Sunday, September 25, 2011


Today I believe it is time to discuss the role of believers on the earth.  Now many teach that we are to be the example both to the saved and unsaved on the earth.  The truth is we are not the example for them to follow. Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God, is the one and only true example of perfect and sinless living on this earth.  Now there, my friends, is an example to follow.  Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service.  Everyone is welcome in this place. 

Too many believers carry their Christian beliefs as a burden and weight instead of the freedom and liberty God intends for us.  There is a scripture that talks clearly to believers and unbelievers alike.  However, preachers often times narrow the scope and meaning of God’s Word too much.  That scripture says – come to me you that labor and are heavy laden.  Tell you what, let’s look at that scripture together.  Matthew 11:28-30 states:

“Come unto me ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart:   And ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Now this was said to us by Jesus himself.  Most times when these verses are taught, the focus is on the unsaved and rightly so.  However, Jesus is clearly talking to both believers and nonbelievers at the same time.  Let’s look at this closely.  The unbeliever who is weighed down by sin is being called out to here by Jesus.  Our Lord is telling the unsaved sinner that he is available to him.   He is in fact telling them that he knows they are laboring to be good and do right.  But, because they are so in bondage to sin and the ways of the world, it feels like the weight of the world is upon them. 

Now to the believer he is saying come to me for your testimony and laboring for me should not be a heavy weight on you.  Jesus says – come to me and I will lead and guide you.  You see, church, God knows we are saved but he also knows we are human.  We strive to be as Jesus is but we are not Jesus.  God desires us to strive for perfection, but he knows we are not perfect.  I guarantee you folks, if you reach perfection on this earth God will take you home because the only direction from perfection would be back to imperfection,

One thing that stands out to me is when Jesus says – take my yoke upon you and learn of me.  That goes to the heart of Jesus and what he did for us on that cross.  Jesus says to the nonbeliever – by receiving him as Lord and Savior you can be set free from the heavy burden sin has placed on you.  Taking on the yoke of the cross in the place of sin will give you a liberty and cleanness in your spirit that is indescribable in words.

Now to believers.  Jesus is saying to you – take off the weight of trying to be flawless and perfect before men so they won’t think you are a hypocrite and just learn of him.  My friends, the more you learn of Jesus by studying his word, which is the Bible, the more you will see that Jesus has done everything for you.  Jesus tells you he will give you rest for your soul.  When you have rest in your soul you will not have to try to serve God, you will just be able to do it.  It will be so natural for you to walk in God’s peace, love, mercy and grace that people will just not be able to not see it.  The burden you placed on yourself to do good works will be lifted and good works will come naturally to you.

The point I am making to you my friends, is this – as believers just be who you are, a child of God.  Serve God with your whole heart, body and soul.  Do not confuse human flaws with being a hypocrite.  There are hypocrites, but we will discuss that at a later time.  The people who are observing your walk with Christ will be much more impressed and affected by your ability to be human and serve God than by any self righteous act you could commit.

You see, God desires that we operate in his goodness.  He wants us to operate in his works and not our own.  The more we learn of God, the more we will lean on Jesus and allow our souls to rest in him.  The more our souls rest in Jesus, the more effective we will become as witnesses for him. Hebrews 4:9-10 explains it better than I can – so let’s read it together:

“There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.  For he that is entered into his rest, he also has ceased from his own works as God did from his.”
What God is telling us here is really pretty simple, church.  God is saying to us – Just as he rested from his works on the seventh day, we can rest in him.  Our heavenly Father loves us very much and he desires that we serve him but not by or our own works.  We must be like the apostles in the Bible, telling the story of Jesus and what he has done for us.  Being a living testimony of the love of God for us all.  Letting people know that what God has done for us he will do for them.

That my friends, is the role of a believer on this earth.  This is not rocket science folks.  It is just the truth. 

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, September 18, 2011


This week, I want to focus my attention on you. Not a day goes by that I do not think of you. I know many of you are very faithful to enter in to these services. Some of you occasionally and others once in a while, regardless of your "attendance." Just know this, my friends, you are loved and lifted up to our Father in Heaven every day. Our online church is here for you, period!!!

