Sunday, May 2, 2010


Let me start this week's 24/7 week long, online church service by welcoming everyone into this place. You all know by now that we exclude no one from that welcome. This is a safe place filled with peace, love, mercy and grace. The reason we can say this is because Jesus Christ is lifted up in our service. We praise him, we worship him and we glorify him. We come to him with thanksgiving for what he has done for us and for what he will do for you.

This online church ministers to those who are in deep sin and desire a way out. We minister to those who came out of sin by the grace of God, but have fallen back into bondage. We also offer encouragement to all who want to love and serve God, but feel inadequate to do so. And of course, we minister to all who love the Lord and serve him with joy.

You see, we know something that is important for you to know. Regardless of what state of mind you find yourself in today, God loves you and wants you to succeed in this life and forever. Jesus did not come to this earth to be humiliated, beaten, spit upon, called the vilest of names and finally nailed to a cross, stabbed in the side, given vinegar to drink when thirsty so that he could have a best selling book written about him. No my friends, Jesus died as a perfect sacrifice, acceptable to God so you could be saved from your sin. You see, when Jesus came down from heaven to this earth, the whole world was under condemnation of sin. It was not a good inheritance our first parents, Adam and Eve, left us. God in his love for us, knowing that the wages of sin is death, desired us to be able to escape eternal death and have eternal life with him.

Man was incapable of saving himself due to his own sin. So, only one who was without sin could pay the price and save us. That one was and is still today the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ. Let's look at the scripture pertaining to sin and the wages thereof. Turn with me to Romans 6:23.

“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Often times when this scripture is quoted, it is about present time sin. But as you can now see, sin has equaled death since the beginning of time. Further proof of this can be found in Romans 5:12.

“Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.”

It should becoming clear to you how much God really does love you. Through Jesus Christ righteousness is imparted to us. When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, all condemnation is lifted off of you. A heavy burden you have been carrying around with you since birth is dissolved. How great is that? You know church, we make serving God seem like such a task or chore, when in fact God made it so simple for us.

I know there are many of you out there who have been walking around with a heaviness that is impossible to explain. I am talking to both saved and unsaved people right now. I'm telling you this does not have to be. Jesus is calling out to you today. Listen to his word in Matthew 11:28-30. Let's be clear, Jesus is speaking here.

“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; I am meek and lowly in heart: And ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Let's look at this more closely. Did you notice Jesus did not say “Come unto me some that labor and are heavy laden?” NO – He said ALL. Let me repeat that: ALL!! The invitation has no qualifications. Yet to listen to most so-called Bible experts, you would think hardly anyone qualified. Certainly not anyone who doesn't belong to their denomination or their Bible study group. Jesus is talking to everyone here. Saved and unsaved. All means all. Man's judgmental conditions hold no weight with Jesus. Thus, the invitation – come just as you are. Jesus says in this scripture, learn of me. Where can we do that? That answer is in the Word of God (The Bible). Accept Jesus into your heart and he will give you eyes to see and ears to hear. The Bible will become an open and understandable instruction book of life to you.

Oh yes, we can also learn of Jesus through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God. The key being, that when preached to and taught that we turn to the Bible and read it for ourselves. God will confirm his Word to us. Try it and see for yourself. Notice that Jesus said he will give us rest for our souls. Is there anyone out there who needs rest for their souls? In these trying times with oppression, depression, guilt and sorrows all bearing down on us, of course we do. Everyday I see the tension and frustration that are weighing people down so much. It's true that Satan's burden is very heavy, weighing you down in total despair. But Jesus says his yoke is easy and his burden is light. Why is his burden light? Because he takes the weight off of you and puts it on himself, and nothing is too heavy for God.

I pray this is helping you. I want to see the smile return to your face. I desire to hear laughter in place of crying. I want despair to be replaced by hope in your life. I want to see your praise life restored or if you have never praised God for his goodness, I would like to see you accept Jesus into your heart so that you can have the joy of praising God also. All God is asking of you is to accept his love by accepting his Son. You do that and you will be returning God's love to him in the one way that is truly pleasing to him.

To my very special saved brothers and sisters who have walked away from God, I implore you – come back home. Your heavenly Father will not only accept you back, but he will once again bless you with his mercy and grace. His love has never left you!! To the saved one who is worn down by the trials of this world, lay down the devil's yoke and burden. It will kill you. Please lay that burden down now. Trust God again. It's time you gave your soul a rest and it's time you accept the love of the Lord in your life again. Anyone who says you can't do this is lying to you. To the unsaved, listen to me and listen very carefully. This may be the last invitation to accept Christ you may ever have. But know this, whether it is or isn't, without Jesus there is only spiritual death in store for you. God is offering you eternal life today. The only question is, will you accept the wages of sin which is death or will you accept Jesus Christ into your heart and be given eternal life.

My e-mail is If I do not hear from you, I will know your answer. To everyone, this message is heart felt. I pray it helped you. We have talked today about condemnation and life and death. Let's turn to Romans 8:1-2, Paul is speaking here:

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.”

Does that sound good to you? It sure does to me.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

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