Sunday, May 1, 2011


This week I’m going to focus on believers, those who have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. What is our mission here on the earth? What does God, our heavenly Father, expect of us and what does it mean to be “separate” from the world’s system? Actually, as I speak I sense that you are asking these questions and more of yourselves, aren’t you? Well guess what? That is a good thing. Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. Certainly you know by now no one is excluded from this place.

I may not be able to answer all your questions. But, I can point you in the right direction. By the way, any preacher who tells you he can answer every question of life for you is one to walk away from. I have come to the conclusion no man, woman, church, denomination, seminary or anyone else, including preachers and teachers of the gospel know all things pertaining to God and to life here on the earth. That does not mean they do not know some things. I am not disparaging anyone here, I am just telling the truth. So, where is truth to be found? The answer is the Word of God which is the Bible.

You ask me a question and I will give you an answer. If I know the answer I will tell you so. But, if I do not know the answer I will tell you that I don’t know. Now, here is the rub. Even though I may know the answer to your question and give it to you, your job is to double check my answer by reading the Bible and allowing God to show you through his Word if I am correct in my answer to you. I have just taken the long way around to tell you all answers to life and living are in the Word of God. Because you are a believer, God will give you spiritual eyes and ears to understand everything you need to know to be an effective witness for him. Let’s check this out together. II Timothy 3:16 states:

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”
As believers are we not all striving to walk and abide in the righteousness of God? The Word of God not only tells us how to walk in righteousness, it tells us we are the righteousness of God. All because of what Jesus did by dying on that cross. Let’s look at I Peter 2:24 talking about Jesus:

“Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness: By whose stripes ye were healed.”
This scripture clearly tells us that Jesus gave himself in sacrifice on the cross. Jesus by this action took the full penalty for our sins which was physical death. Certainly his suffering and pain were a part of what happened, but that is not what redeemed us. It was the total giving of himself even unto death that saved us and actually made us dead to sin. Thereby allowing the righteousness of God to become our righteousness. Do you understand this church?

We are not and cannot have or be righteousness in ourselves. But, through our belief and by receiving Jesus as our sacrifice, righteousness is imputed – or in other words – given to us. This scripture goes on to say by his stripes we were healed. This is talking about spiritually and physically. Today we are focusing on the spiritual only. But, just by this can you conclude God is an awesome God who loves you and me the best? There is one thing I must state here lest I neglect a very important point. It is the Holy Spirit who will enlighten your understanding of the Word of God. He will do this only because of your faith in what Jesus did for you on the cross. It is this enlightenment that will allow you to carry out God’s plan for you on this earth. Now, with this in mind, let’s return to some of the questions we proposed at the beginning of this message.

Many believers wrestle with the question of God’s plan for their lives. Instinctively believers sense a call to duty, don’t they? So let’s discuss this. My first bit of advice to you is to take a breath and relax. Be open to God and he will show you what he desires of you. However, the Word of God is pretty clear in some things. Let’s look at some of them. John 14:12 gives all true believers some instruction. Let’s read it together. Jesus is speaking here:

“Verily, verily, I say unto you. He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do: Because I go unto my Father.”
Right there, my friends, are a mission and a plan for you to follow. Jesus is stating in no uncertain terms that if you believe on him, you will do the very same things he did while he was on the earth. Wow!! That covers a lot of ground, doesn’t it? So what did Jesus do? Well, he preached the gospel. He taught people about God and his ways and he healed people both physically and mentally. He cast out devils. Well, didn’t he? My suggestion would be to open your Bible. Read the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Ask God to show you what Jesus’ mission on this earth really was. In short, I believe you will find out very quickly in addition to what we just listed, that the preaching, teaching, healing and casting out of devils was all part of a plan to do one thing.

The mission Jesus had was to reconcile all of mankind to God. Everything he did before his death, burial and resurrection was for our benefit. He became our living example of how to live on this earth. I believe, my friends, that our job as believers is to be as Jesus. That answers the question of what being separate from the world system really means. Tell people what Jesus has done for you. Be there for them. Pray for the sick. Be a mentor. And here is what I mean by this.

As a young preacher I was asked to preach at the Detroit Rescue Mission. I saw people who were beat up by sin come forward to receive Jesus. Many of them I am sure were very sincere. There was a joy for me and them, a new hope. Yet, when I left that rescue mission I realized as I returned to my home and church that they were returning to the streets and in many cases to their old ways. You see, church, there was no follow-up. I’m telling you this so that this mistake need not ever be made again. Lead people to Jesus, but then see that follow-up is made available. That is our mission and that is our plan. Think about it my friends. The answer is in the Word.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Prayer Request: We have an urgent prayer request for Buddy Harper. Buddy has been diagnosed with cancer of the throat/esophagus. Please pray urgently for a complete and total healing and thank Jesus for his healing touch.

Please pray for Nancy Stewart. She has been recovering from liver cancer but she has now has a second attack with spots on her lungs. Testing is still ongoing. Church, pray Nancy that she be totally healed of all cancer.. you foul spirit of cancer we bind up your works in the name of Jesus and command you to leave Nancy's body this moment. We pray this in Jesus' name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. You know its me from security the thought helped me out this time mo
    Re then ever thanks you brother bob and god, bless you
