Sunday, February 14, 2010


May God bless everyone who enters into this place this week. Salvation, healing both physical and mental, and deliverance from sin and oppression from devilish or demonic forces are available to you through your acceptance of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of our heavenly Father, the God above all gods.

This is what the Spirit of Wisdom Ministry preaches, teaches and believes. We welcome you to this week's 24/7, week long online church service. Everyone is welcome in this place.

You know, the way we ended last week's service just will not let me go. The Holy Spirit gave me the words that on reflection are so dynamic. So, what were those words again? Simply and truthfully put, I said, God loves you the best. All week long God has repeated those words in my spirit. God loves you the best. You might say, “Bro. Bob, out of all of His creations, how could God love me the best?” The answer is very simple, my friends, He is God!! He has the capacity to love each one of us the best.

Isaiah 49:16 lays the foundation for the statement above. God is speaking here:

“Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.”

You see, my friends, God loves you so much, you are engraved on the palms of His hands. In the scripture above, walls mean your life. God says your life is continually before Him. You call out to God and He just looks at the palms of His hands and says “Oh yes, that is Manny, or Fred, or Kathleen. I love them, and I will help them in their time of need.” You see, God loves each one of us individually. That is one reason He desires to have a personal relationship with you. He made a way for that to be. His name is Jesus!!

Jesus, in God form or man form has the same capacity for love as the Father does. We can safely say – Jesus loves you the best. Yes, Freida and Shaun, Jesus loves you the best. Barbara, Jesus loves you the best. God loves us so much that His son, Jesus, endured the cross for us. How do I know this? Turn to Hebrews 12:2.

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

What was that joy, my friends? It should be obvious. The joy that was set before Jesus was you and your salvation from sin. What a great Savior we have! As He sat down at the right hand of the throne of God, His sacrifice was fully accepted by God. This was all done for you and you alone. Why? Because God loves you the best.

I believe this to be a very powerful message. I really can't express how much God has dealt with me on this subject this week. Armed with this information and understanding about how God feels about us, should encourage us to live for and to love God back with everything we have in us.

This brings us back to being the best believer we can be, doesn't it? Let's begin once again to speak what God says in our situation or circumstance of life. God wants us to succeed in life. We can do that!! It is possible, you know. Because of God's love for us, we can be conquerors in this life, right here on this earth.

Please turn with me to Romans 8:37, Paul speaking:

“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.”

This scripture clearly backs up what the Holy Spirit has been saying through me this week, my friends. The reason we are destined to be conquerors in this life is because we have accepted the Lord Jesus in our hearts and we are conquerors through Him. This scripture showed us what? That God loves us, that's what. Are you getting this yet, church? It gets even better. Paul goes on to say, in Romans 8:38-39:

“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Doesn't this prove to you that God loves you the best? None of the above things can take God's love away from you. But, be careful my friends, that you, yourself do not begin to separate yourself from the love of God. God's love for you is constant and consistent, but is your love for God constant and consistent? It can be, you know.

God will not separate His love from us, but we can definitely separate ourselves from His love. My advice and warning to you, is please, do not do that. I recently preached a message entitled, Staying in the Word; a message designed to encourage believers to read the direction Book of Life (the Bible). Why? Because, all through that book God's love for us is shown over and over again. The Word of God gives us warnings about people and things that would interfere or try to disrupt our relationship with Him. All through the Bible, directions are given to guide us through the pitfalls and traps that Satan has laid out for us to separate us from our heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ.

The last three messages have been about the love of God and how to be a doer of the Word. As believers, let's show God and our fellow man we really do believe God. We really are not the same as we were before Jesus came into our life. Let's love God the same way He loves us. Let's love God the best!!!

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

New Prayer Request: Please pray for Kathleen Warren. Pray that God provides her with a new home and blesses her with finances. Also, pray that Kathleen is able to find employment to help her meet her needs. Please pray with purpose. Kathleen needs your help.

Just a note: Audio has been added to the "Choose Wisely" message dated 8/9/2009. Feel free to go back to listen to the service. We are sure you will be blessed.


  1. RoseMarie Baker LeleauxFebruary 14, 2010 at 5:22 PM

    Hey Bob,
    Just wanted to let you know that I was going to be delivering the message at our evening "Celebration" service. The topic is the importance of music in worship and life. I might "borrow" some of the above in reference if you don't mind. (^_^)
    Happy Valentines Day to you and your Sweetheart Vicki!
    Yah sistah Rose.

  2. Brother Bob and Family thank you for praying for me and the message really is right in tune with my life. I do need Father God's help, thank you again, lovingly, Kathleen

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