Sunday, December 26, 2010


This day after your Christmas gatherings and the giving of gifts, the beginning of a new year just ahead – let me welcome you to your 24/7, week long, online church service. The end of the year is a time of reflection, isn’t it? There are so many things to evaluate. Reflection of thanks for the many blessings God has provided you - your family and relationships, your financial status. Some things are great, some things are pretty good, and there are also things in your life that are pretty awful and need changing, aren’t there?

I would submit to you that the most important thing to consider is your relationship with God. All New Year’s resolutions would fade into the background if your end of year resolve was to really know and follow Jesus Christ. That resolve would change many things in your life and the lives of your loved ones. You want to be a better husband or wife? Put God first. You desire to be a better parent? Put God first. Are there bondages weighing heavily on your mind? I say again, put God first.

My friends, this ministry is going to emphasize one thing very clearly in 2011 – PUT GOD FIRST!! The way to put God first is by receiving his Son, Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. He will direct your path toward mercy, grace and peace. Psalms 32:8 explains this better than I can. The scripture states:

“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.”
You see, God doesn’t leave you alone once you are one of his. No, he will teach you and instruct you how to live a victorious life in him. The Bible, which we have often times called the instruction book of life, is just waiting for you to open the pages and start reading. God says put him first and he will give you eyes to see and ears to hear spiritual things. You will even be able to understand the King James version of the Bible.

One of the biggest lies Satan ever started is that the King James Bible could not be understood by ordinary men, women and children. It is true if you have not received Jesus into your heart that nothing spiritual, including the Bible, would make much sense at all. So what does that mean? Very simply put, it is your choice. God is ready and willing to welcome you into his family and open up spiritual things that will change your life forever and for the better.

My friends, I am imploring you, whether you are a born again believer or not, get right with God and put him first in the upcoming New Year. Jeremiah 33:8-9 shows you just some of the benefits of God to those who are his.

“And I will cleanse them from all their iniquity, whereby they have sinned against me; and I will pardon all their iniquities whereby they have sinned, and whereby they have transgressed against me. And it shall be to me a name of joy, a praise and an honor before all the nations of the earth, which shall hear all the good that I do unto them: And they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and all the prosperity that I procure unto it.”

So I ask you, my friends, would that be a good way to start the New Year? All your sins forgiven? God says he will be so good to you in so many ways that people will notice it. You want a Happy New Year? Put God first.

Now, just a personal note to each of you. I can’t reflect on this past year without giving God thanks for putting you into my life. When we as a ministry say that we love and appreciate you, we mean it. Now some reflections of my own. I want to give special thanks to my wife, Vicki. She hears these messages over and over again. She helps our ministry by typing out my hand written messages and then proof reads them to make any changes needed. God has blessed me with a great help mate and I am thankful for that. I have often told others “I love my wife.” But as we come upon a new year, I want to say it here: Vicki, I love you!!

The second person I want to give thanks to is my friend and computer technician, Justin Rocque. Ladies and gentlemen, I know very little about computers. I knew God put it on my heart to start our online church service, but I had no way or knowledge of how to do it. Then along came Justin who said “I can help you.” And has he ever! Everything you see or hear on our website is the work of Justin. He has been faithful to do this work with me every Saturday night for the last sixteen months. I thank God for putting Justin into my life and I say to him personally: Thank you Justin!!

Finally, I am very thankful to God for you. Everything God gives me to preach is just for you. I expect great things in 2011 for you. I believe all prayer requests for healings and all other things will be answered. I am believing that in 2011 many souls will be saved from their sin so they can obtain eternal life with God and his Son, Jesus Christ. I believe we will see healings of mind, body and spirit. I also know in 2011 we will show up the evil spirits that try to destroy your lives and we will cast them out of you, just as Jesus did when he was on the earth.

God bless you, my friends and Happy New Year. Remember!! Put God first in 2011 and forever.

God Bless You,

Bro. Bob

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Well, it’s the week before Christmas and I definitely know you are busy. I want to thank your for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend your 24/7, week long, online church service. You all know by now everyone is welcome in this place.

Christmas is a time the early church picked out to observe the birth of Jesus. The Bible doesn’t give a date or month in which Jesus was born, but most scholars agree it wasn’t in December. Luke 2:7-8 confirms this conclusion. Talking about Mary the scripture states:

“And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.”
You know, as a child I used to love listening to the song “Away in a Manger.” Sad to say, unless you listen to Christian radio, you probably won’t hear it this year. Radio and television had rather play Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red nose Reindeer than music that refers to the Son of God. That is also true of most public schools.

It seems as time goes by, the things of this world such as Santa Claus, his elves, shopping and the glitter of decorations and Christmas trees, the giving of gifts have all pushed Jesus to the side of the road, doesn’t it? Verse 8 of the above scripture talks about shepherds abiding in the field watching over the sheep at night. Chances are, that would be in late summer or early fall. In the cold of December shepherds brought the sheep in to covered areas at night. One of these weeks I will tell you how December the 25th became the selected date, and how Christmas actually was originated. You may be surprised and shocked when I reveal the answer to you, so stay tuned.

I think it is safe to say everyday is the Lord’s day so if you choose to celebrate the birth of Jesus next week, please do it right. Make Jesus the center of your family and friend’s gatherings. I remember the family gatherings we would have on Christmas Eve. They are great memories for my wife Vicki and myself. Christmas Eve was when we did all our shopping for our kids and others. We would start early over breakfast at the mall. We would go over our list. Then Vicki would go her way with her list and I would go the other way with mine. We would meet every couple of hours and go over our progress, knowing we were running out of time as the children and their families would be coming over for our family gathering. This hectic schedule started when our kids were small and continued each year as they grew up and grandchildren took their place. There was never a dull moment at the Baker household.

I remember how excited everyone was as they entered our home. They brought in bags of gifts, smiling faces and the love only a close family can share. We enjoyed the fellowship, the holiday snacks and the laughter. But, my friends, it was always in our spirits that we desired to remember the birth of Jesus. Our desire was to lift up Jesus. We decided reading the Bible story of the birth of our Savior should be done before gift giving and our family tradition of drinking hot chocolate. You see, it is so important that Jesus be first, above all other things. The gifts we gave each other were fun, but the gift of God to us was his son, Jesus Christ, a Savior who would set us free from all bondages of sin and give us eternal life, IF only we would believe on him.

Everyone would sit all around our living room on the furniture and on the floor. My granddaughter, Rachel, now thirty years old, always had to sit first on my lap and later on, on the arm of my chair, looking at the Bible as I read about the birth of Jesus Christ. Upon completion of reading the Bible, I would ask each member of the family to answer a question – something like “What is the thing you are most thankful or grateful to God for in this past year?” My friends, you would be amazed at some of the answers. There would be laughter, tears, hugs and I know the love was great in that room because we put Jesus first. So, what are you saying, Bro. Bob?

