Sunday, June 26, 2011


I believe it is time to touch on the subject of the Holy Spirit, or as some would say, the Spirit of God. Who is given the Spirit of God and for what purpose? Can those who have not received the Spirit of God do so? Are there conditions for receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit? Good questions all. So let’s get started.

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. As always, everyone is welcome in this place. Now, let me make something clear at the start. This message is not a message about receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. That is a subject for another time. Let’s begin with the words of Jesus. He was talking to his disciples and followers. The words he spoke that are recorded in John 14:15-17 also apply to us as believers today. Listen carefully believers, Jesus is speaking to you here. John 14:15-17 states:

“If you love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter. That he may abide with you forever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not neither knoweth him: But ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”
My, my my. These are some strong and very important words here, aren’t they? Notice Jesus begins by saying ‘if’ you love me and keep my commandments. Church, I have often told you whenever you see an ‘if’, ‘but’ or ‘lest’ in your Bible, circle it. These small words always set the conditions for something. Jesus is talking here about his leaving the earth upon the completion of his dying on that cross. As you know, on the third day he arose from the dead, returned to heaven and sprinkled his perfect blood on the Mercy Seat. God, our heavenly Father, accepted his perfect sacrifice of himself and we may now receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior and be saved from our sin.

So, what Jesus is doing here is talking to us as believers and followers of him. He is assuring us that even though he is leaving the earth we would not be left alone. Jesus, after telling us that if we love him and keep his commandments, said he would give his followers then and now, another comforter. Notice the word ‘another.’ Jesus was telling us that while he was on the earth he was the comforter of all believers in him. The promise here is this other comforter would always be with us and yes, even in us. Jesus goes on to say the people who trust in other things and ways will not and cannot count on this promised comforter for themselves.

Basically, Jesus is telling us the Spirit of truth is only for the true believer in him. It makes sense, doesn’t it? God is not going to force his Spirit on those who choose to reject him for the things of the world. You see folks, the Spirit of truth is the Holy Spirit of God. Now, I admit this may be a different teaching than what you may have heard before. All I can do is give out the truth I have received through the Word of God to you. Do yourself a favor and check it out for yourself. Let’s continue on and read John 14:18-20. This will become more clear to you as Jesus speaks. He says:

“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: Because I live, you shall live also. At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.”
Stay with me, church. I am going to show you something special through the above scripture. Remember, Jesus was talking about another comforter for us. Verse 18 begins to explain this. Jesus said he would not leave us comfortless even though he was leaving the earth. Then he said an amazing thing. He said I will come to you. What? How can that be? Simply put, church, the new comforter is himself in the form of his own Spirit. That is why he goes on to say the world won’t see him but we will. Jesus clearly states that he is in his heavenly Father and we as born again believers are in him, and he (Jesus) is in us. How? By his Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth.

We can see that by this Spirit, which is the comforter promised to us, God and his son Jesus abide in us forever. This is a mystery that has just been explained to you. Nonbelievers can’t grasp this, but you can and you must understand it. Is this really that important for you to understand? I believe it is because Jesus repeats himself in John 14:23. I have found Jesus does not repeat things unless he desires us to understand clearly what he is saying. John 14:23 states:

“If a man love me, he will keep my words; and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.”
Jesus is clearly talking about the Spirit of his Father and himself. Yes folks, our comforter is the Holy Spirit of God and his son Jesus Christ. What a great God we serve! Jesus is our comforter in every situation we find ourselves in here on the earth. Are you out of work? Jesus is your comforter. Are your relationships going sour? Jesus is your comforter. Are you sick in mind or body? Once again, Jesus is your comforter. As I stated before - No matter what situation or circumstance you are in, Jesus is your comforter.

Lean on him and his Word, which is the Bible. No wonder you are an overcomer. God is with you in every area of your life. I think the apostle Paul put it best in I Corinthians 2:12. This is what he said:

“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.”
What could be more wonderful than that? To know and understand all God has for us if we love him and keep his words. So, what does God desire that we do with all this understanding of what he has done for us? The answer is very clear. He wants us to share what we know with others so they also will receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

You see, nonbeliever, even though this message is geared to believers, it is also geared to you. Receive Jesus into your hearts today. Repent from your sin. Love God with all your heart and keep his words. Then, my friends, God’s promises to never leave you comfortless will pertain to you just as it does to us. God is reaching out to you at this moment in time. Let him be your comforter. E-mail me today at with your decision. This ministry will stand with you and will help lead you to your comforter, which is Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I know there are many celebrations going on this Sunday. The Spirit of Wisdom Ministries sends out our best wishes and prayers to all the fathers who enter into our online church service this week. Our mission is to bless you with the Word of God. We encourage you to honor your heavenly Father as your families honor you. Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. As always, everyone is welcome in this place.

