Sunday, March 14, 2010


I am so thankful to God for this day of salvation. Every morning when I wake up, I proclaim that Jesus is Lord!! I thank God every morning for another day of life. I promise God to walk in all the benefits of his gift of salvation to me. I also tell my heavenly Father, I will be accountable for my thoughts and actions for that day. In my morning conversations with God, I always mention you, my friends. I am so humbled and honored that God allows me to give forth his words of life to you.

I've had people question why I always say – Welcome to your 24/7 week long, online church service. Everyone is welcome in this place and I do mean everyone. The answer is very simple. God gave me those words to speak to you. He impressed on me to welcome everyone into his presence. Why? Because he loves you. Who am I talking to? You!! The unbeliever who has not accepted Jesus into your heart and life. I know you have many reasons for your denial and rejection of the Son of God. But, Jesus still loves you. He will still command this old preacher to give you his words of love, mercy and grace; knowing that his word can change you in an instant from spiritual death to spiritual life. Our heavenly Father knows you are on a road to eternal destruction and death.

My unbelieving friends, there are two forces in the world and only two. No middle ground. Those two forces are life or death. Life is headed up by God through his son Jesus Christ. Death is headed up by Satan, the deceiver. What do these two forces offer you? That would be good to know, wouldn't it? Remember, there is only life or death, no middle ground. Unbeliever, if you have a Bible, turn with me to John 10:10. If not, listen or read this carefully. Jesus speaking:

“The thief (Satan/devil) cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I (Jesus) am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

Let's back this up with another scripture. Deuteronomy 30:19. God the Father speaking:

“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: Therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.”

I know you have heard lots of religious things in your life, many of which turned you off. I also know you have seen professed Christians say one thing and act just the opposite. But, please stay with me here, my friends. I have often said the Bible is not so much a book about heaven or hell, but it is a book of eternal life or death. What does Satan want to steal and destroy from you? The answer: Everything!! Let me repeat that. Everything!! He wants to steal your family, your money, your job, your health and everyone or thing that you love. Who does he want to kill? You!! The forces of evil, led by Satan, desire to kill you physically and spiritually and separate you from God forever.

Satan hates God and he hates you, my friend. How does he destroy and kill you? By leading you into sin. What is sin? Anything that goes contrary to God's word. Remember earlier, I said Satan was a deceiver. He will cause you to believe sin is a pleasure to indulge in, but the Bible says sin is pleasure but only for a season. Eventually, as you continue to reject Christ, and continue in sin, you will receive the wages of sin and what it offers. What? Wages for sinning? Well, that sounds pretty good doesn't it? Let's take a look and see what the Word of God says about it. Romans 6:23.

“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

There's your choice. Death or eternal life. God said in Deuteronomy 30:19, choose life. The scripture we just read says the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Back in John 10:10, Jesus said he came to the earth so you could have life more abundantly. I understand that to mean a fuller life on this earth and eternal life with God and his Son Jesus Christ. What is your choice today, my friend? Life or death?

I can honestly say, if you are reading or listening to this church service, God is calling you to Him. He desires to elevate you from being his creation to being his adopted son or daughter. Jesus will be your elder brother and you will be a member of the family of God. It's time, isn't it? Romans 10:9-10, tells you what to do to accept this free gift of salvation. The apostle Paul says:

“That if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

My friends, if you do not know Jesus, but feel the tug and pull of the Holy Spirit this instant, repeat the above words. But, only if you mean the words you are saying. God is faithful and he will save you from your sin. Now, if you have done that, tell someone right now. You know you want to. E-mail me today at I will be so happy for you. Any questions? Feel free to ask. I will answer you.

Now believers. Let's turn to you. You know the joy of salvation, don't you? I truly believe the Spirit of Wisdom Ministries is going to lead many to Jesus. Here are your instructions for this week. E-mail everyone you know and tell them to read or listen to this week's message, especially the ones that do not yet know Jesus. God's word never comes back void, does it? I know there will be many who will soon be able to say in the words of an anointed song: Thank you Lord Jesus for saving me from what I might have been. I know I can truly say that and I'm sure you can also.

We haven't talked with nonbelievers much in the last few weeks. But church, let me tell you they are always on my mind and heart. This week I will be praying constantly in the spirit for the lost, your family and friends and mine. I'm praying for the lost that they may be saved. This is the Spirit of Wisdom Ministries passion. If you want us to pray for your loved ones, e-mail their names to me. I promise they will be lifted up to our heavenly Father for salvation and eternal life. Isn't God good?

Next week, believers, I will be reaching out to those who have gotten off the narrow road. Is that you? God still loves and cares for you. He just wants you back on track.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob


  1. Prayer Request: My daughter Ashley, (Barbara here), she is going astray, pray that she graduates, gets a job, love the lord with all her heart

  2. If I wasn't saved already, I would do it again. Great TRUTH! We as believers have WITNESSED a change in us and experience LIFE. Now we should testify of that Witness to others around us. Enjoyed your fishing Dad!

