Sunday, December 5, 2010


Let me say this to you, church – God is good and worthy of all praise no matter what's going on in your life this week. I know that some of you are heading into this month with despair in your lives. Where is the money going to come from to provide a good Christmas for your family? Some are asking the question “Why, when all the songs are of happiness, do I feel so sad, so depressed and so alone?” My friends, I will be blunt with you. You have gotten your eyes off of the one who created you. God said he would never leave nor forsake you, didn't he? Well, didn't he?

I want to welcome you to your 24/7, week long, online church service. Everyone is welcome in this place. One of the hardest things to do in the holiday season is to be content, isn't it? We always desire more and we look right past the blessings of God that are all around us, even this very day. I referred earlier to God being worthy of all praise because he is always with you. Let's check it out. Please turn with me to Hebrews 13:5. The scripture states:

“Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as you have: For he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.”
Oh my friends, I want you to get this. The writer of Hebrews is telling us to have a lifestyle that does not worry about what others have. The scripture says to be content with what you already have, doesn't it? I know the pressure is on you to spend money you don't have. After all, it is the holidays, isn't it? Let the pressure go. Look at your wife/husband, your children, your home, your friends and even your pets. Be content my brother or sister. Instead of entering this season with worry and discontent, give God thanks for what you do have.

You know what? Children want gifts a lot, but what they want more than that is a Mom and Dad who loves them and exudes confidence and security no matter what the situation is. Let's return to the above scripture again. It says he (talking about God) said he will never leave nor forsake you. Oh, he must have meant he would just be with you when things are going good, right? Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. You are sad? God will make you glad. You are poor? God will supply you with riches untold. I'm not just talking about money here. Take a second look at your family. Look at the smiles when they see you. Feel the hugs they give you. You may not have enough money at this time, but you are very, very rich, my friend. Can you now see why I said God is good and worthy of all praise?

I'm imploring you to get your eyes off your troubles and encouraging you to lift your eyes up to God who is your help in times of trouble. One of the things I always stress is that God is a present time God. Too many churches and preachers today talk about God as if he was history. He did great works for his people way back then, but they leave out what he does for you everyday. Let's look at Psalms 46:1 to prove my point. This scripture states:

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
Did you get that? You are not alone in the struggles of this life. Trust in the Lord!! He is your refuge from all the troubles of this world. You can stand strong and get through any problems you have. God is your strength. The Bible, which is the Word of God and does not lie, says that God is a very present help in trouble. Turn to him. Tell him what your trouble is. Trust him for help.

You might say “Bro. Bob, this is easy for you to say, you've never gone through these problems at Christmas.” Oh, if that were only true. I remember one year, a long time ago, I had been laid off of work twenty-six weeks out of the year. The economy was very similar to today's. We had five kids, all young at that time. We called them together and told them Christmas wasn't going to be the same. We had very little money for gifts and the bills were coming in. Our kids were great because I believe they knew we were telling them the truth. My wife and I trusted God and we prayed for his help. Yet, there seemed no help was there. We were not shaken. We knew God is a present time God and help would come somehow. And guess what? It did.

I received a call from a friend who lived in Northern Michigan and guess what? He had a Christmas tree farm. He asked if I would help him sell them and he would pay me cash. Well, Christmas morning came and the look of surprise on the childrens faces was something to behold. There weren't the expensive gifts of previous years, but you wouldn't know it by watching our children and their excitement. Many different years life was difficult, but our God is a present time God. He is good and he is our strength. Is this beginning to make any sense to you? God loves you, my friends. Just as he loves us. What he did for us he will do for you. Trust him. Praise him and live for him.

My wife Vicki told me about a saying she read on a book mark. I think it applies here. “Worry won't take the pain out of tomorrow, it just takes the joy out of today.” I know the troubles of this world can beat you down. That is the reason I am saying to you that Jesus Christ is your hope. You want to have a great Christmas season? Live for God through his Son, Jesus. Believers, trust in him again. Be encouraged. Say as the Psalmist said in Psalms 28:7:

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: Therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.”
Give your family the best gift of all. Give yourself to them totally this season. The loneliness, the sadness and the poverty we talked about earlier will just fade away in contrast to the love you will receive back. Nonbelievers, God is calling you to become a child of his. How do you do that? Email me at and I will introduce you to Jesus Christ, the only Son of God. He will save you and forgive you of all your sins. Let's end this like we started. God is good and worthy of praise. Yes he is!!

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

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