I’m saying put Jesus first this Christmas season. Be the one at your family gathering to remind them to make Jesus the center of attention. God will bless you for it. Church, we are so blessed and thankful to have you in our online church family. God has placed you on our hearts. We love and appreciate you. Tell you what, gather around, my church family, relax, sit back, clear your mind of all the hustle and bustle of Christmas. Open your hearts and listen intently as I read the Bible story to you. I always start by saying even though we call it the Bible story of Jesus’ birth, it is not just a story at all, it is history and it is the truth. Let’s start in Luke 1:28-35:

“And the angel came in unto her, and said, HAIL, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: Blessed art thou among women. And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said unto her, fear not, Mary: For thou has found favor with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son, and shall call his name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: And the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? (This shows Mary was a virgin). And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.”
Now, let’s move over to Luke chapter 2. Joseph and Mary (who was very pregnant at the time), traveled by donkey from Galilee to Bethlehem, a distance of approximately eighty miles. Imagine how uncomfortable Mary was. Luke 2:6-14 states:

“And so it was, while they were there (Bethlehem) the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, low, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shown round about them: And they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them Fear not: For, behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.”
Now, how’s that for a history lesson? Thank you, my good church family, for allowing me to read God’s Word regarding the birth of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, to you. I say to you now – go in peace and enjoy the holidays.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Welcome everyone to your 24/7 week long, online church service. No one is excluded and everyone is included in this service. We at the Spirit of Wisdom Ministries are delighted to have you here. This is a place of praise and worship to our heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus Christ.

Our mission is to present the gospel of Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth. The only text we use is the Word of God (The Bible). All messages are handwritten the same week given unless otherwise noted. We pray for and receive God's anointing on his word that we give out. Our hope is that each message will help someone. We pray for the lost to be saved. We pray for believers who have turned away from God to return. You may have turned your back on God, but he hasn't turned his back on you.

Our mission is also to encourage believers to stay on the right road. We believe and pray for the healing of the body, mind and spirit. We believe that God has given us and all who believe in his son Jesus Christ, power to cast out devils in Jesus name. Our prayer is that all who enter into our 24/7, week long, online church will be set free from all demonic and worldly oppression. Our prayer is never to exalt ourselves, but to always exalt and lift up the name of Jesus. We are always mindful of the scripture where Jesus says, if he be lifted up, he will draw all men to himself. Tell you what. Let's look at that scripture together. John 12:32, Jesus speaking:

“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”
What a great promise Jesus gave us here. By saying all would be drawn to him, Jesus was saying anyone and everyone can come to him and be saved from their sin. Think of the most vile, wretched, sinful person you know. You know, the one you don't want anything to do with. Well, my friends, they along with us are who Jesus died to redeem. What a great Savior and Lord we serve. So, why am I saying all this? It's very simple. I'm giving the invitation to receive or come back to Jesus at the beginning of the service instead of at the end.

Preaching is important, but salvation is everything. This is your personal invitation. Paul in the book of Romans chapter 1:10 stated:

“Brethren my hearts desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.”
You see, as much as Israel as a nation knew about God in their minds and knowledge, they weren't saved. Why? Because they rejected the true Messiah, Jesus Christ. Today my hearts desire and prayer for you, my friends, is that you might be saved. I am also praying that all who are saved but are away from God will come back home today. What better time than at this season and the beginning of the new year? I know the Spirit of God is urging many of you to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior right now.

The Holy Spirit is also urging you believers to repent of your sin and return to your first love. The question is, how do you do that, isn't it? Turn with me to Romans 10:9-10. Paul tells us here how to receive Jesus into your heart. He says:

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
Nonbelievers, if you can say the above and mean it in your heart, do so now and you will be saved. Ask God into your heart now. Repent, which means to turn away from sin and turn toward God. Now, walk with God, my friend. You are now a child of God. Email me and tell me the good news. I will help you get started in your new path of joy, mercy and grace.

Now, you believers who are under conviction. Say the same thing only remember to ask God to forgive you for turning away from him. Receive his forgiveness right now. Welcome back my brother or sister to the family of God. All of heaven and our church family are rejoicing with you.

Church, pray for these individuals. Lift them up to God for help. Stand with them spiritually. We are entering a new year and this online church is expecting more salvation, healings and deliverance from demonic oppression than our minds can even conceive of. Together we are reaching the world, aren't we? Let me encourage you in this Holiday Season. Tell everyone you know how good God has been to you. Tell them about Jesus. We will see lots of stories and entertainment lifting up Santa Claus and the gifts he brings. But only God through his son Jesus Christ can bring the gift of forgiveness of sin and eternal life. And he (God) is real to boot!

You know, this invitation is still going out. I know there are people in this online church service who God is calling right now. God is saying in the Spirit, “You are my creation, I desire you to be my child.” Some of you are just plain tired of life as it is, aren't you? Jesus in Matthew 11:28-30 has this to say to you:

“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: And ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Is that you, my friend? Come to God today. Romans 10:13-14 says:

“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?”
Today you have heard the invitation and you have heard Jesus call you to himself. I have the honor of being the preacher God has used to hand you the invitation. The rest is up to you!!

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Urgent Prayer Request Update: Please pray urgently for Nancy Stewart. Nancy has caner of the liver and is presently undergoing massive chemotherapy. Please pray for total and complete healing of her body and peace for her mind and spirit. This is a serious prayer request. We thank you for being faithful.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Let me say this to you, church – God is good and worthy of all praise no matter what's going on in your life this week. I know that some of you are heading into this month with despair in your lives. Where is the money going to come from to provide a good Christmas for your family? Some are asking the question “Why, when all the songs are of happiness, do I feel so sad, so depressed and so alone?” My friends, I will be blunt with you. You have gotten your eyes off of the one who created you. God said he would never leave nor forsake you, didn't he? Well, didn't he?

I want to welcome you to your 24/7, week long, online church service. Everyone is welcome in this place. One of the hardest things to do in the holiday season is to be content, isn't it? We always desire more and we look right past the blessings of God that are all around us, even this very day. I referred earlier to God being worthy of all praise because he is always with you. Let's check it out. Please turn with me to Hebrews 13:5. The scripture states:

“Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as you have: For he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.”
Oh my friends, I want you to get this. The writer of Hebrews is telling us to have a lifestyle that does not worry about what others have. The scripture says to be content with what you already have, doesn't it? I know the pressure is on you to spend money you don't have. After all, it is the holidays, isn't it? Let the pressure go. Look at your wife/husband, your children, your home, your friends and even your pets. Be content my brother or sister. Instead of entering this season with worry and discontent, give God thanks for what you do have.

You know what? Children want gifts a lot, but what they want more than that is a Mom and Dad who loves them and exudes confidence and security no matter what the situation is. Let's return to the above scripture again. It says he (talking about God) said he will never leave nor forsake you. Oh, he must have meant he would just be with you when things are going good, right? Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. You are sad? God will make you glad. You are poor? God will supply you with riches untold. I'm not just talking about money here. Take a second look at your family. Look at the smiles when they see you. Feel the hugs they give you. You may not have enough money at this time, but you are very, very rich, my friend. Can you now see why I said God is good and worthy of all praise?

I'm imploring you to get your eyes off your troubles and encouraging you to lift your eyes up to God who is your help in times of trouble. One of the things I always stress is that God is a present time God. Too many churches and preachers today talk about God as if he was history. He did great works for his people way back then, but they leave out what he does for you everyday. Let's look at Psalms 46:1 to prove my point. This scripture states:

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
Did you get that? You are not alone in the struggles of this life. Trust in the Lord!! He is your refuge from all the troubles of this world. You can stand strong and get through any problems you have. God is your strength. The Bible, which is the Word of God and does not lie, says that God is a very present help in trouble. Turn to him. Tell him what your trouble is. Trust him for help.

