Sunday, June 6, 2010


We welcome everyone to this week's 24/7, week long, online church service. No one is denied entrance to this place. We must warn you however, your life as you know and understand it may be changed by being here. The words this online church preaches are words of life. Everyone, whether a believer or not cannot help but be affected by the words of life we preach.

Everything we do and say is designed to lift up the name of Jesus. We found the best way to do that is to go to the instruction book of life (the Bible) and ask God to give us wisdom and understanding of his word. As God through his Holy Spirit relates the way to share the words of life he provides, we then share them with you. Pretty plain and simple, right? We do not copy sermons or take our messages out of books written by Bible scholars, preachers or professors of theology. Do we read such books? Of course we do. But, if what they say doesn't line up with the Word of God we discard it quickly.

For example, take this series on Healing is For Today. There are tons of books in Christian book stores on this subject. Some of these books advocate healing is for today but many do not. Regardless of what viewpoint these books may take, they do not have the whole and entire answer regarding God's healing power and how it relates to us today. Only one book gives the complete story regarding healing and that is the Bible, plain and simple, over and out – period.

I hope that is clear enough for you. So many times we look to man and their brilliance to answer all the questions of life and guess what folks? They can't do it!! Let's turn to our foundational scripture as we continue on our series regarding healing. