Sunday, December 6, 2009


The Thanksgiving holiday has passed and we now turn our focus to the end of the year 2009. How fast does time fly when you are having fun....or not? Welcome everyone to your 24/7 week long online church service. We are so glad you have chosen to take time out of your busy day or week to see what God has to share with you this week through His Word (the Bible). As always, everyone is welcome to enter into this service to learn, to worship and to praise God for His mercy and goodness that endures forever.

Today we are going to discuss a subject that can be controversial, although it shouldn't be, and that is the doctrine of perfection. What in the world does that have to do with us flawed humans? Surely we can't be perfect on this earth or can we? Enjoy the ride, my friends. It may be bumpy but the end result will be worth it. Remember, anything said by me or any other preacher on this subject or any other subject must be based on the Word of God and nothing else. Experience is good. Input from men and women can be beneficial. Books can be a good source of information, but the Bible alone is the source of all truth. It is God's Word to us and is the foundation book of life, truth and direction in this life. So let us begin.

Please turn to Matthew 5:48, Jesus speaking to the multitudes and to us as His believers and followers at this present time.

“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”

Ladies and gentleman, that is not me saying this. Jesus said it!! Now, one thing we as believers must know: Anytime Jesus says for us to do something, the devil, the world and even many churches and preachers will say we can't. I prefer to believe Jesus. How about you?

There are preachers on the other hand, who say Jesus is saying we should obtain sinless perfection. My friends, that also is not what Jesus is commanding us to do in this scripture. If that was to ever happen to any of us, I am sure God would call us home because He knows if we ever obtained sinless perfection we would not be able to maintain it. No, Jesus is talking about becoming mature in the faith, becoming a true imitator of our heavenly Father. Our imitation of Him must be as perfect as possible. Only the Holy Spirit can help us obtain this maturity, which He does according to our faith in Christ and what He did for us when He died on that cross and His resurrection from the dead. We by faith are risen with Him and we are in Christ. Be ye perfect, my friends. Become mature in the Lord and be true imitators of your Father who is in heaven.

Let's do and be who we are as believers. What might that be, you might ask? Let's read I Peter 2:9, Peter talking to believers.

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

This mighty calling equips us to obtain perfection and be true imitators of our heavenly Father. No wonder the scripture says we are a peculiar people. We walk in a world overcome by darkness and we are light, lighting the way for people to find eternal life through the only begotten Son of God. Nonbelievers, if you are reading this, the light of God is shining on you. The Holy Spirit is urging you to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. What is your answer?

The apostle Paul talks about perfection in Philippians 3:12-15.

“Not as though I had already obtained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in anything ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.”

What mighty instructions there are in these scriptures, my friends. Paul saying clearly he had not attained perfection, but he was pursuing it so that he could be more Christlike. That is exactly what we should be doing. Paul says even though he hasn't apprehended total perfection, there is one thing he is doing. He said forgetting those things that are behind and reaching forth for what is ahead. In other words, my friends, forget the evils, disappointments and obstacles of the past that were keeping you from obtaining perfection (maturity in Christ). What things could these be? Past sins (now forgiven), difficult situations, past problems with friends, relatives, maybe even with churches or pastors. Do yourself a big favor, my friends. Do as Paul says. Forget those things and press toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.

Now after all that, Paul says something interesting that appears to contradict his earlier statements about not yet apprehending (obtaining) perfection when in verse 15 he says “Let us therefore, as many as be perfect.” Doesn't that sound contradictory to you? After verse, after verse of saying he had't obtained perfection, he makes a statement that literally says “Let us therefore, as many as be perfect”, including himself to continue the course to be more Christlike. So, what is the deal?

It's really more simple than it appears. Paul is using a Godly principle here. He is calling those things that are not as if they were, knowing that because of his faith in God, they would be. God Himself initiated this principle with Abraham. Romans 4:17, Paul telling the Romans about faith regarding what God told Abraham in Genesis 17:1-4.

"(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.”

God's principles should be our principles, shouldn't they? The principle or doctrine of perfection is not something accomplished by our works. No my friends, we can't work ourselves into spiritual maturity. We will get to perfection by allowing the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us by the Word of God. The key is to find out in God's Word what He has for you, how He wants you to live and be. Then, regardless of how it looks or what the situation is, no matter what, God's promises are true. So speak the Word and watch it come to pass.

Most of you who have attended this online church faithfully, know by now that your progress in God is subject to the choices you make. Jesus said “Be ye perfect!!!” The world says you can't. There is a choice here. What say you, my friends?

God Bless you,
Bro. Bob.

Prayer Request Update: We are very happy to report that Thomas Shaun Morgan has been released from the hospital and is now recovering from his bone marrow transplant at home. It appears the transplant is successful. Thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray for a complete and total healing for Shaun.

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