Sunday, January 9, 2011


As we enter into the second week of the New Year, many people are just beginning to recover from the holidays. At the same time, many are going into shock as the credit card bills are now coming in. It seems like the stress of Christmas goes on and on, doesn’t it?

You know, many psychologists say Christmastime brings a big increase in depression, suicides and stress. Police report domestic violence increases during this time period. Strange occurrences for a time that is said to be a celebration of the birth of the baby Jesus.

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. Everyone is welcome in this place. The message this week is not an easy one to deliver. I asked God to give me the exact time to deliver it to you. There are some things I have known in my spirit for many years. I have not shared them very often because they are not popular ideas or thoughts. However, truth is truth, and as a preacher of the gospel I must address the misconceptions of Christmas this week.

The title of this message. “Was Jesus really ever in Christmas”, gives us a clue. I want to say this, my friends, Christmas is not something I obsess over or dwell upon. I admit that I enjoy the Christian Christmas carols like O Holy Night, Silent Night and Away in a Manger. The idea of acknowledging the birth of our savior is not repugnant to me. In fact, I believe it is important. The gathering of family and friends for fellowship is a good thing. Kept that simple, Christmas would be a nice thing, wouldn’t it? Unfortunately, that is not the case.

As time has passed, Jesus has become less important and Santa Claus has become more important than Jesus. Gifts bought with borrowed and bill money puts a stress on people that can become unbearable. Alcohol and drug usage in the name of “Celebrating the Holidays,” become rampant. There are more driving under the influence arrests during the Christmas week than at any other time of the year. Now, I ask you, does that sound like the things Jesus would want to be associated with? Maybe there is a reason for all of this. Could it be that Jesus never was the reason for the season?

Let’s go back to the origin of Christmas and see if we can find out. Come on, let’s take an honest look. You know, God wants you to have knowledge of all things pertaining to life on this earth. Hosea 4:6 states:

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shall be no priest to me: Seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”
I am going to impart knowledge to you, my friends. All I ask of you is to take this knowledge to God and ask him to show you personally how it affects you. And then, do not reject what God shows you. Let’s start with the birth date of December 25th. We have established in previous messages most Bible scholars agree this was a date picked out by the Church of Rome, now called the Roman Catholic Church, to celebrate the birth of Christ. But, how did that date come about? Especially since most Bible scholars agree the real birth of Jesus was more likely in the early fall rather than the coldest part of December. Well, it appears the Emperor of Rome, Constantine, a real persecutor of Christians, and a follower of pagan and false gods, became converted to Christianity. Although professing to be a Christian, Constantine still worshipped pagan or false gods while at the same time professing his devotion to Christ. Now we know God requires his children to worship only him and no others, don’t we?

Constantine brought his pagan worship into the Christian church with him and unfortunately, the Church of Rome agreed to this mixture of worship of false gods and Jesus Christ at the same time. In December there was a pagan festival called Saturnalia where the pagans worshipped a cult statue of Saturn and Baal. The festival ended December 25th with gift giving and merry greetings. Sound familiar? The Church of Rome invited this pagan worship into the church and called it Christ/Mass. In other words, a mass to Christ.

My friends, Christmas has never been a pure celebration of Christ’s birthday. Something you may not be aware of – in colonial America there were no Christmas celebrations. And in fact, as recently as one-hundred years ago, Christmas celebrations and observances were against the law. (As being pagan and a reproach to the Lord) This was so in many parts of the United States, including most of New England. Actually, Christmas didn’t become a legal holiday in the United States until 1836 in Alabama. The reason people didn’t celebrate Christmas, is that they were aware of the association of Christmas and pagan worship.

Let’s talk about Christmas trees for a minute. I remember as a young Christian hearing an older Christian man, who I liked a lot, state he wouldn’t put up a Christmas tree. He didn’t think it was of God. And I thought – how stupid is that?! Once again, a lack of knowledge on my part. But, was he right? Let’s take a look. Remember the pagan festival of Saturnalia we talked about? Part of their festivities was the worship and decoration of trees. They would cut trees (usually evergreens), bring them into their house and include them as part of their worship to false Gods. At least ten times in the Bible, the green tree is associated with idolatry and false worship and is forbidden. Oftentimes, evergreen trees were worshipped as symbols of life, fertility, sexual potency, and reproduction – all of this a lie of the Devil. Did God approve of this action? Jeremiah 10:1-4 tells us what God thinks about it.

“Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you O house of Israel: Thus saith the Lord, learn not the ways of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven, for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: For one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman with the ax. They deck it with silver and with gold (ornaments): They fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.”
I remember as a child my Grandfather cutting the tree, nailing it to boards so it would not fall. Yet God says these are the ways of heathens. It is a vain thing to do and these are things we shouldn’t have learned in the first place. I would suggest reading verse 5 of this scripture also, which basically says – do not be afraid of these trees for they themselves can do no evil or good; pointing out there is no use in this tradition. It glorifies God in no way.

You might say “Bro. Bob, this sounds like a big bah-humbug!” But in fact, it isn’t. This is a two or possibly a three part series. Stay with me to the end. I believe you will learn some things and be blessed. The point on trees is this, my friends, they have nothing to do with celebrating the birth of Jesus, but they do have roots steeped in pagan and false God worship.

We have a lot to touch on yet and we haven’t even touched on Santa Claus. The question being – is this fictional character a great builder of children’s imagination or the first and biggest lie parents have ever told their children? There’s more to come next week.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

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