God loves you very much, my friends, He gives us his Word to share with you. He sent his only begotten Son to die for you. But, not only to die for you but to arise from the dead as a perfect sacrifice for you. He has paid your and my sin debt. He has not only provided salvation for you, Jesus himself is your salvation. Now, he gives us the divine Word of truth which evolves from his Word, which is the Bible, to share with you. He anoints and blesses our messages so you will be directed to Jesus. He allows this ministry to share his Word with you. Why? Because he loves you and desires you to be saved from the wages of sin, which is death. Do you now understand, Jesus took the death penalty for sin that we deserved and took it on himself.

Welcome everyone to your 24/7 week-long online church service. You are loved AND welcomed in this place. I have often told you that my teaching and preaching is based on only one thing; the Word of God, which is the Bible, and the revelation of that Word that the Holy Spirit provides. That being said, let's back up what I said about the penalty for sin. Turn with me to Romans 6:23. The Apostle Paul tells us here:

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
  Now, that is straight out of the King James version of the Bible. The version of the Bible that people have lead you to believe is so hard to understand. But, let me ask you, my friends, could anything be more clear to understand than the above scripture we just read together? The answer is, of course not!!!

The thing that I always strive to explain to you is this: as you read the Bible and see that the Apostle Paul preached to believers in many different cities, you must understand he is also talking to us. God wants you to know and understand that he has made a way for you to become part of his very own family. He has made a way for you to have eternal life with him and his Son, Jesus Christ. God has chosen you to be with him for eternity. He will strengthen you in your spirit, mind, and body, to help you in your walk with him. The question is, will you accept the call? Our ministry agrees with Paul, as he talks to the Thessalonians. In fact, we are saying the very same things to you. All right, church, I want you to read or listen to 2nd Thessalonians 2:13-15 very closely. This is what it says:

"But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. "
Tell you what, let's continue on and read through verses 16-17 also.
"Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work."
 I know you can tell we are talking to the believers in our online church. But this is also a call to you non-believers. God desires you to come to him this moment. The Holy Spirit is urging you to receive Jesus into your heart today. Do you not know this? My friends, I am ready to lead you to Jesus. Listen to me. Leave this message for a moment. Email me right now. I will answer you and help you to become a child of God. My email is: I am waiting and eager to hear from you!

You know church, when I first began to tell people that God was prompting me to start an online church, no one understood what I was talking about. I was not surprised by their reaction because, if truth be known, I didn't understand it either. But now, it is so clear to me. God loves you so much that he reaches out to every avenue possible. As God impressed on me his desire for this church, I began to realize our purpose. We minister to so many people that do not go to church.

There are many reasons for this. Some of you have jobs that prevent you from attending church on Sundays and Wednesdays. Many of you left church with hurts or unforgiveness in your hearts and never returned. That never meant you didn't love God or wasn't still saved. You just needed God to send someone to minister to you in a different way. Well, my brother and sister, here we are. Some of you, just on purpose, walked away from God and back into the world. You may have tried to forget God but, guess what, God has not forgotten you.

Many of you attend church regularly and love and serve God with purpose. You may even attend a good Bible-believing church. But sometimes during the week, you just need some added inspiration, don't you? God has sent us to you. Some of you do not know God. For whatever reason you may have, you have never received Jesus into your life and heart. You may feel you are a good person in the natural but God knows you need to be saved in the spirit. Our message to you is one of hope and life.

You see, God instituted this online church just for each of you no matter what category you fit into. And I know there are some out there that we haven't mentioned specifically, but whatever state you are in, mentally, physically, or spiritually, God is reaching out to you through this online ministry. God has given us a love for you and a mission; to minister salvation, healing, and deliverance from demonic influence. Once again, just for you.

You may feel God has deserted you or you are unworthy to come to God for forgiveness. God has sent us to tell you that is not so. God says, come home child, come home. Now you know why we always say, everyone is welcome in this place.

God Bless You,
Brother Bob

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Well church, this is certainly an interesting and somber week, isn’t it?  Just the sound or term 9/11 stirs up many emotions in us.  Time passes by quickly, yet memories can last a lifetime.  Let me welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long online church service.  Everyone is welcome in this place. 

It is hard to believe ten years have gone by since that fateful day, 9/11/01.  The day that changed life as we know it.  Our country once again witnessed evil in its purest form.  Perhaps we had forgotten how inhumane man could be to each other.  The reverberations ten years later are still cascading across our land. 

