Sunday, May 16, 2010


God is good and worthy of all praise. A truth not to be disputed!! To those of us that have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, this truth is ingrained in us. We recognize God's mercy and grace that he has so freely given us through his Son, Jesus Christ. We can say, as the Psalmist did, in Psalms 42:1:

“As the hart (deer) panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee O God.”

We welcome everyone to your 24/7 week-long online church service. No one is excluded from this place. You know the deer in the forest searches out the water brooks because they are thirsty and only the clear-flowing water of the streams can quench their thirst. We as believers thirst after the love, mercy, and grace of God. Our souls cry out to our Father. We are so thankful he saved us from our sin. We continually praise him inwardly and outwardly because he has redeemed us and we will live eternally with him. We thank you and praise you, Lord, for your goodness and mercy that endures forever.

The beauty of this is that God's love doesn't just come to us, but is extended to all mankind. God created us all and as his creatures, he loves us.

God's desire is for all his human creation to come to him through his only begotten Son and be elevated from just being his creation to being a part of his family. Unbeliever, God loves you that much!! As humans, it doesn't take much to look around at this very ungodly world to realize there is something better than this. Am I correct?

You know, Peggy Lee once sang a song titled, “Is that all there is?” It pointed out some things we all know. You acquire fame and yet question, is this all there is? You obtain wealth, mansions, promotions, and then realize, is this all there is? You raise a beautiful family. You have a beautiful home with a white picket fence, and a manicured lawn, yet in your heart and mind, the question remains, is this all there is? My friends, that is your soul, crying out to God for fulfillment in your life. Contrary to country club Christian thinking, the soul of the lost cries out to God just as the soul of the believer does.

Truth be known, but sometimes forgotten, we believers were once lost also, weren't we? Yes, my good people, thirst is known by and in all of God's creation. The question is, what can quench the thirst? The answer is God and only God!! How? By his Son, Jesus. Let's look at some Bible scriptures to back this up. In Psalms 63:1, David cries out to God but this should also be our cry.

“O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry thirsty land, where no water is.”

Notice, as believers, we can cry out, “Oh God, you are my God!” What a tremendous realization. God has made a way, through his Son, by way of the cross for us to proclaim Himself, as our Heavenly Father. The scripture points out, the best time to seek God is early!! I have found out, my day goes by much better when I seek God early in the morning. Just to say, “Thank you, Lord, for another day of life.” To acknowledge the Lord by saying, “This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Today is the day of salvation. I will walk in that salvation with all its benefits and I will be accountable at the end of the day.

When I do that, God fills me with living water (His Spirit) and waters the thirst. Truth is!! This is what helps me live in a dry and thirsty land, which has separated itself from the living waters, which is the Holy Spirit of God. This land is becoming drier and drier without God, yet our souls still cry out, for it knows, only God can help us.

As I am delivering this message to you this week, my heart is filled with love for you. I know many of you are going through trials and tribulations. Things look bleak and even impossible. That is the reason this ministry is here, my friends. I am here to proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord!! God is the God of the possible. Heed the cry of your soul, my friends. Turn to God now. My unbelieving friends, this message is for you also.

I feel your despair. I was there!! My soul cried out with thirst for the things of God. Finally, after many years of struggling on my own, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and the process of the Holy Spirit working in my life, flooding me with living water (the Holy Spirit) that continues to this day. Each day becomes better and better because I know God is watering my thirst for him. But, this is not for me only. It is for you!! Listen to me!! If you are reading or listening to this message today, God is ready to meet your soul's thirst. Will you let him do that?

Jesus explained this well in John 4:13 & 14. He is talking about the Holy Spirit. Here is what John 4:13 &14 says:

“Jesus answered and said unto her, (answering a question) whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again (talking of natural water): But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst: but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into ever lasting life.”

Notice that Jesus says, “whosoever.” That means exactly what he says. Accept Christ into your heart and life and your Spiritual thirst will be satisfied. Why is this? Because, as Jesus said, the water that Jesus gives you, (The Holy Spirit) a well of water that will continue springing up unto you, unto ever lasting life. That is why I said, the living water is a process of filling you unto eternal life. How great is that?

Jesus is very clear in these scriptures, isn't he? He is talking to whosoever will listen and receive him. No one can accuse Jesus of discrimination. This is a message of hope and salvation to anyone that will listen and respond to the call of the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you thirsty? Turn with me to Mathew 5 & 6. Jesus will meet your thirst.

“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.”

There you are, my friends. Seek God's righteousness imputed by Christ, upon faith in his finished work. Thirst no more. Let God give you living water.

God Bless You,

Brother Bob

1 comment:

  1. AMEN Uncle/Brother Bob! There is a God shaped hole in all of us and nothing else will fit in it. But we try to put other things to fill it first before put God there. Why? Why? Why?
    Love you!
