Sunday, July 11, 2010

THE NINETY-FIRST PSALM (A message for you)

Summer is now in full force, isn't it? Hot weather, beaches, vacations, fun in the sun. A time for enjoyment, leisure and relaxation. And yes my friends, a time when many people decide that their absence from church and the study of God's word is excused by God Himself. The reading of the Word now takes a backseat to movies, restaurants and worldly pleasures. Summer, a time to take time off of work and responsibilities and I'm sorry to say, for many, a time to take off from worshiping and praising our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. After all, he knows we love him, doesn't he?

I know this is hard to read or hear. But it is true isn't it? Many churches have stopped evening or midweek services due to low attendance. This especially seems to occur in the summer months. That is the reason our 24/7, week long, online church service is so important. We are here to call you back to Jesus on a week to week, month to month, season to season and year to year basis. Everyone is welcome in this place everyday.

Are we against vacations, fun and recreation? Of course not. We enjoy the good things of life also, but not at the expense of ignoring our Heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus. So what are you saying, Bro. Bob? I am saying the Spirit of Wisdom Ministries is as close to you as your PC or laptop. You can even get us on most cell phones now. Our mission is to lift up the name of Jesus. We are to be available to you 24/7. We are a place of rest, a place of peace, mercy and grace all provided free of charge by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So yes my friends, enjoy your vacations. Enjoy your summer leisure time. Have fun. But always remember loving and serving Jesus is a full time position with no layoffs. Tune into God everyday with thanksgiving and praise. I guarantee you will enjoy your vacation even more than you thought you would.

This week I want to discuss the 91st Psalm with you verse by verse. As you know, we rarely do this, but this is so important and relevant to where we are positioned in today's life. So let's get started. Psalm 91:1:

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
One thing I have noticed and concluded is this: It is impossible to be under the shadow of anyone or anything if we are not close enough to them to be under their shadow. You want to abide under the shadow of the Almighty, get real close to God. Walk with him. His shadow and blessings will cover and protect you. Psalm 91:2 states:

“I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: My God; in Him will I trust.”
The first thing to note here is an instruction for us. That is the words “I will say of the Lord.” It is important that we say what we believe the Lord is to us. We say He is my refuge and fortress and that tells us God is a safe place for his children. Isn't that what a refuge is? In God there is safety and protection from all the attacks of the devil. Remember, Satan's mission and Jesus' answer to that mission. Please, turn with me to John 10:10 for a moment of remembrance. Jesus speaking:

“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.”
Jesus is our refuge and fortress. Thank God for his Son! We love you Jesus! Psalm 91:3-4 states:

“Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall by thy shield and buckler.”
Notice the way these verses start: Surely – no wavering there. Trust in God. He will surely deliver us out of every snare designed to trip you up in life. God says his truth (Jesus) will be our shield and buckler. Can't we all use a shield against everything the world throws at us in this life? Our little tip for you: When reading the 91st Psalm, put your own name anywhere it says 'thy' and 'thou.' Read it like this: “I will be Bob's shield and buckler.” Only put your own name there. The 91st Psalm is meant to be personal to you and your situation in life. So let's continue. Psalm 91:5-6:

“Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.”
What a great promise of God. He tells us here that we need have no fear when our trust is in him. How many times in the Bible do we hear Jesus saying “Fear not,or I am with you?” The answer: In every situation that fear rose its ugly head. No matter what the situation, or how the devil's evil spirits attack us, we need to lose no sleep. Let the arrows of destruction come at us. Remember, God is our shield and buckler. Why does God say – do not be afraid? Because fear is a tool of the devil and not God. Want proof? Turn with me to 2 Timothy 1:7, the apostle Paul speaking:

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
What a great revelation!! God is telling us that fear does not come from him, but from the devil. Not only that, but God is saying here that we have power over all the works of Satan and his spirits (demons). In fact, our trust in Jesus Christ and what he accomplished on the cross for you and me renders the works of Satan in our lives as powerless. God defeated Satan with love. And he has given us that same love. No longer are we ruled by hate and fear because the love of God rules supreme in our lives. That is, if we have accepted Jesus into our lives. Have you done this, my friends?

Finally, in this scripture Paul says “God has given us (believers) a sound mind.” A mind that becomes even stronger by the renewing of our minds by the word of God. I remember a brother in Christ way back in the 70s who always prayed “Thank you Lord for a sound mind.” With Jesus in our lives, that prayer is just as true for us as it was for him.

I hope you are enjoying and getting something from this message. I guarantee it gets even better as we continue our discussion of the 91st Psalm. Don't miss next week's message entitled “The Ninety-First Psalm (a message for you) Part II. I love the 91st Psalm. Next week I'll give you a personal testimony of why this is so important to me.

God Bless you,
Bro. Bob

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