Sunday, March 18, 2012

BE A DECIDER (Repost from Sunday, October 4, 2009)

It is hard to believe that another week has passed. I pray it has been a blessed week for you. If you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I know you are blessed in all things, regardless of the circumstances that surround and try to affect you. It is your reaction to these circumstances that will make the difference in victory or defeat. Remember, the Bible is your direction for living and prayer is your form of communication with our Lord.

Welcome, my good friends, to your 24/7 week long online church service. Everyone is welcome in this place. This church is not a social club for Christians only. Our mission is to preach Jesus to all. Our desire is to show you a pathway to the love and mercy of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of our heavenly Father; the God above all gods.

Of course, my fellow Christians, this online church is for you also. Our desire for you is to help you stay on the narrow way (road) of eternal life. Refer to Matthew 7:13-14:

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: For wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

Unbeliever, you are already on the wide way (road) that leads to destruction. No matter how good life appears to you at this time. You may be successful on your job. You may have a good marriage. You may be a good and lovable person, yet destruction lies ahead. You are blindly heading toward the trap Satan has set for you. This is a warning from God today, my friend. Get off that road now!! Accept Jesus today as your Lord and Savior and follow the narrow way to life. The Holy Spirit will lead you unto eternal life and I guarantee you will be a better father/mother, husband/wife, friend, employee or employer than you ever thought possible on this earth.

Believers, it is so important that you stay on the narrow path. I remember when I lived near Detroit, Michigan, my sister Vicki and her family lived two hundred and thirty miles away in northern Michigan. Often times, when I would drive to visit her in the Michigan winters, there would be treacherous ice covering the highway. I would see cars in the ditches to the left and right of me. My solution was to drive as close to the middle of the road as possible. That way, if my car started sliding to the left or to the right, I would have enough room to make the correction and get the car under control. My advice to my believer friends is to stay in the middle of the narrow road to life. When the circumstances of life, the unfairness and realities of this world hit you, you will make the correction needed by turning to God for help. You will not slide off the narrow road leading to life onto the broad road of destruction and eternal death.

Today is a day of decision, my friends. We are not guaranteed even one more second of life on this earth. Will our decision be to live for God? Or will we decide to stay on the wide way that leads to destruction?

I remember a preacher snapping his fingers to illustrate a beating heart. As he talked, he just kept snapping those fingers, then all of a sudden he snapped one more time and stopped!! That, my friends, is how fragile life is. What decisions we make regarding Jesus should be made now!!

I remember when former President Bush said he was the “decider.” Many pundits and even myself made fun of that. But you know what? He was right. There is a time to become a decider and guess what? That time is now. A friend once said “God will call, wait for your acceptance, then equip you to do the job.” What job? That job of presenting Jesus to a lost and dying world. Look around you, my friends, don't you think the world needs Jesus today? God is waiting for our decision. As we decide to follow Him, He will equip us so we will not fail.

Believers, decide today to get back to the business of putting God first in your life. Get the Bible out again and decide to get the revealed Word of Truth down in your soul. Decide to let the Words of Life lead and guide you to share Jesus with others.

Nonbelievers, decide today that Jesus is the Son of God. Decide to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior in your heart. If it sounds like I am repeating myself, nonbeliever, I am. Ask Jesus for forgiveness of sins in your life. Ask Jesus to come into your heart today. Confess Jesus today as Lord and Savior of your life. Be a decider, my friends, be a decider.

Believers, decide to do the work He has done and even greater works. What? You don't think this can be done? Please turn with me to John 14:12 (Jesus speaking).

“Verily, verily (truly) I say unto you. He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do: Because I go unto my Father.”

You now must decide if you believe what Jesus said is true or not. Personally, I have decided to believe Him. So cheer up, my brothers and sisters, and run the race with joy unspeakable and full of glory. Drop sin and death from your life and replace it with Jesus, who is life.

I believe this message will be life saving and life changing today. Some people believe I am a dreamer. And you know what? I am. Refer to Joel 2:28.

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.”

I could preach five sermons on this scripture alone, but the point is: I do dream, ladies and gentleman. I dream of all my children and grandchildren being saved and having eternal life. I dream of a world where Christians will be led by the Holy Spirit and follow the direction of the Bible rather than by false teachers and false doctrine. I dream of a Godly people that preach peace and not war as the solution to all problems between nations. After all, wasn't Jesus the Prince of Peace? And yes, I do know that there will be just reasons for war. But, I also know many wars are fought and many people have died because of wars that were waged for power, greed and profit. Armageddon, the war to end all wars, will surely come my friends. But God will be the architect of that war, that will usher in Jesus as King of Kings and Lord of Lords; not greedy and lustful men. I dream that the lost will find and accept Jesus and live eternally with the Father. Yes, my friends, I am a dreamer. I dream this online church will reach all who God intends it to reach. I have decided to be a decider. Today, my friends, my decision is to follow Jesus. How about you?

God Bless you,
Bro. Bob

1 comment:

  1. thank you brother bob I really appreciate all the messages you have I love how the website has changed it a lot easier to read an access god bless you thank you for all you have done your friend in security and god bless you too justin