You might say “Bro. Bob, this is easy for you to say, you've never gone through these problems at Christmas.” Oh, if that were only true. I remember one year, a long time ago, I had been laid off of work twenty-six weeks out of the year. The economy was very similar to today's. We had five kids, all young at that time. We called them together and told them Christmas wasn't going to be the same. We had very little money for gifts and the bills were coming in. Our kids were great because I believe they knew we were telling them the truth. My wife and I trusted God and we prayed for his help. Yet, there seemed no help was there. We were not shaken. We knew God is a present time God and help would come somehow. And guess what? It did.

I received a call from a friend who lived in Northern Michigan and guess what? He had a Christmas tree farm. He asked if I would help him sell them and he would pay me cash. Well, Christmas morning came and the look of surprise on the childrens faces was something to behold. There weren't the expensive gifts of previous years, but you wouldn't know it by watching our children and their excitement. Many different years life was difficult, but our God is a present time God. He is good and he is our strength. Is this beginning to make any sense to you? God loves you, my friends. Just as he loves us. What he did for us he will do for you. Trust him. Praise him and live for him.

My wife Vicki told me about a saying she read on a book mark. I think it applies here. “Worry won't take the pain out of tomorrow, it just takes the joy out of today.” I know the troubles of this world can beat you down. That is the reason I am saying to you that Jesus Christ is your hope. You want to have a great Christmas season? Live for God through his Son, Jesus. Believers, trust in him again. Be encouraged. Say as the Psalmist said in Psalms 28:7:

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: Therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.”
Give your family the best gift of all. Give yourself to them totally this season. The loneliness, the sadness and the poverty we talked about earlier will just fade away in contrast to the love you will receive back. Nonbelievers, God is calling you to become a child of his. How do you do that? Email me at and I will introduce you to Jesus Christ, the only Son of God. He will save you and forgive you of all your sins. Let's end this like we started. God is good and worthy of praise. Yes he is!!

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, November 28, 2010


I want to wish a Happy belated Thanksgiving to our precious online church family. I'm sure you know everyday is and should be a day of thanksgiving. You know, when President Abraham Lincoln re-proclaimed Thanksgiving a national holiday he did not call it “Happy Turkey Day,” did he? Nor did he call it “Happy Food Day.” No my friends, the president of the United States knew exactly what he was doing. He knew it was in the best interest of our nation to give thanks to God for the many blessings we have.

Somehow over the last few decades we have gotten away from giving thanks, and look around you, ladies and gentlemen, see what is happening to our country. This is not a Democrat or Republican thing, my friends. Our congress, our president and yes even ourselves must get back to praying and the giving of thanks for our country. We must pray for our leaders and each other. Welcome to your 24/7 week long, online church service. I'm so thankful everyone is welcome in this place.

Psalms 100 tells us how to give thanks and praise to the Lord for his goodness to us. Let's read Psalms 100 together:

“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: Come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God: It is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: Be thankful unto him and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.”
It is obvious that this Psalm is an instruction to believers. As a friend of mine once said “There is a wolf of information here.” We are talking about giving thanks and praying for our country, aren't we? The Psalmist starts out by saying “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands.” So this is not just a prayer for the United States, but for all lands. Well, I assume this would be for all Muslim nations too, wouldn't it? I call on all Muslims everywhere to come to Jesus Christ this week, and make a joyful noise of praise to the God of your salvation which in truth can only be Jesus Christ.

Believers, some of you believe the only way to deal with Muslim nations is to kill men, women and children with bombs. My suggestion as a man called of God to preach Spirit and truth, is to bomb all lands, including all Muslim nations, with prayers for the salvation of their peoples. Jesus Christ is the answer, my friends. The love and mercy of Jesus Christ is more powerful than the most destructive weapons known to man. This isn't political, church. This is the truth of God's Word. Verse 3 of Psalms 100 states that we are to know, not think, hope or doubt, that the Lord, He is God. Who is the Lord? Jesus Christ is the Lord and Jesus is God who came in human form to save us all from our sin. Who? All, that's who. All who would receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. No one is excluded except by choice. John 3:16-17 spells it out very clearly:

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”
Now I ask you, do we have anything to be thankful for? You bet we do!! All peoples from all nations, all that are in what we may consider the vilest of sinful condition are exactly who Jesus came to save. Were we not in bondage to sin before we came to know Jesus? Of course we were. God is making a point here, church. Self righteousness and religious arrogance is not of God.

It often amazes me how believers who have been set free from alcohol and nicotine are the most judgmental of those who still drink and smoke. Believers who have been set free from sexual addiction and bondage now looking down their noses at those who are in the exact same condition they were in before Christ. What in the world is going on, church? When did compassion become a dirty word? Do you not understand? Jesus died for us all. No matter what nationality, what color, what financial status or what spiritual condition we were in. Believers, I'm talking to you!! If you believe I'm being harsh with you, feel free to go to God yourself. My suggestion is to go humbly and ask the Father – is Brother Bob teaching truth here? I am confidant that he will show you that I am.

Church, I am very aware that sin in any fashion is not to be condoned. Sin is dangerous and always leads in the direction of death. However, let's not fight sin and sinners with sinful attitudes or actions of our own. This message is not designed to beat up believers or the church. It is actually more about correction, isn't it? I am encouraging you to approach life and living more as Jesus would. Everything Jesus did or said was designed to bring God's creation (us) to himself. To shine light unto darkness so each person could see their own sin and need for a Savior.

Being separate from the world system does not mean you should be so heavenly minded you are no earthly good. The lost in this world need you. They do not need you to point out their sin as much as they need you to point them toward Jesus Christ.

Let's return to Psalms 100 for further instruction. Verse 4 tells us to praise God wherever we go. It also tell us to be thankful unto God and to bless his name. The way to bless the name of God is to be more like his name implies. To be loving, merciful and just. Verse 5 sums it up for us. God is good. His mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all generations. Now, that is something to be thankful for, isn't it?

As I close this message, I return to express my thankfulness for this nation. I love our country, but I know as you do there is trouble in the land. Once again this is where we as believers can make a difference. Please, turn with me to II Chronicles 7:14 and let's read it together:

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
Now that sounds like correction to me. How about you?

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Special Note: We have embedded a link to an eCard below from titled "Psalms 100." We believe you will enjoy it. If you are blessed by this eCard, please leave a comment and let us know!
Psalm 100

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Well church, it' that time again. We have come together to praise and glorify our God. The God above all gods. Psalms 105:1-5 gives the instruction:

“O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: Talk ye of all his wondrous works. Glory ye in his holy name: Let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord. Seek the Lord and his strength: Seek his face evermore. Remember his marvelous works that he hath done; his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth.”
Welcome to your 24/7 week long, online church service. Surely you know by now everyone is welcome in this place. No one is excluded. No one is looked down upon. We love you and desire your presence here. God loves you and he's glad you are receiving his Word.

