Sunday, June 26, 2011


I believe it is time to touch on the subject of the Holy Spirit, or as some would say, the Spirit of God. Who is given the Spirit of God and for what purpose? Can those who have not received the Spirit of God do so? Are there conditions for receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit? Good questions all. So let’s get started.

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. As always, everyone is welcome in this place. Now, let me make something clear at the start. This message is not a message about receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. That is a subject for another time. Let’s begin with the words of Jesus. He was talking to his disciples and followers. The words he spoke that are recorded in John 14:15-17 also apply to us as believers today. Listen carefully believers, Jesus is speaking to you here. John 14:15-17 states:

“If you love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter. That he may abide with you forever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not neither knoweth him: But ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”
My, my my. These are some strong and very important words here, aren’t they? Notice Jesus begins by saying ‘if’ you love me and keep my commandments. Church, I have often told you whenever you see an ‘if’, ‘but’ or ‘lest’ in your Bible, circle it. These small words always set the conditions for something. Jesus is talking here about his leaving the earth upon the completion of his dying on that cross. As you know, on the third day he arose from the dead, returned to heaven and sprinkled his perfect blood on the Mercy Seat. God, our heavenly Father, accepted his perfect sacrifice of himself and we may now receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior and be saved from our sin.

So, what Jesus is doing here is talking to us as believers and followers of him. He is assuring us that even though he is leaving the earth we would not be left alone. Jesus, after telling us that if we love him and keep his commandments, said he would give his followers then and now, another comforter. Notice the word ‘another.’ Jesus was telling us that while he was on the earth he was the comforter of all believers in him. The promise here is this other comforter would always be with us and yes, even in us. Jesus goes on to say the people who trust in other things and ways will not and cannot count on this promised comforter for themselves.

Basically, Jesus is telling us the Spirit of truth is only for the true believer in him. It makes sense, doesn’t it? God is not going to force his Spirit on those who choose to reject him for the things of the world. You see folks, the Spirit of truth is the Holy Spirit of God. Now, I admit this may be a different teaching than what you may have heard before. All I can do is give out the truth I have received through the Word of God to you. Do yourself a favor and check it out for yourself. Let’s continue on and read John 14:18-20. This will become more clear to you as Jesus speaks. He says:

“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: Because I live, you shall live also. At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.”
Stay with me, church. I am going to show you something special through the above scripture. Remember, Jesus was talking about another comforter for us. Verse 18 begins to explain this. Jesus said he would not leave us comfortless even though he was leaving the earth. Then he said an amazing thing. He said I will come to you. What? How can that be? Simply put, church, the new comforter is himself in the form of his own Spirit. That is why he goes on to say the world won’t see him but we will. Jesus clearly states that he is in his heavenly Father and we as born again believers are in him, and he (Jesus) is in us. How? By his Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth.

We can see that by this Spirit, which is the comforter promised to us, God and his son Jesus abide in us forever. This is a mystery that has just been explained to you. Nonbelievers can’t grasp this, but you can and you must understand it. Is this really that important for you to understand? I believe it is because Jesus repeats himself in John 14:23. I have found Jesus does not repeat things unless he desires us to understand clearly what he is saying. John 14:23 states:

“If a man love me, he will keep my words; and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.”
Jesus is clearly talking about the Spirit of his Father and himself. Yes folks, our comforter is the Holy Spirit of God and his son Jesus Christ. What a great God we serve! Jesus is our comforter in every situation we find ourselves in here on the earth. Are you out of work? Jesus is your comforter. Are your relationships going sour? Jesus is your comforter. Are you sick in mind or body? Once again, Jesus is your comforter. As I stated before - No matter what situation or circumstance you are in, Jesus is your comforter.

Lean on him and his Word, which is the Bible. No wonder you are an overcomer. God is with you in every area of your life. I think the apostle Paul put it best in I Corinthians 2:12. This is what he said:

“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.”
What could be more wonderful than that? To know and understand all God has for us if we love him and keep his words. So, what does God desire that we do with all this understanding of what he has done for us? The answer is very clear. He wants us to share what we know with others so they also will receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

You see, nonbeliever, even though this message is geared to believers, it is also geared to you. Receive Jesus into your hearts today. Repent from your sin. Love God with all your heart and keep his words. Then, my friends, God’s promises to never leave you comfortless will pertain to you just as it does to us. God is reaching out to you at this moment in time. Let him be your comforter. E-mail me today at with your decision. This ministry will stand with you and will help lead you to your comforter, which is Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

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