Whenever evil strikes with such force Christians, or as I prefer to say believers, are challenged, aren’t they?  How does one hold onto the teachings of Jesus in such times?  When hate, vengeance and outrage appear to be appropriate, where does love, peace, mercy and grace fit into the picture? 

There is only one true way to discern a proper response to things of this awful nature.  God’s Word, which is the Bible, will always give us proper direction to be victorious in every area of our life.  As God spoke to Israel in tough times, he also speaks to us.  God’s words are universally true to all believers.  In Isaiah  41:10-13 God gives us instruction in times of trouble and despair.  Let’s face it folks.  Since 9/11 many Americans have suffered mentally, financially and some physically.  I believe that is a good description of trouble and despair, don’t you?  All of the above is compounded and magnified by fear.  Isaiah 41:10-13 gives God’s instruction.  God says:

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee:  I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.  Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded; they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish.  Thou shalt seek them and shall not find them, even them that contended with thee:  They that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of naught.  For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, fear not; I will help thee.”

These words of God to us should help bring us out of despair and lead us back to a state of confidence in him, in ourselves and in our country.  As we face the threat of radical Muslim extremists (not I might add, the regular person born into that faith)  It is not the hard working family man who keeps his focus on living and surviving who is our enemy and we should stop treating them as such.  No, we will win that person and his family to Jesus by love, not by hate. 

As for the radical Muslim extremists whose perverted mind and worship of a false God leads him to hatred and destruction, God says clearly do not fear them.  Why?  Because God, our heavenly Father, is with us.  Our enemies in the spirit are his enemies, compared to God they are nothing.  God will take us (meaning the believers in this country) by the hand and he tells us – don’t worry, I will help you. 

In these troubled times God wants us to turn to him and to follow his ways.  You know, in the last ten years, man has done some strange things in the name of liberty, haven’t we?  We have fought two long wars and taken away or stifled our civil liberties in the name of liberty.  Now I must tell you, I am an Army veteran and not against war.  I believe it was right and Godly to take out the Al Qaeda and Taliban.  After all, they murdered close to four-thousand civilians without cause.  In truth, people of all faiths and cultures were in the Twin Towers, including many hard working Muslims. 

Once we as a Godly nation beat the Al Qaeda and Taliban we should have (In my opinion) brought our troops home to a  heroes welcome.  And let me be clear, I do mean all of our troops.  Ladies and gentlemen, this is a great country.  God has blessed us beyond measure.  The United States of America was built upon Godly principles.  God loves us because he knows the heart of America is based on his love for us, and our love for his son, Jesus Christ. 

It is time to check ourselves.  We must return to righteousness and walk in the way of the Lord.  We cannot keep preaching love while walking in hate toward our fellow man.  We should look at the peoples of all nations as God looks at us.  There may be times that we need to fight wars.  There may be times that we must defend our nation.  God understands that.  The tenth anniversary of 9/11 is a somber reminder of that fact.  But 9/11 is also another reminder.  It reminds us of the goodness of America.  Who can forget the heroic efforts and sacrifice the first responders showed us?  Do you remember how people of all cultures prayed for each other?  That, my friends, is the call for this week.

I am asking this 24/7, online church to pray for America.  Pray for the survivors and families of those who lost their lives on 9/11.  God desires we love and live in peace.  Actually, those are his thoughts for you.  Please turn with me to Jeremiah 29:11-12.  Jeremiah the prophet gives us God’s thoughts for you.  God says:

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.  Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.”

Think and meditate on these words meant just for you.  God says I will hearken unto you.  May these words comfort you on this anniversary date of 9/11/01.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

A Special Note: As the above message points out, tragedies like 9-11 presents a challenge to believers. It makes us realize, that no matter how strong we are in God, sometimes we just cry. We are presenting a new music video sung by Jason Crabb titled, "Sometimes I Cry." We encourage you to watch this video. We believe it will be a blessing to you!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


As we enter into the first week of a new month, let us give thanks to our God in heaven for all he has done for us.  You know church, God really is good and his mercy really does endure forever.  Let us return unto God the love he gives us daily.  Let us start each day with thanksgiving and praise for another day of life and salvation.  We can set the direction for this week on the right path as we seek his guidance.  Sounds like a good plan, doesn’t it?