The instructions given in the above scriptures are pretty clear, aren't they? Give thanks unto the Lord!! Every morning when I wake up the very first thing I do is thank God for another day of life. I would suggest you do the same. Surely you are as thankful as I am. Let God know how thankful you are. Call on his name in every situation. Just say “Jesus be with me. I love you and I need your help today.” The scripture says to tell others what God has done for you. Now, some may not care or respond to your joy. But, there is that one or two who may believe if God did that for you, just maybe he would do the same for them. God wants you to plant the seeds of his Word in others, doesn't he?

Sing unto him. I oftentimes make up songs of thanksgiving as I drive in my car. There is something about music that touches God's heart. I believe it is the sincerity that does it. Verse 4 of the above scripture says to seek the Lord and his strength, seek his face evermore. In this time of trouble all around us, we need his strength don't we? I believe one of the most important things God wants is for us to remember the marvelous works he has done for us. Why? So you can encourage yourself in him and so that you will be an encouragement to others. You know, if you look back in the Old Testament and even in the New, the Word of God was passed forward mostly by word of mouth. Families passed the stories of God and his blessings down generation to generation.

That is almost gone in this present day. Parents today pass down Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter bunny and the things of this world to their children, but leave out God. I'm even talking about proclaimed, born again believers who really do have a story to tell. Think about it, friends. When is the last time you sat down with your children or grandchildren and told them about Jesus. Do they even know you are a believer? Many of you have been delivered from all kinds of addictions. Many of you have been touched by the healing power of God. Some of your marriages have been put back together by Godly counsel, haven't they? Look folks, I'm just trying to shake you up a little bit, get back on track.

Your children need your guidance. If you don't tell them about God, who will? It is time to restore Godliness back into our lives. Remember when God was first in your life? Remember the peace? Peace hasn't left. You just have to let the peace of God rule in your hearts again. How do I know this, my friends? By the instruction book of Life (The Bible) and by the Spirit of God that dwells within me. The same Spirit that dwells in you if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Colossians 3:15-17 may help clarify this. Let's read it together:

“And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.”
Did you notice that very big small word “Let” in the scripture we just read? Church, you can either keep out the peace of God from your heart or you can let the peace of God rule in your heart. Which one are you doing? If you are allowing bitterness and unforgiveness to rule your heart, there is no room for peace. Listen, I am aware some of you have had trouble or problems with previous preachers, pastors, churches and religious people in the past. The truth is, you may have good reason to be upset over past, perceived wrongs. However, is that worth giving up on God? Or, dismissing the work and blessings he has done in your life? The answer quite simply is no my friends, no!! It is time to forgive and turn back to God. Once again let the peace of God rule in your heart and be thankful.

Get back into the Bible and once again renew your mind to the Word of God. The scripture says to let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly. Why? So you can teach and encourage others. Do you understand what I am saying here? Your friends, family and even strangers to you (but not to God) need your help. God has saved you and in many cases delivered you from destruction physically, mentally and of course, spiritually. The devil is a deceiver and you may have been overwhelmed with the burdens and unfairness of this life. Religious people may have disappointed you and let you down. Sometimes on purpose. Sometimes they didn't even know they did it.

I am telling you for the sake of yourself and the sake of your close and distant family, set all that aside and come back to God now, this instant!! God is reaching out to you through this message. He loves you. He loves your spouse. He loves your children. Your are the key. Come back to God. Come back home. Let peace rule in your heart again. A while back I gave a message entitled “God loves you the best.” Now it is your turn to once again say “God, I love you the best.”

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, November 14, 2010


The Spirit of Wisdom Ministries comes to you this week with a very special request. I mentioned in the audio portion of last week's message how important it is for our online church to be a praying church. We have received an urgent prayer request from Margaret “Mo” Swenson.

Mo and her husband, Chuck, have been close friends of ours for many years. She informed me this week that her sister has Stage IV cancer and is being attended to at home by Hospice. When Mo's ninety-year-old mother was told of this situation she also was hospitalized. Mo's simple request to us and other friends is to pray for herself and her family as they travel through this journey. I am now passing this request onto you, our loving and praying online church. Please, pray for God's strength and comfort for this family in need. Mo said she knows that her God, who sits on the throne, is the Almighty One who can get them through the days ahead. And you know what? She is absolutely correct.

God will be with her and the family, but most of all, he will be with Mo's sister. So pray church, pray. We are counting on you. God will honor your sincere prayers, he always does. God bless you, Mo and your family. This online family of believers is standing with you.

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service, all are welcome in this place. You know folks, all of us have times when we need comfort and strength, don't we? The truth is, there are many times of despair and grief on this earth. We see it all around us. Poverty, sickness, unequal justice and so much more. We soon find out our own strength in many situations is not enough. The impending loss of life of someone close to us, whether it be family or friends can be and often is too much to bear, isn't it? That's just the human element at work. But, thank God, we are not alone.

God created us and he knows what we can endure and what we cannot. God says to believe in him, draw on his strength, he will not let you down. Psalms 28:6-7 tells us how faithful God is to us who believe on him. Psalms 28:6-7 states:

“Blessed be the Lord, because he hath heard the voice of my supplications. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: Therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.”
What a great passage of scripture. It tells us so much. It starts out by saying God has heard our prayers. So many times we question that, don't we? Well, let that matter be settled once and for all. God's Word is true or it isn't. Which do you believe? This Psalm tells us God will not only give you the strength to overcome these ordeals of life, but even more than that, he (God) is our strength. Let's repeat that!! God is our strength. Now, who or what is stronger than our heavenly Father? The answer – no one or anything!! The Bible says in this scripture. Because your heart trusts in him, he will and in fact, has already helped you. Now, my friends, we can rejoice and sing songs of praise toward him.

I often pray that God gives his peace and joy to those that I lift up to him. But, does he really do that? Psalms 29:11 gives us the answer.

“The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.”
My friends, God desires to be your strength. Now, I want you to get this. God is our strength and he gives us strength. Clearly, God is saying if you are my people, I will share myself with you completely. How do we become his people? By giving ourselves completely to him. By accepting the way he gave us to come to him. There is only one way. Receive his Son Jesus into your heart and confess him as your Lord and Savior. Remember Jesus? The one who died on the cross so you might be saved and have eternal life with him and his Father.

Oh church, do you get this? Mo is right. Because she has received Jesus into her heart, she can truthfully say that her God sits on the throne and he will get her through the days ahead with peace, comfort and even joy. Can you say the same? Believers, it is more important than ever to not let go of what you have in God. Draw on the strength that he is in every situation. You might say “Brother Bob, how can you have joy at such a time as this?” Here is what God does for you in times of sadness and mourning. Turn with me to Isaiah 61:3. Isaiah is talking about those who were mourning in Zion. But God is no respecter of persons, is he? So, if you are sad, in despair and mourning, no matter where you are, this applies to you. Isaiah 61:3 states:

“To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness. The planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.”
What a great God we serve. God gives us the oil of joy to replace mourning. He gives us the garment of praise and drives out the spirit of heaviness. God is glorified by our steadfastness in him. I know there are times when we wonder “God, where are you? Please hurry!” Isaiah 40:31 addresses that.

