Sunday, March 7, 2010


Welcome back to your 24/7 week long online church service. I'm sure you know by now, everyone is welcome in this place. You know, I am still basking in the goodness of God. The message that went forth last week regarding God's wisdom was so timely, wasn't it? You know folks, if we used God's wisdom in place of our own or other people's, we would truly be victorious in every area of our life.

Everyday we live on this earth we have the opportunity to either choose God's way or our own. Be wise, my friends, choose God's way. Proverbs 4:7 states it very clearly:

“Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding.”

Understanding of what? Everything pertaining to life and living. God wants you to understand everything the Bible teaches. Why? So you can be everything that God made you to be on the earth. Our heavenly Father thinks highly of you, my friends. How do I know that? Because of my understanding of what God did for us. Where did I get that understanding? Answer: From the direction book of life (the Bible).

The Bible tells me that God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth to present the kingdom of heaven to us. John the Baptist knew this when he proclaimed the kingdom of God is at hand. Let's read it together. Matthew 3:1-2.

“In those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea, and saying Repent ye: For the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

What was John actually saying here? He was proclaiming to anyone who would listen that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was now on the earth to save us from our sins. That cry was “Repent, repent,” which in our terms of today means to turn away from your sin, whatever it may be and follow Jesus. The cry of the church today should be “Repent, my friends, Repent.” There is little time to delay. Look around you, people, what do you see? Am I not telling you the truth? Jesus, representing the kingdom of God, was here on a mission. That mission was to save God's most favored creation.....Man and woman.

Jesus was to be the perfect sacrifice for us, knowing that man could not (and still can't by the way) save himself. Jesus knew all along the torment, suffering and death by way of the cross was awaiting him. But, he was filled with joy. Let's read it for ourselves. Turn with me to Hebrews 12:2.

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Do you understand, my friends? Jesus endured the cross and was filled with joy even while despising the shame of it all. Why? Because the joy he saw before him was you and me, redeemed by his being the perfect sacrifice for us. Now, he is set at the right hand of the throne of God, which proves that God accepted the sacrifice as payment in full for our sin. God made a way for us where there was no way. By accepting Jesus into our hearts, by asking God's forgiveness and by repenting of our sin, confessing with our mouth that we believe in our heart God raised Jesus from the dead, and by making him Lord of our life, we may be saved. That, my friends, is the understanding the Bible presents to you. Do you believe it? God's wisdom says, believe it. Man's wisdom, denies it!!

You know, Jesus himself proclaimed the same thing John the Baptist did. The only difference, John was talking about Jesus, while Jesus was talking about himself. Let's read about this in Matthew 4:17. Jesus heard about John the Baptist being imprisoned for proclaiming him as the savior of the world and Jesus began his ministry by backing up John. Let's read it together....Matthew 4:17.

“From that time (John's imprisonment) Jesus began to preach, and to say, repent: For the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Does it not seem strange, my friends, that John the Baptist paved the way for Jesus by saying Repent? And, Jesus began his earthly ministry by saying Repent. Yet many, maybe even most churches today, will not even mention sin, or admonish people to repent by turning away from their sin. They will talk about blessings, money, status but rarely or never mention sin or repentance. I actually heard a well known preacher say on television, he doesn't talk about sin because people want to hear positive things. Many churches talk about being 'beyond the cross' as they take out altars. Yet put Starbuck's in their lobbies, or serve coffee in the sanctuary while the service is going on.

My heart is heavy as I preach this to you. I believe if Jesus was to come back today, he would toss those coffee urns out. He would admonish the church leaders as he did the money changers. Is nothing sacred anymore? He would restore altars that men could come forward to and cry out for forgiveness. A place where they could lay prostrate in complete submission before their living God. I believe Jesus would see preachers offering healings for money, and he would strip those preachers of all their pride and arrogance and tell them to depart from him unless they repented. Let me make myself very clear. I know there are good preachers of the gospel in this time period. But, I am afraid there are many more teaching and preaching false doctrine. I am confident there are local churches, whether they be in church buildings, store fronts or even in homes who are preaching the true gospel of Jesus Christ, Yet, I am just as confident there are many local churches preaching and teaching false doctrine and I know God is not pleased with them. Now, pastors and preachers, if this disgraceful shoe doesn't fit you, don't worry or concern yourself with what I just said. But, if the shoe fits, repent brother, repent.

The Spirit of Wisdom Ministry believes in healing for today. We believe Christians should prosper and be in good health, but as their soul prospers. Wealth with a lost soul is no wealth at all. Jesus put it the best in Matthew 7:33.

“But, seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Someone close to me once said “You sound like you hate the church.” But, just the opposite is true, my friends, I love the church. That is the reason I am calling out the preachers of false doctrine.

My mission this week is to inspire all who enter into this online church service to read your Bible, get wisdom and with that get understanding, so you will not be deceived. Use your Godly wisdom and understanding to help you select the church to attend and the preachers to listen to. God will bless you for it, I know He will.

God Bless you,
Bro. Bob

Prayer Requests: Please pray for David Patterson. David has rheumatoid arthritis and needs a healing touch from God. Please pray that God takes away all the pain and discomfort in David's body.

Michelle Joy - Please pray that God will give her favor in a personal situation. Pray that Michelle will stay strong in the faith.

Kathleen Warren - Please pray for a financial blessing and thank God for meeting her needs.

We have several prayer requests for salvation of friends, family, and loved ones. Please agree with us that God will honor these requests and reveal himself to the persons involved.


  1. Right on! Excellent teaching.

  2. I have received with Joy these message's of Wisdom. I can say that it's all about Jesus. Thank God for Him and the wisdom with understanding that He gives. I can't live without it. Amen Dad, Keep Preaching!
