Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Plea For Prayer

Let me start this message by relating to you how blessed I am to serve you. Each person that enters this online church service is special to me. My prayer daily to my Heavenly Father is to bless each and every one of you. I ask the father to allow the anointing that he pours out on these messages to overflow onto you.

This ministry prays for your needs on a daily basis. Notice the healing requests on the right side of the service. These are serious, oftentimes life and death requests. Our prayer is for complete and total healings, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

I ask each of you to urgently pray for each one of these requests. There are times when sickness and diseases seems to render one helpless to even pray for themselves. That, my friends, is where your faith and mine must be lifted up to God for those that are in that condition. These are our fellow humans. God loves them just as he loves you and me. Pray daily for them, will you please?

We also have prayer requests at the ministry that are not always published but always prayed for. We believe God answers prayers. When we exercise our faith and faithfulness in prayer, the evil forces that are attempting to destroy us through sickness and disease are doomed to defeat. Jesus, speaking in Mark 11:22-24 states it very clearly. Let's read it together:

“And Jesus answering sayeth unto them, have faith in God for verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which He sayeth shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he sayeth. Therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire, when ye pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.”
Jesus is telling us here that our prayers and what we say does matter. Notice the words “when you pray.” Do you get that my friends? Things happen when you pray. That is why this plea is going out to you. Being an online church does not excuse us from being a praying church, does it? Take a look at these names and conditions. These are real people with very real needs. They truly do need your help. Will you stand with them?

Minus Leleaux – Cancer of the liver, pancreas, and lungs.
Nancy Stewart – Cancer of the liver.
Jessica Summerlin – Ovarian Cancer.
David Patterson – Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Mrs. Leslie Revelo – Anemia, low blood count.
Shaun – 16 years old. Has a form of cancer. Also pray for his salvation.
Thomas Shaun Morgan – Cancer, diabetes, recently had a bone marrow transplant.
Vanessa – Brain tumor.

Do you see what I am talking about, church? Each person here is a story unto themselves. Each one of these persons have families, husbands, wives, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends, that love them. Let's, as a church, show our love for them also. Email me today. Let me know you are standing with us in prayer for each one listed above. Our email is I will be looking forward to hearing from you.

This weekend, my wife and I are attending her family reunion in Lake Wales, Florida. The Blackledge family reunion. You know folks, the greatest gift (other than salvation, of course) is the gift of our Earthly families. Oftentimes, we take them for granted, don't we? As we grow older and move from place to place, each in our own directions, north, south, east, and west, the memories of the closeness we once had seems to fade away. The shared secrets, the laughter we shared as children. The closeness we felt to each other seems to dissolve with time and, with the hustle and bustle of life.

It is good to come together again. To reunite as a family. For many, this reunion will introduce family members to others they never met. Cousins, who were once close, will see that family spark reignited again. Family members flying and driving in from all over the country to once again celebrate their family ties. The Blackledge sisters, all four of them, will probably be the focus of attention. But beyond that will be the lifting up of Guy and Eva Howe, James Patrick, and Zorah Blackledge. Also, Jimmy and Beatrice Blackledge, gone now, but surely remembered and loved.

There will be the Blackledge sisters, their children, grand children, and great grand children. My goodness, what a great event! There will be many different outlooks, opinions, and life status, but one thing will remain supreme. Family, family, family. I think God will be smiling on them this weekend.

Happy reunion, Blackledge family. God loves you. After all, he put you all together as a family, didn't he?

God Bless you,

Brother Bob

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