Sunday, September 19, 2010


I want to start this week's online church service with a personal note. We have achieved accurate information on how far reaching this ministry has become. We have always been aware that our outreach would only be as far as God would allow it to be. God is a good and merciful God. He has blessed us with an outreach larger than we anticipated after only a little over one year of online church ministry.

We have often stated our mission is to reach the world for Jesus Christ. Jesus said if he be lifted up, he would draw all men to him. Let's turn to John 12:32 and read it for ourselves. Jesus is speaking here.

“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”
I believe God has seen our heart and is pleased. This information we have received confirms that we are reaching souls not only in the United States, but all around the world, including Luxembourg, Germany, France, Canada, Kenya and even Russia and China. Our message in all of these cities and countries is the same: Jesus Christ and him crucified, the saving story of the cross. Little did they know when they lifted Jesus up on that cross that he would rise from the dead to draw all men to him. Can you see, my friends, why we are so excited each time we say, with love in our hearts: Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service? As Jesus would draw all men to him, we welcome all in this place to worship and come to know the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ.

If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, this is the place for you. We will introduce you to him. If you are born again but have strayed away or even on purpose walked away, back into sin and the ways of the world, this place is for you also. We will show you the way back using the light of the Word of God to guide you back to him. We can do that you know. Psalms 119:105 gives you this direction.

“Thy word (the Bible) is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
Do you want back on the path of righteousness, love, mercy and grace? Let us help you.

If you are born again, walking with God with purpose, this is the place for you. We will encourage you with love and the Word of God. Do you get the picture, my friends? God has commissioned us to reach out and to minister his love to all. Thank you for attending our online services. Tell your friends and even tell your enemies about us. We will welcome them here, just as we welcome you.

You know, when our son David (now grown and serving God as a pastor and teacher of the Word) was a teenager, we would often tell him “Do good and have fun.” He would be leaving the house to be with his friends and we wanted him to have fun. But at the same time, we always pointed out our desire for him to follow Jesus. That little slogan “Do good and have fun,” seemed to work and get our point across.

Often times, in this present time people do not realize they can do good and have fun. The world system puts it just the opposite way, doesn't it? Most people today equate fun with being bad, breaking the rules, drinking too much, doing drugs, having sexual encounters and in general doing everything that is not good in God's eyes. Not realizing, of course, the end result of sin without repentance is eternal death and separation from God.

I was reading Psalms the other day and saw a scripture that reminded me of the power of our instruction for our son. Psalms 125:4 states:

“Do good, O Lord unto those who be good, and to them who are upright in their hearts.”
Yes, my friends, there are benefits to being good. The reading of that Bible verse inspired me to do a research of many Bible verses that include the word 'good' in them. Boy, did I learn some things! You know, Jesus instructed us to be like him, didn't he? Well, to be like Jesus is to also be like his Father, isn't it? So let's look at God and see who he is. Psalms 106:1:

“Praise ye the Lord, O give thanks unto the Lord: For he is good; for his mercy endureth forever.”
There is that word 'good' again. God is good and guess what? The mercy he extends toward us is due to his goodness. We can conclude from this scripture that part of our being good in God's eyes is how we show mercy to others. Mean, judgmental attitudes toward others is not a part of being good, is it?

Does it not seem strange to preach love and mercy and not show either one to people different from ourselves? That, my friends, is not an example of doing good, is it?

In the book of Amos – yes my good people, there is a book of Amos in the Bible. You better read it. You will be better off for it. Amos 5:14 gives good advice. Let's read it together:

“Seek good and not evil, that ye may live: And so the Lord, the God of Hosts, shall be with you, as you have spoken.”
Remember I said there are benefits to doing good? Amos says – seek Good and not evil. Pretty clear statement, don't you think? Why? So that you may live life to the fullest. God will be with you, and when God is with you, you cannot lose. God's goodness will sustain you through all the problems of life. Evil will destroy you. Which of these two choices would you rather have?

Ladies and gentlemen, God is not only the author of goodness, he is goodness. The Bible clearly states in James 1:17:

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”
I'm going to throw something out for you to consider. This scripture says every. Let me repeat, every good gift comes from above. That includes the good gift of salvation, the good gift of healing, the good gift of deliverance and oh so much more. But that's not all. Every perfect gift also comes from above. There really is only one perfect gift and that, my friends, is Jesus Christ. Only Jesus could be the perfect gift because he is the only begotten Son of our heavenly Father and the Bible tells us he is God in the form of man. This perfect gift is our example. Jesus is the ultimate good and perfect gift. Now do you see why we are to do good and have fun? It is quite simple isn't it? To be like Jesus, we are to go about doing good to our families, our friends, and even our enemies and should I say it? we are to do good to all. As we do that, God will continue to bless us, and when God blesses us, I guarantee it will be fun.

Yes, my friends, do good and have fun! You want a recipe for a full and abundant life? Here it is – Receive Jesus, the perfect gift into your heart and life. Choose today to believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess Jesus as your savior and make him your Lord.

Now, for those of you that are born again, saved, and have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Regardless of where you are emotionally. No matter how far or close your state of mind is to your spiritual condition. Get with it!! Start anew. Draw closer to God than you've ever been. Now all of you go out, enjoy life and live for God. Do good and and have fun, my friends. That is your heritage. Put it to use. God will be pleased and will love you for it.

You know we all need more goodness and fun in our lives, don't we? That is exactly what God wants for you, so go for it!! Do good and have fun. I know that's what I plan on doing. How about you?

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob


  1. RoseMarie Baker LeleauxSeptember 19, 2010 at 3:19 AM

    Great messege and great news about the ministry! Leave it to my big brother to pull a quote from the often overlooked book of Amos!

  2. Still Doing Good and Having Fun,

    This phrase "Do good and have fun" always rings out in my heart. When I go on trips, out with friends and even now I share with my children.
    Those were and are still great words to live by still. Because it is based on the Word. I really enjoyed this weeks message. It brought back memories and choice's while out with friends as a teen.
    Keep given the Word Dad!
    David (son)