As we look around us this week there seems to be trouble at every turn, doesn’t there? The economy is down and so many families are hurting. The jobless situation is wrecking havoc on our family structure. So, who do we turn to, fathers? Let me put it to you this way. When small children, and yes even not so small children, sense trouble and insecurity, who do they turn to for comfort and strength? Of course, we know the answer, don’t we? They look to Mom and Dad. They look to Mom for comfort and Dad for strength.

Most children believe that no matter what happens, Dad will be able to handle the situation. That, my friends, is just a built in trust. I remember times when our five children were young. One year I was laid off twenty-six weeks. Money was scarce. The future looked bleak. Doesn’t that sound like this present time? I know there are fathers attending this service who are in a similar situation. I remember looking at my family and one thing I knew for sure. They trusted their father to make it right for them. So, as I asked earlier, who do we turn to, fathers? The answer for me was pretty simple.

Just as my children had trust in me, I and my wife had trust and faith in our heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ. Our attitude was that God would provide for us. We didn’t need to fear what man or the devil could do to us. Men could cause our jobs to be lost. Men could take our homes away for nonpayment. And men could cut off our heat in the winter if we could not pay. But, because we had trust and faith in God, we had a strength and confidence that we would overcome any bad or evil situation. Proverbs 29:25 gives us instruction in bad times. Let’s read it together:

“The fear of man bringeth a snare: But who so putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.”
Do you really understand what this scripture is saying? Basically, it is saying trusting in men only and what they can do for you will lead to fear. Why? Because they will sooner or later disappoint or let you down. Before long, men will establish fear in our hearts. Fear of what they can or will do to harm us and our families. But this scripture says if we put our trust in the Lord we will be safe. It is not easy to feel safe in this economy that is taking its toll on us. The fear of men foreclosing our homes or shutting our jobs down is a snare to us, isn’t it?

It is hard to feel safe with wars on every front. It is becoming evident our politicians, regardless of party, are letting us down. There seems to be no safety in education, government or even religion. But, thank God, there is safety in the Lord. Our children look to us for safety fathers. The way to give safety to our children is by us trusting the Lord and receiving the safety he provides for us and our families.

My friends, I want to relate something to you. I’ve noticed that so many believers seem to love God for what he has done in the past. It is almost like they believe God is a character out of a history book instead of a present time help in trouble. That is the deception Satan has perpetrated on us.

Fathers, there is no doubt in my mind you desire to be the best fathers you can be. You want to provide love, security and safety for your families. But, how is that possible when it appears everything around you is falling to pieces? Just that question is the reason God is allowing me to preach to you this day.

I am here to proclaim to you God is a present time God who desires to lead and guide you in every facet of your life. Nahum 1:7, which is in the Old Testament, puts it this way:

“The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.”
So, the question is Dads, do you trust in him? Do you even know God is a stronghold that you can anchor yourself to in times of trouble? The truth is, God is good!! God is good in bad times or in good times. He knows those that trust in him and he is a sure shield against trouble and evil. I Peter 5:6-7 gives you the prescription for removing anxiety and worry during these rough times. I Peter 5:6-7 states:

“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him for he careth for you.”
Let’s put is this way Dads. It is time for you to humble yourselves. Realize you don’t have to bear all these cares yourself. God says to cast all your cares and anxieties onto him because he cares for you. Right now, today he cares for you. Basically I am saying these things to you because they are true. God loves you Dad and he loves your family. There is hope for you after all. Psalms 31:24 is talking to you on this Father’s Day, so let’s read it together:

“Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.”
All right now Dad. Go celebrate your day with your family. God loves you and he is with you today. Now that calls for a celebration, doesn’t it?

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Before we begin our message which is a continuation of last week’s service, I want to express something to you. I just finished listening to a quartet sing Amazing Grace. You know, God’s grace is amazing. Stop and think about it. “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind, but now I see.” Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. Everyone is welcome in this place.

My friends, it is because of God’s mercy and grace that we as believers can be ourselves. God knows all about our humanity. He certainly knows we are not perfect yet. But, he does see we are striving for perfection, which is maturity in Christ. His mercy and grace is our covering for our human flaws. God, our heavenly Father, expects us to be his ambassadors here on the earth. We are to be a witness to God’s goodness and love for all. Let’s look at II Corinthians 5:20-21. Paul was talking to the church at Corinth. I am saying the same things to our online church, and in fact, to all churches who preach Jesus and him crucified. So let’s read II Corinthians 5:20-21 together.

“Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: We pray you in Christ’s stead be ye reconciled to God. For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”
Quite a responsibility, don’t you think? If we get bogged down in man made religious laws and doctrines, it will be an impossible task. But thank God there is a solution. A very simple solution, my friends. Just be yourselves. God has already equipped you with everything you need to be a good witness for him. Last week we talked about showing love to people outside of the church building. But what about us that are inside? What about those who walk through the doors of your local church? I’m talking about saved or not saved.

The truth is folks, many churches have become more like private social clubs than a place that welcomes everyone to enter in and hear the Word of God. They have greeters, everyone is dressed nicely. The service is all timed out by the numbers. Announcements, the collection, two songs, the message and goodbye. The appearance was there, but the experience was not. What are you taking about, Bro. Bob? I’m talking about experiencing God. Experiencing the Holy Spirit as he pours out his gifts. I’m talking about experiencing God’s love, his mercy and grace. His power and his healing virtue.

Now I know there are many charismatic or Pentecostal church leaders who believe I am only talking about the Baptists, Methodists, Catholic or Presbyterians. Well guess what? You would be wrong. You guys have your own structured program, only without a bulletin or time limit. Well, let’s see. Praise and worship time, singing of songs, praying and praising in your own language or other tongues, quiet time, the collection, sermon, another collection, then sometimes prayer for the sick and out the door. Once again, the appearance is there, the experience is not.

Many times we are so busy acting like a church, we are leaving the people (who by the way are the church) unattended. This is a call to the church to once again be the place where by being yourself in Christ the Spirit of God can move freely, imparting what is needed to each person individually. A place where love is more important than the program. Pastors, I’m talking to you. Do you have ears to hear? Now, that’s my call to pastors. But listen to me, my friends, I am now talking to you personally and individually. I am asking you to lead the way in your church. I am asking each of you to be the one that shows love to each other and to all who enter into your local church doors. The Bible teaches this. Church, in the Book of Romans Paul is talking to believers just as I am talking to you. In Romans 12:10 the apostle Paul says:

“Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another.”
That, my friends, is where it begins. Love one another. Prefer each other over yourselves. As that brotherly love spreads over your church it will spill over and when someone walks into your church, they will immediately experience the purest form of love. God’s love expressed through his people, which is you. Do you see what I’m saying here? Listen to me, this message is not designed to criticize your local pastors or churches. This message is a call to return to what church should be, a safe and loving place where all can experience God’s love, mercy and grace. A place where the Holy Spirit can move. A place where the atmosphere is such that a person can hear the urging of the Holy Spirit of God to receive Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

Yes, a place where a believer who has walked away from God can feel the love of God again. An atmosphere so filled with love, healings can take place, demons will flee because Jesus is present and deliverance from demonic oppression is available to all who require it. So you see, it all begins with being who you are in Christ. You are a new creature. A new creature who is just like your heavenly Father. A creature of love.

Now let’s discuss some things that need to be discussed. Now that we have established love as a foundation, we can add true praise and worship. Pastors can now give their sermons that God has given them to receiving hearts. The hard part of being yourself in Christ is allowing others to do the same.

It’s time we removed some things from our churches that are man made rules. For example, and there are plenty more examples we could give – what people wear to church is none of your business. Now to be sure, the Bible does give some instruction on modesty and not bringing attention to yourselves. But nowhere in the Bible does it ban women from wearing slacks or pantsuits. Ladies, you have every right to wear dresses, but you have no right to look down on those that don’t. The Bible, which is the Word of God, is pretty clear. God is more concerned with the condition of a person’s heart than with their outward appearance.

You know, some of the most inspiring, Holy Ghost messages I have heard have been from a pastor who rarely wears a suit. What I am trying to say folks – be more concerned with your own walk with the Lord and less with about how others follow God.

You see, it is all about love. One thing about sinners I know for sure. They do not want to be saved from bondage only to walk into man made spiritual bondage. No church, what they desire and need is the liberty that God’s love through Jesus Christ provides. We must walk in liberty and allow others the same opportunity. After all, it says in II Corinthians 3:17:

“Now the Lord is that Spirit: And where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
I believe everyone should be welcome in your local church just as they are in our online church. Come on, believers, just be yourselves and welcome everyone to experience what you have. Love, the Spirit of God and liberty to be their own self in Christ. After all, isn’t that what we all want? I know that is what God desires for us.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

A Special Note: We would like to thank Kathleen Warren for submitting this months music video to us. Kathleen is a faithful member of The Spirit of Wisdom Ministries online Church. Thank you, Kathleen for blessing our Church!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


All right, church. I want to talk to you this week about living the life of a believer. What does that mean? And, is it even possible to do? My answer is yes, we can live the life of a believer and we as well as others will be blessed by doing so. Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. No one is excluded from this place.