Let me welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service.  Everyone is surely welcome in this place.  You know, we talked last week about you spreading the gospel by word and example.  After all, we are the children of God, aren’t we?  All children love to brag on their daddy, right?  How about we tell others about all the good things God has done for us.  He shows us love and gives us an inheritance which includes eternal life with him and his only begotten son, Jesus Christ.  As we read the Bible, the Holy Spirit lays it all out for us.  Let’s check it out.  What is God saying about you?  Turn with me to Romans 8:14-15.  Ready?  Here goes:

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.  For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry, Abba Father.”
I believe that is pretty clear, don’t you?  We have often told you how God made a way for you to enter in and become a legitimate member of God’s family.  The moment you receive Jesus into your heart and proclaimed him as Savior and Lord of your life, you were accepted as a true adopted child with all the benefits of being a family member.  Now, for those of you who have not received Jesus, do not think this message is not for you.  Everything our saved church members have can also be yours.  God loves you just as he does those who believe on him.  Your invitation to receive Jesus is always available to you.

Is it possible you feel the urging of the Holy Spirit tugging at your heart this instant?   It’s okay, my friend.  Listen to me, church.  Pray for the lost.  There are those whose time of salvation is right now.  Let me interrupt this message.  Jesus in John 3:16-17 said:

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”
There is someone reading or listening to this message.  God has just spoken to you.  I know this by foreknowledge that God has given me.  This is your day.  Don’t worry about how your life has been.  Don’t worry about the bad thoughts or things you have done.  In a moment, all these transgressions will be forgiven and washed away.  This message to the church has just been set aside just for you. 

All right, my friend.  Pray with me.  Pray with a sincere heart.  Jesus, I come to you.  I need you in my life.  I am a sinner, but I want your forgiveness.  Cleanse me Lord.  I desire to receive you, Jesus, into my heart.  I repent from all my sin.  I believe God raised you from the dead and I confess you as my Savior and I make you my Lord.  Guide me Father, in your ways.  I now turn my life over to you.  Thank you, Jesus, I am now born again in the Spirit.  Praise God, my friend.  If you said the above prayer and meant it, you are now a child of the living God. 

Our saved church members are now your brothers and sisters in Christ.  God is now your, and let me emphasize, YOUR heavenly Father.  Jesus is your friend.  But even more than that, he is your elder brother.  Rejoice, church.  It is true that people through your prayers and this ministry are coming to God.  Now, my newly saved friend, e-mail me today at and tell me of your life changing decision.

Well folks, when the Spirit of God moves, we move with it, right?  My prepared message meant nothing compared to the moving of the Holy Spirit.  Okay.  One thing I want to mention though.  Back in Romans 8:15, we read that we have received the spirit of adoption.  It goes on to say we can call on our Abba, Father.  Going back to the early translations, that would read “Daddy, Father.”  How beautiful is that, my friends.  Whatever our need or problem, we can cry out Daddy, Father help me.  I don’t know church, that sort of thrills me.  How about you?

There are things we can do to help our walk with Jesus.  The instruction Book of Life, which you now know is the Bible,  shows us the way.  I Peter 2:1 talks to us and states:

“Wherefore  laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings.”
These are things we must do.  But, all these things can only be laid aside as we place all of our faith in the sacrifice that Jesus became on that cross.  It is important to know and to remember once you receive Jesus, forgiveness and salvation is instant.  But the putting away of things like malice, hypocrisies, jealousies and evil speakings such as gossip or profanity may be instant or will come about as you renew your mind to the Word of God.  Stay dedicated and study the Bible.  The Holy Spirit will help you rid yourselves from all these negative and sinful things. 

The more we put our faith in Jesus Christ the easier it is to rid ourselves of all obstacles and obstructions of life on this earth.  Do not mistake human flaws with hypocrisy my friends.  Remember, we all fail at times.  The important thing is to get back on track.  Ask and receive your forgiveness and keep on walking with Jesus.  God looks at our willingness to serve him.  Psalms 57:7 states:

“My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed:  I will sing and give praise.”
That’s sort of what we are talking about, isn’t it?  Let’s keep our heart fixed on Jesus.  As we do that, singing and praising God will just come naturally. 

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Updated Prayer Request: Please pray for Inez Rogers. Inez fell and had a severe hip injury that required surgery. Please pray for her quick recovery and healing. Inez is a very good neighbor of ours. Please agree with us that she will be home soon.