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
In other words, church, wait on the Lord. He will see you to victory in every situation of life. He will see to it that you will regain your spiritual strength and walk through to the end, which is only the beginning.

God Bless you,
Bro. Bob

Prayer Request Update: I heard from Margaret "Mo" Swenson this past Friday. Her sister has passed away and gone home to be with the Lord. It is more urgent than ever to pray for Mo and her family. Pray for peace and comfort that passes all understanding. Thank you for joining with us in prayer for this family.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I believe this message – Who Influenced You? – is one of the most important sermons I have ever given. To reflect back on many of the people who God has placed in our lives. I mentioned in last week's message that I now see that from birth to this present time, God has inserted just the right persons to help me stay on the right path with him. Well, guess what? He has done the same for you.

I want to welcome everyone to your 24/7 week long, online church service. Let us emphasize no one is barred from this place. As I was dwelling over last week's message, I was overcome with emotion. Thinking back about a Mom that cared enough to pray and believe that her children would someday come to know and serve God. Mom had some faults but not believing in God wasn't one of them. Remembering that traveling priest, Father Berson and his faithfulness to travel from mountainside to mountainside to give us the simple lesson of Jesus and his love for us. And then, of course, my grandparents in Virginia. They were not regular church goers themselves, but Godly by example and made sure I attended the Methodist Church down the street where Jesus was preached from the pulpit.

What memories my friends. I also talked last week about Bro. Fred Norris, my first pastor after receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. I can still hear him say “You must be borned again.” I know I am repeating much of last week's message here. Such memories when brought to light do not go away easily, and thank God for that. I received so much from these vessels of love. Because of their willingness to share God with me, I can relate to Colossians 2:6-7:
“As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.”
The key words in these scriptures for this message are “As ye have been taught.” I do abound with thanksgiving to God for all those who have taught me about Jesus. I will do as the scripture says, I will walk in him, rooted and built up in him. Can you relate to this, my friends? Think of those who have taught you. How faithful is God to have placed these people to guide and lead you in your walk toward and with God, through his Son, Jesus Christ.

We are talking about Godly influences in our life, aren't we? As you ponder on the relatives, friends, preachers and others who shared the love of God with you, I will continue with my remembrances. I'll never forget Bro. Ed. Shields. He attended the Free Will Baptist Church that Bro. Fred Norris pastored. Bro. Ed gave me one of my first opportunities to preach. We would go to the Detroit Rescue Mission. He always encouraged me to preach what God put in my heart. He didn't care if it was Baptist doctrine as long as it was Bible doctrine. I was thrilled when I gave my very first altar call and many people came forth to receive Jesus. And, when I looked back at Bro. Ed, he looked even more thrilled than I. I'm not sure that was possible, but he sure looked like it.

Another person in that same church that God used to shape me was Bro. Ron Reeves. Ron drove the church bus. At my mother's urging he would call my wife and me every Saturday night to see if he could pick up our kids for Sunday School. Now please understand, at that time we were not saved and certainly not serving God. We hated this religious guy calling every week. We did not want our children going to church every Sunday. But through Bro. Ron's persistence and Mom's urgings, we usually did let them go. I remember attending Christmas programs at the church only because our kids were involved. Looking at Bro. Ron, my heart was filled with hatred. One of the ways God showed me that I was really saved upon receiving Jesus into my heart (by way of a TV preacher), was when next I saw Bro. Ron Reeves, my heart was filled with love for him. That was way back in the '70s. We have been great friends ever since. But even better than that, we are brothers in Christ. Thanks, Bro. Ron, to you and to your family for being faithful. You are a blessing to our family.

Once again, my friends, this is not just about me. Who is coming into your thoughts now? Can you see how God has been with you since birth? These stories aren't just my stories, are they? Change the names and situations, and you will see that God has done the very same for you, hasn't he? You know, as I think of these men and women who have been faithful to impart God's word into us in their own special way, the word “faithfulness” comes to mind. I know God is pleased that those he put in our pathway were faithful to carry out his mission for them.

I have often preached as believers we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God. As we talk about these servants who have influenced us in our walk toward and with God, we see they were faithful in carrying out their work as ambassadors. Let's read II Corinthians 5:20 and see if this doesn't fit in here:
“Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you by us: We pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.”
Now, admittedly those exact words may not have been used. But it is clear everything these influences put in our lives were designed to reconcile us with God. Is that not so, believer? This is also true for you, nonbeliever. God wants you reconciled to him and he has and still is putting persons in your life to draw you to him.

There are many others I could mention in this message – Mike “Hippie” Hamilton, who constantly witnessed to me. Pastor Harold Hamlin and his wife Jan whose faithful walk with Christ is an inspiration to me, Bro. David Collins who taught me that being an usher was more than just seating people. His knowledge of old and new testament always amazed me. To begin to conclude this message is so difficult for me. So many people keep coming to mind, but I have to cut this off somewhere, so here goes.

After leaving the Free Will Baptist Church, God led us to another church whose slogan was “We are a charismatic teaching center, family church and world outreach,” a full gospel church. God was leading us into a deeper understanding of his Word and truth. Pastor John Bulloch, who I have referred to many times in previous messages, was our new pastor. I will never be able to repay Pastor Bulloch for all he placed in me and our family. He taught us that living for God was not just a Sunday and Wednesday night thing, but a 24/7 daily walk. We learned in depth about the gifts of God. We were taught clearly how the Word of God (The Bible) should operate daily in our lives. Pastor Bulloch taught how much God loves us and how he is a present time God. God wants us to prosper and be in good health (as our souls prosper). Church and living for God became the center of our lives. Pastor Bulloch and his wife Sis. Pat became our mentors. I often saw the frustration on Pastor Bulloch's face as he saw that oftentimes his flock didn't grasp all that God desired for them. Pastor Bulloch taught the consequences of sin and the blessings of serving God. He fed us the Word. He was available when you needed him. He sometimes allowed me to preach for him when he was traveling or preaching somewhere else.. Did God put this servant in my life as an influence? Yes, he did and I am thankful for that.

All right, ladies and gentlemen. Do you get the picture? God loves you so much that to be sure you can find your way to him, he places people in your lives from birth to right now. My prayer is that someday in the future, someone will think of who influenced them toward God, and that someone would be me. Do you pray the same thing for yourself? My guess is that you do.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, October 31, 2010


This past week I've been thinking a lot about the people who have influenced me over the years. You know, the ones who shared the love of God with me. I believe God has put men and women in my life since birth who pointed me toward a life with God and his Son, Jesus Christ.

I might add, Satan also put men and women in my life to draw me away from God. Someday, I will talk about them. But, this week and next, I want to share with you how you can influence others to come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, just as the men and women that God put in my life did for me.

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. As you know by now, no one is excluded from this place: Born again, not born again, saved but distant from God by accident or on purpose. You are all welcome here. Our desire is to draw you to Jesus. Let him save you to the fullest. You will never regret it. Jesus tells us how all men can be drawn to him. In John 12:32 Jesus said:
“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me.”
Jesus, as John 12:33 shows, was talking about how he was going to die. John 12:33 states:
“This he said, signifying what death he should die.”
The death on the cross. A death designed to save us all from eternal death. Little did the haters of Jesus realize, that when they lifted Jesus up on that cross to die, that he would not only arise from death to live forever, but would draw all men and all women, and children to him – so we could also live forever with him.