Let’s get one thing straight right now. Living the life of a believer is not a lifestyle based on a belief system. It is living who we are as born again, Spirit filled believers. Being ourselves!! Now, there is a thought, isn’t it? So what do I mean by that? Turn with me to II Corinthians 5:17-18 and let’s read it together.

“Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature: Old things are passed away; behold all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation.”
Let’s take a good, hard look and let’s dissect this scripture a bit. There are things to learn here, church. The first thing to note is this: When we received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we became totally new creatures. That is why it is called a new birth. Basically, it is a completely new start. Instead of being born into sin we are now born into righteousness. Not our righteousness, because we had none. But, born into the righteousness of God who is all righteousness. Quite a start, right new creatures?

The scripture goes onto to say all old things have passed away. Do you understand what that really means? Every sin and everything that was not of God and affecting us in a negative or hurtful way is gone. So let’s continue. All things have become new. All things includes ourselves, doesn’t it? And all things are of God. Yep, that is us again. Is it sinking in yet? The Word of God continues. It says in simple English that God has reconciled us to himself through his son Jesus Christ and has now given us the ministry of reconciliation. In other words, God is saying to us – go get ‘em.

Tell people about Jesus and lead them to Jesus through your actions. Just be yourself, you new creature, you. The truth , ladies and gentlemen is this: Organized religion by all their man made rules and self righteousness, (Please notice I said self righteousness) are driving people away from Jesus instead of drawing them to Jesus. Now, I am not letting you or me off the hook here. These self righteous attitudes and man made laws and doctrines are only effective if believers blindly follow seminary teaching instead of Bible instruction.

The point I am making here is this: The born again, Spirit filled life is a personal relationship with God through his son Jesus Christ. That is what being reconciled to God means. It puts a responsibility on us, doesn’t it? Choose a church that allows you to be yourself in Christ. Question teaching from the pulpit or denomination that doesn’t set well with you in your spirit. Now, that doesn’t mean be rebellious and cause division. But, certainly you can talk with your pastor and let him know of your concerns.

Listen folks, if all churches or seminaries taught the whole one-hundred percent truth of the Word there wouldn’t be scores of denominations and hundreds of seminaries all teaching different things on the same Bible verse, would there be? Truth by its definition can only be singular and that is where your personal relationship and study of God’s Word comes into effect. In other words, use me for an example. If I teach or preach something you have the obligation to question what I am saying. If in your spirit there is unrest, I would not and by the way no man of God should be offended by a believer questioning his teaching or preaching.

I tell you this folks, do not take what I am saying as in indictment against your or any local church. I believe in the local church. I’m very thankful for the pastors and churches we have attended. However, there is much abuse and false teaching going on in organized religion. We must be aware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. All right now. I mentioned earlier to be yourself in Christ, right? One of the first things that will set you apart from the world is your love for your fellow believers and all of mankind.

Don’t worry, once you are truly of God, love will come natural to you. In fact, it is a commandment given by Jesus himself. You don’t believe me? Open your Bible to John 13:34-35, Jesus is speaking here:

“A new commandment I give unto you. That you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”
In other words, church, a believer is defined by love not hate. It is by our demonstration of love toward one another and to humanity that the lost will come to know that we are followers and believers in Jesus Christ. You see, it is not how many scriptures we have memorized or even our words that may or may not appear judgmental, but it is love that draws men to Jesus. Jesus thought love to be so important he repeatedly talks about it in the Word of God, which is the Bible.

Here is my thought: See if you can relate to this – remember, God has given us the ministry of reconciliation. If you do not like long hair, show love to someone with long hair. If you do not like tattoos, show love to someone with tattoos. What’s that you say? You hate alcoholics? That hate, my friend, will not bring them to Jesus. Show love to them. Not with a fake I’ll love you because I have to. Not with an enabling love, but maybe just a smile or a kind word of encouragement. Remember, hate is not part of you as a new creature, but love is. Just be yourself, believer.

I have given you instruction for outside the church building, but what about inside? We will return next week and talk about showing love inside the church building. You may be surprised how God shows his love inside the walls of the church, even though many believers and church leaders don’t. Just listen to this, church, Romans 5:8 states:

“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Can we not at least love sinners and allow them in our churches? I believe Jesus has opened the door to them.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob