Sunday, May 8, 2011


Today, Sunday May 8, 2011, is the day set aside to honor our mothers. Now to be sure, everyday is the day to honor our mothers, aren’t they? After all, let’s face facts, without your mother there would be no you. Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. Each of you is welcome in this place.

You know church, I’m not one to write or give messages about or even on the day of a holiday. I believe everyday is the Lord’s Day. I have given messages decrying the mixing of secular practices with so-called Christian holidays. That is so, only because I believe if you are honoring God you should not pollute that honor with worldly ways. I trust this makes sense to you.

Mother’s Day, however, is a holiday based on Bible teaching. God desires that we love and honor our mothers. Please, turn with me to Exodus 20:12. Let’s see what God has to say about this subject. Exodus 20:12 states:

“Honor thy father and thy mother: That thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.”
Yes folks, this is one of the ten commandments of God. If God sees honoring our parents as this important, shouldn’t we? Now I understand when we are talking about parents we are talking about both mother and father. This week however, our focus is on our mothers. We will address the fathers at a later date. So God says – children, honor your mothers. Show them respect and obey them in the Lord. There is a promise that comes with obeying this commandment. God says – honor your mother and father and your days will be long on this earth. In other words, long life will you be blessed with.

You might say “Bro. Bob, this is Old Testament stuff.” I say, so what. Is not the Old Testament the Word of God anymore? The New Testament is the fulfillment of the old. Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is the fullness of both the Old Testament and the New. Tell you what, let’s move into the New Testament for confirmation of the old. Please, turn with me to Ephesians 6:1-3 and let’s read it together:

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: For this is right. Honor thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with thee and thou mayest live long on the earth.”
Does that not sound familiar, my friends? You know church, when our children were small we would tell them this scripture over and over again. Why? Because we wanted them to know how to, and that they could have a long life on this earth and that things would be well for them. Sometimes, we would point out to them if by obeying your parents long life and living well was promised, what would the opposite be? Am I making myself clear here?

Let me say this about my wife, ladies and gentlemen. My children were and are blessed to have my wife as their mother. It is easy for our children to love their mother. Why? Because no matter what, they know her love for them is genuine. They also know her love for God is genuine. She looked on our five children, which are a combination of his, hers and ours and never saw a difference. I believe it was because of her dedication and love for God that two of our children are in the ministry and the other three know about the love of God for them and their families. I stand here this week blessed to be the husband of a beautiful mother that loves her children more than her own life.

Allow me to say this to the young mothers out there. You are the greatest influence in your children’s life. If you are not right with God this day, get right for your children’s sake. I believe one of the worst forms of child abuse is denying your children from knowing about God. Is that tough and hard preaching? Yes it is. But then, truth is never easy. Mothers your children need you. They need you no matter what their age. From birth to old age “Mom” is a blessed name to them. Take time with your children, mothers. Read the Bible to or with them. Tell them about the love of God for them. All the things you can buy them pales in contrast to sharing the love of God with your children.

Listen to me, young and older mothers alike. I know your heart’s desire is for your children to have a good life here on this earth. Let me give you a scripture that will give you instruction on how to achieve this. Psalms 37:4-5 gives you some sound advice. Let’s read it together:

“Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.”
Did you get that? Listen to me moms. The instruction is very clear here, isn’t it? You know, I’ve heard so many times over the years that there is no manual on how to be a good parent. Now, admittedly that sounds true, but in truth it is a lie right from the pit of hell. The manual for being a good mom or dad is the instruction book of life, which is the Bible. So, God is saying here in Psalms 37, Moms delight yourself in the Lord, and he (God) will give you the desires of your heart.

We can look at this two ways here. First, if your desire is for your children to live a long and blessed life then delight yourself in the Lord. Teach your children about Jesus and watch them grow up in a firm foundation of love for you and God. The second way to look at this scripture is this: Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. In other words, God will provide you with his desires for you, which is you will be a loving and caring mother to your children. Yes, God will give you the desire to be the best mother you can be. The second part of this scripture says – commit your way to the Lord and trust him and he will bring these things to pass. What things? Your ability to love, care and raise your children in the love of God.

Now, here is the key. The only way to fully delight yourself in the Lord and commit your ways to him and to trust him is pure and simple. Moms, receive Jesus Christ into your heart today and confess Jesus as Lord of your life. Or, if you have done that but walked away from Jesus, repent and turn back now. Your children are worth it. Well, aren’t they?

Now a note to all children or as my mother would say, “all the children of the world.” Honor your mother this and everyday. Call her today and tell her you love her. If you live a far distance from her, tell her you miss her. For surely, my children, she misses you. Thank God for your Mom. Happy Mother’s Day.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

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