Sunday, June 12, 2011


Before we begin our message which is a continuation of last week’s service, I want to express something to you. I just finished listening to a quartet sing Amazing Grace. You know, God’s grace is amazing. Stop and think about it. “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind, but now I see.” Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. Everyone is welcome in this place.

My friends, it is because of God’s mercy and grace that we as believers can be ourselves. God knows all about our humanity. He certainly knows we are not perfect yet. But, he does see we are striving for perfection, which is maturity in Christ. His mercy and grace is our covering for our human flaws. God, our heavenly Father, expects us to be his ambassadors here on the earth. We are to be a witness to God’s goodness and love for all. Let’s look at II Corinthians 5:20-21. Paul was talking to the church at Corinth. I am saying the same things to our online church, and in fact, to all churches who preach Jesus and him crucified. So let’s read II Corinthians 5:20-21 together.

“Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: We pray you in Christ’s stead be ye reconciled to God. For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”
Quite a responsibility, don’t you think? If we get bogged down in man made religious laws and doctrines, it will be an impossible task. But thank God there is a solution. A very simple solution, my friends. Just be yourselves. God has already equipped you with everything you need to be a good witness for him. Last week we talked about showing love to people outside of the church building. But what about us that are inside? What about those who walk through the doors of your local church? I’m talking about saved or not saved.

The truth is folks, many churches have become more like private social clubs than a place that welcomes everyone to enter in and hear the Word of God. They have greeters, everyone is dressed nicely. The service is all timed out by the numbers. Announcements, the collection, two songs, the message and goodbye. The appearance was there, but the experience was not. What are you taking about, Bro. Bob? I’m talking about experiencing God. Experiencing the Holy Spirit as he pours out his gifts. I’m talking about experiencing God’s love, his mercy and grace. His power and his healing virtue.

Now I know there are many charismatic or Pentecostal church leaders who believe I am only talking about the Baptists, Methodists, Catholic or Presbyterians. Well guess what? You would be wrong. You guys have your own structured program, only without a bulletin or time limit. Well, let’s see. Praise and worship time, singing of songs, praying and praising in your own language or other tongues, quiet time, the collection, sermon, another collection, then sometimes prayer for the sick and out the door. Once again, the appearance is there, the experience is not.

Many times we are so busy acting like a church, we are leaving the people (who by the way are the church) unattended. This is a call to the church to once again be the place where by being yourself in Christ the Spirit of God can move freely, imparting what is needed to each person individually. A place where love is more important than the program. Pastors, I’m talking to you. Do you have ears to hear? Now, that’s my call to pastors. But listen to me, my friends, I am now talking to you personally and individually. I am asking you to lead the way in your church. I am asking each of you to be the one that shows love to each other and to all who enter into your local church doors. The Bible teaches this. Church, in the Book of Romans Paul is talking to believers just as I am talking to you. In Romans 12:10 the apostle Paul says:

“Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another.”
That, my friends, is where it begins. Love one another. Prefer each other over yourselves. As that brotherly love spreads over your church it will spill over and when someone walks into your church, they will immediately experience the purest form of love. God’s love expressed through his people, which is you. Do you see what I’m saying here? Listen to me, this message is not designed to criticize your local pastors or churches. This message is a call to return to what church should be, a safe and loving place where all can experience God’s love, mercy and grace. A place where the Holy Spirit can move. A place where the atmosphere is such that a person can hear the urging of the Holy Spirit of God to receive Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

Yes, a place where a believer who has walked away from God can feel the love of God again. An atmosphere so filled with love, healings can take place, demons will flee because Jesus is present and deliverance from demonic oppression is available to all who require it. So you see, it all begins with being who you are in Christ. You are a new creature. A new creature who is just like your heavenly Father. A creature of love.

Now let’s discuss some things that need to be discussed. Now that we have established love as a foundation, we can add true praise and worship. Pastors can now give their sermons that God has given them to receiving hearts. The hard part of being yourself in Christ is allowing others to do the same.

It’s time we removed some things from our churches that are man made rules. For example, and there are plenty more examples we could give – what people wear to church is none of your business. Now to be sure, the Bible does give some instruction on modesty and not bringing attention to yourselves. But nowhere in the Bible does it ban women from wearing slacks or pantsuits. Ladies, you have every right to wear dresses, but you have no right to look down on those that don’t. The Bible, which is the Word of God, is pretty clear. God is more concerned with the condition of a person’s heart than with their outward appearance.

You know, some of the most inspiring, Holy Ghost messages I have heard have been from a pastor who rarely wears a suit. What I am trying to say folks – be more concerned with your own walk with the Lord and less with about how others follow God.

You see, it is all about love. One thing about sinners I know for sure. They do not want to be saved from bondage only to walk into man made spiritual bondage. No church, what they desire and need is the liberty that God’s love through Jesus Christ provides. We must walk in liberty and allow others the same opportunity. After all, it says in II Corinthians 3:17:

“Now the Lord is that Spirit: And where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
I believe everyone should be welcome in your local church just as they are in our online church. Come on, believers, just be yourselves and welcome everyone to experience what you have. Love, the Spirit of God and liberty to be their own self in Christ. After all, isn’t that what we all want? I know that is what God desires for us.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

A Special Note: We would like to thank Kathleen Warren for submitting this months music video to us. Kathleen is a faithful member of The Spirit of Wisdom Ministries online Church. Thank you, Kathleen for blessing our Church!

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