Sunday, January 23, 2011


As we now journey into the year 2011 there are decisions to be made. Are we going to carry on alone? Are we going to face the challenges of life that are now clearly facing us with or without God’s help? Even believers must ask these questions. It is amazing how many believers have God’s ear but never talk to him. Not because they don’t believe in God, but because of possible bad teaching by false teachers or preachers. They don’t even know God listens to their prayers and cries for help and direction.

The other reason some believers get mixed up is that they listen to all the advice of persons who do not follow God’s ways and begin to follow them instead of God. Our purpose is to lead you back to the Father. We state emphatically!! Talk with God. Believe on his Son Jesus Christ. Listen once again to the spirit of God that will lead you into truth and the only correct direction for your life.

Welcome to your 24/7, week long, online church service. How many ways must we say – everyone is welcome in this place. I truly say welcome to all that enter into this service. I know if you read or listen to this message God will touch you with his Words of Life.

All right. Let’s start by seeing what God’s Word (The Bible) has to say about who you listen to. Please turn with me to Psalms 1:1-3.

“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”
This scripture is very clear, isn’t it? My friends, the Spirit of God is warning us in no uncertain terms to be very careful who we listen to. The lesson is always follow God’s Word no matter what man has to say about the matter. Regarding standing in the way of sinners there is a lesson to learn. Do not ever be an obstacle to a sinner coming to the Lord. Not by word or action.

I remember an incident when I returned to the Lord from a backslidden condition. The decision to follow God again was a firm one. I felt so good to be back under the blessing, mercy and grace of God, but one thing really bothered me. I had to tell a very close friend I could no longer go with him to the bars, no longer could I listen to or be a part of some conversations or jokes. Do you get the picture? This friend was very worldly and easily provoked to violence. He was a black belt in karate.

I finally summoned up all the courage God was giving me and told Gary I had to talk with him. I had no idea how he would take it, but my mind was telling me it would not be good. I explained to my friend how I had known and walked with Jesus, but had walked away due to my own weakness and the circumstances of life. Gary didn’t say a word, he just stared at me. I explained about God’s mercy and grace. I told him I know Jesus is calling me back to him. My calling was to serve God and I was going to do my best to do just that. After about ten minutes of complete silence, Gary spoke and this is what he said: “Bob, I hope you make it. I am going to watch you closely because if you can make it, then maybe there is hope for me.” You see, my friends, we never know who is watching us. Our job is to offer evidence of our faith in God to all who are observing us. Verses 3 and 4 point out very clearly that “if,” and the key word is “if” we delight in God’s word we will be able to withstand all that life throws at us. That, my friends, is true success and God says we will prosper in all our ways. Now that sounds good to me. How about you?

Remember we are talking about direction for our lives in this New Year. What better place to find that direction than in the instruction book of life, which is the Bible. My desire for you in 2011 is very simple and very straight forward. I desire you have and show love. I pray for good health, financial prosperity and peace of mind for you. I am believing God for protection and safety for you everyday. But most of all, my prayer is that you will come to know God fully and completely through his son Jesus. This prayer is the burden God has put on my heart and I gladly accept it.

Even though this is an online church, I see each of you in the spirit. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God loves you. He tells me in his Word to love you as he loves me and that, my friends, is without condition. That is the reason everyone is welcome to attend this and every service we are blessed to present.

Believers, this message in large part is designed for you. There is a call from the Spirit of God to you loud and clear!! Stand fast in the love and mercy and grace of God. Your effectiveness in bringing your friends, family and others to the Lord depends on it. We must never let the draw of the world on us become more pronounced than the draw of the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:1 gives us our direction for 2011.

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”
To abandon the liberty and freedom Jesus has provided us by his death on the cross will guarantee the bondage of sin once again in our life. To stand fast in the liberty and freedom Jesus provided for us guarantees a life of freedom and peace of mind no one can take away from us. Yes, my friends, God has set us on a path of love, goodness, mercy and grace. Get out your Bible and follow the directions.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

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