The reason I used these scriptures was to show what Jesus believed and taught all through the Bible. Our job as believers is to lift up the name of Jesus. Jesus will honor that by drawing all people to him. These are some of the people who lifted up the name of Jesus to me. You will notice that these individuals cross all denominational lines. Pointing out, what an old southern gospel song says “It's not the name over the door that counts, it's what's in your heart.” The first person I want to mention is my mother. Mom was a Catholic woman. I remember her taking us kids to home church services in Virginia. We lived in a small southern town where there were no Catholic churches, nor much love for the Catholics who did live there.

A traveling priest, Father Berson, would come every two weeks to say mass and teach us about God. This is where I first learned about Jesus and what he did for us. Father Berson also taught us about the apostles, how they followed and served Jesus, telling us they were an example to follow.

I must also mention my grandparents in Virginia. Most of my first ten years as a young boy I lived with them. They made sure I attended Sunday School at the Methodist Church. That was where I first actually heard “preaching from the pulpit.” It may also be where I first felt the draw or tug to become a preacher of the gospel. My grandparents would let me, as a six-year-old, preach to them and anyone else who would listen as they gathered in the living room. They would even let me take up a collection. Do you see the point I am making? Just as my Mom, Father Berson and my grandparents built up the love of God in me, you can do the same for your children, grandchildren and even your friends and neighbors.

As I grew older, I began to notice certain preachers, mostly on TV as I was not attending church on a regular basis. Preachers like Oral Roberts, A.A. Allen, and Rex Humbard began to attract my attention. Although I had basically grown up in the Catholic Church, I knew very little about a personal relationship with Christ. I knew about the Catholic Church, I knew about God and his son, Jesus Christ, but I did not know God in a personal sense.

The above preachers actually talked about a personal relationship with God. They talked about faith and God's love for us. They said we could be saved – whatever that meant. All I know is that I listened to them, not knowing the change it would make in my life. Romans 10:13-14 talks about these kind of preachers. The apostle Paul, preaching to the church in Rome said:
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how, shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher?”
These scriptures were basically talking about me. These men of God planted in me the seed of salvation. Many years later, after living a life of sin and defeat, another TV preacher led me in the sinner's prayer. I gave my life to Jesus. Often times, I have been critical of false teaching and preaching, but make no mistake, my friends, there are called men of God who have been placed in your lives to show you the way to Jesus. Continuing in Romans 10:15-16:
“And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things.”
This scripture is not speaking of seminaries and denominations sending these preachers forth, but God, by his calling, directing them and leading them to help the lost to know Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for these preachers you have anointed with your love, power and grace.

I want to mention another preacher of the gospel who had a big impact on my life. Bro. Fred Norris, my first pastor after receiving Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Bro. Fred was the pastor of a small Free Will Baptist Church, and what a man of God he was. He preached salvation. He made it so real. He called it “being borned again.” Bro. Fred taught us about the love of God. When he was done preaching, you just knew God loved you and you wanted to return that love. Bro. Fred always had a smile, always showed you the love of Christ and you always knew Jesus first, then his family, and all of us were the loves of his life.

After seven years, we left that church to attend another, but Bro. Fred always stayed connected to us. Bro. Fred is with the Lord now, what a joyful man he must be. Believers, are you beginning to think of persons who influenced you and your walk with Jesus? That is the real goal of this message. Nonbelievers, does this message stir up remembrances of people who shared Jesus with you? I'm talking about friends, relatives, even in some cases strangers. Think of the preachers who have been faithful in your local churches and even on TV, preaching the love of God and building up your faith.

There are so many more to recall, aren't there? Tell you what, let's continue this journey of remembering the people that God has placed in our lives next week, okay? E-mail me today at with your memories and stories about those who have influenced you in your journey toward and with God. Let's read John 13:35, Jesus is speaking here:
“By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”
The best way to show love one to another is to tell them about Jesus and him crucified.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I love the way the apostle Paul addressed believers wherever he went. Always lifting up the name of Jesus and always encouraging the believers to be faithful. That is exactly the way this ministry, the Spirit of Wisdom Ministry, greets you. Look at Galatians 1:3-5:

“Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: To whom be glory forever and ever, Amen.”
Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. Let us always emphasize, everyone is received with grace and love in this place. In the above scripture, grace and peace are offered freely to you. That is only possible because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. Do you really understand what Jesus did for us on that cross? He reconciled us with God. He took our sin upon himself and relieved us from the burden and dominion of sin over our lives. Can we return to that burden and dominion of sin? Yes we can, but why would we? Notice in verse 3 that grace and peace come to us through God and from our Lord, Jesus Christ.

So, here is the question for you, my friends. Have you made Jesus Lord of your life? Verse 4 talks about why Jesus gave himself for us. He died that horrible, painful death on the cross for our sins. Do you get that? Not for his sins, because he had none, but for our sins. Sins that were separating us from God. This verse also says Jesus did all this to deliver us from this present evil world. The only salvation is through Jesus Christ and what he did for us on the cross. This was all done for us according to the will of God and our Father. Notice believer, that the apostle Paul declares God as our Father.

How many times have we told you God does not just want you to be his creation, he wants you to be his family. He desires to be your Father. He desires for you to be his children. Now, as the scripture says, let's give him glory forever and ever.

Peter, another great apostle and advocate for Jesus Christ. Tells us more about what Jesus did for us. Turn to I Peter 2:24-25:

“Who by his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: By whose stripes ye were healed. For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the shepherd and bishop of your souls.”
Let's stop and think for a moment. Consider how you were before Jesus came into your life. Your thoughts, your actions, your emotions. I know many of you considered yourselves to be good people. Most of the time I did too. Yet, we always knew something was wrong and we were heading in the wrong direction, didn't we? Even as we thought of ourselves as being good, in our soul we knew we were burdened down by the weight of this sinful world and our sinful desires. Truth time here, my friends!!

We either knew or at least heard of Jesus. But, he really wasn't high on our list of priorities, was he? As good as we thought or hoped we were, the journey we were on seemed to be one leading to dissatisfaction and discontent. Even if we had good jobs, fine families, money in our pocket or not, something in our hearts kept us aware we were missing out on something very important in our lives. Nothing in this world seemed big enough or good enough to fill the vacant place in our soul.

Many times we would feel the tug on our heart, but we either didn't know what it was or we just tried to ignore it, didn't we? Then God began to put believers in our lives, or even those TV preachers began to get to us with the message of Jesus Christ. God was revealing himself to us. He was giving us eyes to see and ears to hear. Remember when you used to pick up the Bible and all you saw were the “thees” and “thous?” Come on, stay with me here. You know I'm talking truth.

Listen, nonbelievers, is this beginning to make any sense to you? God has given me this message for you as well as for the believers. Now, as believers, we can read the scriptures in 1 Peter and understand exactly what God is saying to us. Peter told us that Jesus bore our sins in his own body. Where? On the cross so we could be dead to sin and live a righteous life. So what is a righteous life? It is a life where you are in tune with God and all his ways. The only way to do that is to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. This scripture also talks about Jesus taking stripes on his back for our healing.

