Sunday, May 9, 2010


The Spirit of Wisdom Ministries is dedicated to serving you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray for you daily. We encourage you to invite this ministry to pray for your needs to be met. All prayer requests really are prayed for. This ministry believes in salvation from your sin through the precious blood of Jesus. We believe in healing for today. What kind of healing, Bro. Bob? Healing for your physical body and for your mind and spirit.

We also believe for your deliverance from oppression by evil spirits. Oh yes, my friends, there are evil spirits on this earth with one mission to carry out. That mission being to cause you to be separated from God through sickness, fear, guilt and every negative thing that Jesus died to deliver us from. But, Bro. Bob, I'm a Christian. Really?? Do you think the devil cares about that? His mission is to destroy you and your relationship with Christ. We as a ministry of Jesus Christ are here to spoil his mission by enlightening you to the Word of God. The Bible is the book of life!!

This ministry always emphasizes everyone is welcome in our services. We minister to anyone who will accept our help and guidance. God has given us a special love for you. This week I would like to talk with you about our status with God. Psalms 1 gives us some insight into this. It also gives great advice about who we should and should not take counsel/advice from.

We plan on going verse by verse, which is something I don't normally do, but God will lead us through this together and we will be blessed. So let's get started. Psalm 1:1:

“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.”

God is very clear here, isn't He? Most times people, including Christians, when confronted with difficulty or problems of life turn to everyone and everything for answers to these problems. We turn to doctors, lawyers, educators, some even seek the advice of psychics, fortune tellers and astrologists. We also take counsel from friends and family (saved or unsaved). God is saying this is exactly the opposite of what we should do. Go to God first. Do not leave him as a last resort. God will direct you through his word and Holy Spirit on how each need can and will be met. They may include doctors or lawyers, but let God make that decision. If led by God, these persons or things will become tools. Tools in the hand of the Master are a great thing. The obvious exclusions would be psychics, fortune tellers and astrologists. These things are not godly and only bad and destructive counsel can come from them. In this verse we are instructed to not practice sin or agree with the scornful or mockers, but to live a life of faith in God. Now, let's continue to Psalms 1:2:

“But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.”

You see church!! Our delight should be in the Word of God. Jesus was our example here. He was always meditating on what the Father desired of him and we should follow that example. Always put our trust in God!! When we do these things, Psalms 1:3 tells us how we will be. Let's read it together:

“And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”

The beauty of a tree planted by water is that its roots are always watered and become deep and strong. So no matter what storms come, the tree will survive and often times grow stronger. Are you getting the picture yet, church? Let your roots be deep into God. He will protect you and you will be able to weather all the storms of life that come against you. You will not turn away from God. And because of your faithfulness, the Lord will prosper you in every area of your life. God loves you so much. He will strengthen you in the Spirit. Isn't God great? Let's summarize a bit here: God says to only take Godly counsel. If it doesn't line up with God's Word it is not Godly counsel and is deadly advice. When you do use Godly counsel in your life, you will be strong in God and you will delight in God and his solution to the problems of life. You will be deep rooted in the ways of our heavenly Father. And, because of that, He will prosper and take care of you. Psalms 1:4 however, begins to talk about the misery of the unrighteous; a warning to heed. Psalms 1:4:

“The ungodly are not so; but are like chaff which the wind driveth away.”

My friends, this tells us no matter how rich, famous or powerful the ungodly might be, the Lord considers them as “chaff.” Webster's dictionary describes chaff as “worthless.” Pretty strong words, don't you think? But remember this, God loves them and would save them and give them worth if they would only turn to him and accept his free gift of salvation. You only have to stay “chaff” if you choose to. Psalms 1:5:

“Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.”

This verse clearly shows the ungodly will be judged and be convicted. In other words, he will be separated from God for eternity. Spiritual death is his sentence, the lake of fire his penalty. Something interesting takes place here also. This verse makes a distinction between the ungodly and the sinner. What? I thought they were one and the same, didn't you? The truth is, there are many sinners in church, but very few of the ungodly. It becomes clear the sinners referred to here are those who have been born again, but have returned to the practice of sin. They will not stand in the congregation of the righteous. What an indictment. Let's not be one who is counted as a practicing sinner in the congregation of the righteous.

You see, God imparts his righteousness to us when we accept Christ into our hearts, but we must exercise his righteousness by our actions. It is a process of learning how to live in the righteousness God has provided for us. Psalms 1:6 concludes with the explanation.

“For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous (you see, there is a way of the righteous); but the way of the ungodly shall perish.”

I hope this message has helped you. This is Godly counsel!! Walk in it, my friends, walk in it.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

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