2011


This week we will continue our discussion regarding Christmas. Together, perhaps we can discern what is mans’ tradition and what is really Biblical regarding our celebration or acknowledgment of the birth of the baby Jesus. I would suggest if you have not read or listened to last week’s message that you do so now. It’s alright, go back to last week’s service and read or listen to what was taught so you will be up to date.

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. Surely you know by now you are welcome in this place. Let me get something straight with you right away. The celebration of Christmas is a free choice. Don’t let it be said that Bro. Bob is telling people to not celebrate Christmas. What I am doing is giving you factual knowledge based on the Word of God. You can then take this knowledge before God in prayer. What will that do to your celebration at Christmastime? I don’t know. That will be up to you. Perhaps nothing or you may make changes in the focus and methods that you use. It’s possible you may eliminate Christmas as you have always perceived it.

I mentioned last week this is not an easy message to deliver. But, it is an important one. When we celebrate Christian holidays, we want to be sure they are of God, don’t we? It is important we serve God in spirit and in truth. God only honors what is done in his name if it is really the way God would have it done. Proverbs 14:12 states:

“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”
In other words, there are traditions of men that seem good but actually lead you away from God. Certainly the acknowledgment of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is a good thing. It may just be the method we use that is not of God.

Let’s review Part One of this message: (a) We talked about the stress of Christmas on so many. The over spending of borrowed or bill money on gifts. The rise in depression and suicides during the season. The overindulgence of alcohol and drugs all, in the name of celebrating Christmas. We asked, does this sound like anything Jesus would desire to be associated with? (b) We talked about how the Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity yet still worshiped false gods such as Saturn and Baal. He brought his celebration of false gods that was celebrated in December to the Roman Church and a devilish agreement was entered into. To bring the pagans and worshipers into the Church, the Church agreed to combine the festival of Saturnalia with the celebration of the birth of Christ and they called it Christ/Mass; thereby combining the worship of false gods and Jesus as one worship. And there, my friends, is the origin of Christmas. In fact, Christmas has never been a pure celebration of the birth of Jesus. Sad, but true.

We mentioned that is the reason Christmas celebrations were outlawed in colonial America, due to the people of that era understanding that Christmas was not a pure celebration of Jesus, but in fact, was part of a pagan worship and a reproach to the Lord. Look, don’t get mad at me. This is history that can be checked out. Christmas didn’t become an actual legal holiday until 1836 in the state of Alabama. (c) We talked about the history of bringing trees into the house and decorating them. Now admittedly, they are beautiful and enjoyable to look at. But, do they have anything at all to do with Jesus? The answer is – no they do not. In fact, since earliest times evergreens were worshipped as symbols of life, fertility, sexual potency and reproduction. We referred you to Jeremiah 10:1-5, which I ask you to read again. This scripture warns of the dangers of following pagan or false god rituals. And so, we continue….

If you were to study this out for yourself, (and I would encourage you to do just that) you will find the carrying in and draping of holly and other evergreen plants came down to us from the pagan worship of evergreen plants, especially from Druid rituals conducted in midwinter (late December). Listen, I know and understand you use these items for innocent decoration. I understand you do not consider yourself to be worshipping these objects as the pagans did. But in fact, is it not true knowing what you now know, while not worshipping false gods by your action, your celebration may be based on a foundation that is repugnant to God.

I think it is fair to say we have preached on some very touchy subjects here, haven’t we? Up to now, we have talked about the spiritual or so-called spiritual aspects of Christmas. Let’s change course and address the other side of Christmas and other holidays.

Let’s talk about Santa Claus. I remember when as young Christians God impressed upon my wife and myself that when we were telling our youngest daughter, Lyle, that Santa Claus was coming and bringing gifts to her, telling her that he knew if she was good or bad and so on; we were flat out lying to her. Now granted, our parents told us the same things as parents have been doing for around one-hundred years or so. We felt convicted of our sin of lying and so we told her the truth. God has shown me why the myth of Santa Claus, elves, flying reindeer and all other fabrications are so dangerous. All right, stay with me here. I am not meddling. I am preaching truth.

Parents, I know this is not what you want to hear. None of you would tell an untruth to your children if you really believed it to be harmful. But think about it. We tell our children there is a Santa Claus and then they find out there isn’t one. We tell them there is a tooth fairy and they find out there isn’t one. We tell them there is an Easter bunny and they later find out there isn’t one. Now we tell them there is a God above who loves them. Please explain to me why they should believe you. I took a survey once a while back. I asked adults what was the first real lie or untruth you realized your parents ever told you? Ninety percent said it was about Santa Claus. Ten percent were not sure. I understand you told your child these untruths not to on purpose lie to them, but to build their imagination. Also, it seemed like it was fun for them. That is the deception Satan has placed before us, my friends. Now, do you see the reason I am preaching this message to you? Satan is always ready to deceive us. He combines the birth of Jesus with Santa Claus, the resurrection of Jesus with the Easter bunny. Do you really believe God approves of or is involved in this type of activity?

Let me give you an example of combining Jesus with Santa Claus and what the result of what that action is. There are churches today that conclude their Christmas pageants or plays honoring the birth of Jesus. Now just think about this. You are in church singing O Holy Night and Joy to the World. You are focused entirely on God and Jesus. The spirit of God is present and tangible. Now the pageant and singing is over. God is on your heart and mind. And suddenly down the church aisle bounds the fictional character known as Santa Claus to give out gifts or just to lead the singing of Jingle Bells. What happened in that instant? The focus on Jesus? Gone!! In an instant, in church!! Now seriously, ask yourself would God really be in that?

Let me put it like this, my friends. We often ask ourselves what would Jesus do? Do you really believe that Jesus would tell kids there is a Santa Claus? Do you believe Jesus would want his birthday remembered as just part of a holiday to be shared with Santa Claus and Frosty the Snowman? Romans 14:5 states:

“One man esteemeth one day above another: Another esteemeth everyday alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.”
Everyday is the Lord’s day. Celebrate as unto the Lord. When the next Christmas season comes around, I am asking God to show you what changes should be made in your celebration. One thing for sure, please do not mix fabrications, untruths and traditions based on pagan and false god worship, with the birth of Jesus.

My friends, I could have made this a four or five part series. There is so much evidence about the origin of Christmas. However, I believe this is enough for this time period. Everything that we have presented and even the things we have not had the time to present, all point to one question. Was Jesus really ever in Christmas? The answer is between you and God.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

1 comment:

  1. RoseMarie Baker LeleauxJanuary 16, 2011 at 10:42 AM

    We've always followed the same format for our Advent Festival; children's program & carols in the sanctuary then food etc in the gym. I always felt a little uneasy; last song was Here Comes Santa Clause, & the "surprise guest" would come in, up the aisle and lead everyone over to the gym. Our new asst. pastor nixed that. We still had Santa, but he was waiting in the gym and there was a mic for those who wanted to sing the songs that have replaced carols that Rev. JoAnne says have no place in the sanctuary, a place reserved for the worship of the One True God. Rest assured that you are not the only soldier in this fight! Much Love, your sister, Rose.