This ministry believes in physical and spiritual healing. However, for this message we are talking about spiritual healing only. Remember we talked about the vacant area in your soul? By Jesus becoming our substitute and freeing us from sin, we are healed by receiving God's son into our heart and life. Now we are complete. The journey of this life takes a new direction. Now, we journey toward eternal life with our heavenly Father and we walk away from eternal death. So you tell me. Who wouldn't want that?

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I sincerely hope you enjoyed last week's message regarding staying on the right road. There are so many enticements and temptations to lead you off the right road into paths of life that will lead you away from God. You cannot take a chance on these paths, my friends. They will lead you to destruction and eternal death. I love you and I do not write or say these words lightly. There is a narrow way to eternal life with God and a very broad way that only leads to destruction. I am urging you to stay in the middle of the narrow way.

I am so happy to welcome you to your 24/7, week long, online church service. As always, everyone is welcome in this place. Jesus talks about this narrow way in Matthew 7:13-14. He is talking to all of us so let's read it together:

“Enter ye in at the straight gate: For wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”
We mentioned last week there are many roads or ways to take. So many religions, philosophies, and ways of men. All stating they are the way to enjoyment, victory, prosperity, and even eternal life. And they all sound so good. But Jesus is being clear here, my friends. He is saying “Enter in at the straight gate.” Jesus is talking about himself here. All these other ways are the broad way that lead to destruction. I had rather be on the narrow road leading to eternal life, how about you? Jesus has more to say on this subject. Turn with me to the 10th chapter of the book of John. Jesus tells us in this chapter who the door to eternal life with God really is.

Let me add this before we look at the book of John. Church, I have been on both ways. Many years ago, I drove fast and hard on the broad road to destruction. I took the paths of alcohol, drugs, immorality and all the world had to offer me. Before I saw the light and got off that broad path of destruction, I lost everything that was precious to me. I lost a wife to the tragedy of divorce, lost the everyday of living with my children, lost jobs, money and all my self respect. I was close to death physically and spiritually. But then, God revealed himself to me again. Thanks to many believers and a praying mother, and the faithful believers who agreed with her in prayer for me, I saw through Jesus another way. Jesus showed me I could get off that broad way and use himself as the door to the narrow way and life eternal with him. That was many years ago, but I made the decision to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior; to walk with him on that narrow way. I fell many times, but the hand of Jesus was always in my hand and though I did fall, he would always lift me up and set me back on course.

Now today, I am preaching the Word of God to you. I will be married forty years in April to my terrific wife, Vicki. I have the love and respect of my children. I am alcohol and drug free and I am saved and filled with the Spirit of God. Why am I saying this? To brag or exalt myself? No my friends, I am saying this to encourage you. God did this for me and if you will get off the broad way, receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, he will do the same for you. Now, back to John 10:1. Jesus uses the example of how a shepherd is to his sheep and how sheep relate to their shepherd. The point being, Jesus is the good shepherd and we (his followers and disciples) are his sheep to protect. Jesus says in John 10:1:

“Verily, verily I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.”
Jesus is proclaiming here that there is a door, and in fact, only one door. That is himself. Beginning in John 10:4-5, Jesus makes this more clear. Let's read it together:

“And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them and the sheep follow him: For they know his voice. And a a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: For they know not the voice of strangers.”
Jesus points out here that he is owner as well as shepherd of the sheep. So therefore, he has a double love for us. Because we now know the voice of Jesus, we will not be fooled into getting off the right road and following bad detours and dead ends. Jesus, by his presence and voice, will help keep us on the right road.

Remember I said earlier that in John chapter 10, Jesus would show us who the door to eternal life is? Look at John 10:7-11. This whole message has been leading to this. As you read these scriptures, really think about what they are saying.

“Then said Jesus unto them again, verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: But the sheep did not hear them. I am the door: By me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture. The thief cometh not but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: The good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.”
All right now. How much more clear can it get? Jesus himself just told us. He is the door to salvation and only him. Everything that came before him in our lives were robbers and thieves. In other words, all the other pathways. The drugs, the alcohol, all other religions that do not proclaim him as the only son of God and Lord and savior, are paths to destruction. All man made philosophies and psychologies, same result. Jesus said to enter through him (the door) and you will be saved. Once again, the only entrance to God is through his Son, Jesus Christ.

Jesus said the shepherd gives his life for the sheep. Exactly what Jesus did for you and for me. He is the door. Will you enter in? Now you know why last week's message was so important. There is a narrow way that leads to eternal life and there be few that find it. We have shown you the way that leads to the door. That door is Jesus Christ and he is waiting for you to enter in. What are you going to do, my friends?

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, October 10, 2010


As the coolness in the air begins to descend upon us, it is obvious that we are entering a new season. Fall is now upon us. The Fall season differs in intensity depending on what part of the country you live in, doesn't it? In the Northern states the leaves change colors. It is so beautiful. It is as if you are in the middle of God's outdoor art gallery. There is a freshness in the air that other seasons don't seem to have. In the Southern states, the change can be a little different. Palm trees, for example, do not change colors, yet the air temperature changes. A welcome relief from the searing heat of summer.

The changing of the seasons reminds us ever so subtly that nothing, including ourselves, stays the same. Life and everything in it is in a constant state of change. Everything that seems permanent turns out to be temporary, doesn't it? Man is always looking for an anchor to hold onto. Surely there is something or someone that is non changing, secure, solid as a rock. A safe place to stop the swirling of life that is all around us. Good news!! God is that rock!! He is ever loving, ever just, ever protective and forever with you and for you, IF you will allow him to be that for you.

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. Everyone who chooses to may enter into this place. If you desire to know and learn more about God and his son Jesus Christ, this is the place for you.

Actually, what we are talking about here is security for our souls. We look around this ever changing world, and to be quite truthful, nothing looks permanent. Nothing looks or feels secure, does it? Now, let's look at a description of God as portrayed in Deuteronomy 32:4:

“He (God) is the rock. His work is perfect: For all his ways are judgment: A God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is He.”
That my friends, describes the God who created us. We are his creations. He wants us by our decision to receive his son Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior to become his adopted children. God through Jesus is our rock. The anchor we are all looking for. God's work is perfect. That means we, if we are in him, are perfect. Not by our own works, but by his righteousness are we made righteous. The above scripture clearly states that God is a God of truth and without sin. He is just and right in all that he decrees. But, where do we find out where those decrees are? They are where we have told you so many times before, in the instruction book of life, which is the Bible. You will not find God's decrees, direction or instruction in any other book, philosophy or writings.

God's will and direction for our lives will not be found in the Qur'an, nor in the Dianetics book that Scientology equates to the Bible. You will not find God's will or ways in the writings of Nostradamus, or Buddha or Mohammed. It's time to face facts, my friends, there is only one way to God and that is through his Son Jesus Christ. Where do I get that firm information from? The Word of God (the Bible). Period!! Over and out!!

The truth is, when you read, listen to and follow anybody or anything other than God through his son Jesus Christ and his written word, you are on the wrong road to eternal life with him. Only the Bible declares Jesus as the Son of God. Jesus himself declares this to be true. Only in the Bible do we find out that Jesus said he was the only way to the Father. No other religion's sacred book declares this to be true. Let's read it for ourselves. John 14:5-7:

“Thomas saith unto him, Lord we know not wither thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: No man cometh unto the Father but by me. If you had known me you should have known my Father also: And from henceforth you know him, and have seen him.”
By no other prophet, religious leader, written manuscript or religious sacred book are these words spoken by Jesus other than in the Bible. Do you understand, my friends? Jesus is saying there is only one way to the Father and that is through him. No debate here. Just the truth.

Listen, all of you who have attended our online church on a regular basis, you know beyond any doubt that this ministry goes out of our way to not be judgmental or rude to people who belong to other religions. We in fact, have always encouraged you to show love to those who do not agree with what we preach here. You know what we preach – Jesus Christ and him crucified. Our substitute, who took our sins off of us and onto himself. Jesus – the only Son of God died on that cross, but after being buried in a tomb, three days later arose from the dead and ascended to heaven, where God the Father accepted the perfect sacrifice of his own blood. A sinless sacrifice that set men free from the heavy burden of sin. That is what Jesus was talking about when he said he was the way, the truth and the life.

Do you get it, my friends? Jesus is not “a way” to the Father, he is the only way to him. I Timothy 2:5 states it another way:

“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.”
Only one. Let us repeat, only one God, only one mediator and that mediator for us is the Son of God, Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 8:6 strengthens and affirms the above scripture:

“But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ by whom are all things, and we by him.”
Only one God, only one begotten son. We who have received Jesus Christ in our hearts and confessed him as Lord are in him and as he is in the Father, so are we. Saved by his grace, alive with God forevermore.

Let me give you this example: I heard a preacher (from South Carolina) preaching the message there is only one right road. He said although there are many roads to take in life, there is only one that leads to eternal life with God and that is through Jesus Christ. He gave this illustration: Interstate 40 will take you all the way to California. There are times you may get off I-40, but if you really want to go to California, you will get back on that highway. You can take any exit you choose, but only if you stay on I-40 will you reach your destination. He said that if you want to go to California and decide to take I-95, no matter how fast or long you drive on I-95, you will never reach California. Why? Because I-95 doesn't go to California. You are on the wrong road.

There are so many roads you can take in this life, my friends. Many of the signs along the way promise great things. But, if you want to go to heaven, if you want to have eternal life with the Father in a land with no sickness, disease or sin to destroy you, you must get on the right and only road that will take you there. And that, my friends, is Jesus Christ. All other roads lead to destruction and eternal death. So the question is, are you on the right road? Not sure? E-mail me at I will lead you in the right direction. His name is Jesus.

God Bless you,
Bro. Bob

For your enjoyment, we have added a video by Elvis Presley and Carroll Roberson. Be sure and watch it. We know you'll enjoy it!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I received an e-mail from a very good pastor and friend of mine this past week. He was encouraging me to keep preaching the gospel through and by our online church. Pastor Harold said “The gospel is being preached to the whole earth.” He said that he knows that our 24/7, week long, online church service is a great help to many. I know God used this man of God to show this ministry we are on the right track.

Our prayer from day one has been God please let each service help somebody, even if it is only one person, please let your anointed Word reach them with the help they need. Maybe that need is spiritual, possibly a physical or mental need, deliverance from demonic oppression, financial difficulties or relationship problems. Dear God, please send forth your Word through this cyberspace network to accomplish your purpose. Let this ministry be a conduit for good. Help us Lord, to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are very sincere, my friends when we say welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. Everyone, (and we do mean Everyone) is welcome in this place.

You know, Jesus in Mark 16:15 gave us the great commission, basically what every church should be doing. Let's look at it together:

“And he (Jesus) said unto them Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”

You know, some people believe and claim the gospel of Jesus Christ is just a western or American gospel. Not so, my friends, not so. The gospel of Jesus is for the entirety of the world. Jesus points out in this scripture that preaching is God's method of presenting him to the world. God desires that every single person have the opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. The sad truth is, many believers won't even talk to some people, let alone present the gospel to them. It is often easier for them to hate than to show the love of God to those they do not like or understand.

This great commission says to preach the gospel to every creature, period!! That, my friends, is what we endeavor to do and that is what we encourage you as believers to do. We are to present Jesus to people who range from the atheist to all other religions. We are to show the love of God to them, aren't we? How about drunks or drug addicts? Show them love. Prostitutes, adulterers, different races, Muslims, homosexuals? Love, my friends, love. Do you get the picture?

You may remember the political slogan “Change we can believe in.” That is a good slogan, but unfortunately, with all the good intentions, it can't fully be accomplished by men without a spiritual change through Jesus Christ. Men have tried from the beginning of time to do good, but to no avail. Hatreds, prejudices, greed and so many more sinful attitudes prevail in man, even to this day, don't they? That, my good people, is where Jesus comes into the picture. God, knowing that man could not save ourselves from ourselves, sent his only begotten Son to this earth in the form of man.

Jesus had one mission – to redeem all of mankind who would believe in him so they could be freed from the bondage of sin in their lives. Jesus became our substitute. He took the sins of all mankind on himself and paid the price of death on the cross. A horrible, painful death, so that we could arise in newness of life with him. God resurrected Jesus from the grave. Yes, my friends, Jesus really did arise from the dead. He now sits at the right hand of the Father. God accepted his perfect sacrifice of his blood to save us. Now, through and by that sacrifice on the cross, we may be safe and have dominion over sin. That, my friends, is change we not only can believe in, but can live in.

John 3:16 is not just a Bible verse for children to recite in Sunday school. It is a true picture of what Jesus did for us. Let's turn to John 3:16, Jesus speaking:

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

That is how much God loves you. Remember the message we did a while back entitled “God loves you the Best?” He really does. God does not want you to perish. He wants you to live with him, not just on this earth but for all time. Once again, to be clear. The extremes of the Bible is not heaven or hell, it is a book that defines eternal death without God, or eternal life with God. Accept Jesus – eternal life. Reject the son of God – eternal death (eternal separation from God). Your choice, my friends, how do you choose?

Let's continue with John 3:17:

“For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”

Ooops! A light goes on, doesn't it? Jesus did not come to the earth to condemn the world, so why do we as believers spend so much time doing just that? Jesus came to lift condemnation from men by saving them by the shedding of his blood for us. Once we accept Jesus into our hearts and lives, his mission becomes ours, doesn't it?

Let's look at what the apostle Paul says about those that have accepted Jesus as Lord of their lives. Then ask yourself the question – Is he talking about me? Paul, talking to believers in Christ. Romans 8:1-2:

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, (is that you?) who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life (The Holy Spirit) in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.”

What a beautiful declaration of freedom for us – Paul clearly telling us that in ourselves, without God, we are walking in condemnation and are slaves to sin and its' penalties. However, there is a way out and that my friends, is Jesus Christ. We can't overcome sin through religion or good works. Only through Jesus is that possible. This scripture says it all. In Christ we have newness of life. The Spirit of Life sets you free from the law of sin and death. Simply put: The Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus is stronger than the law of sin and death. Any attempt to live any other way than faith in Christ, dooms you to failure.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is to be preached to all the earth not only by this Spirit of Wisdom Ministry, but by us all. So all you believers – start preaching now.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob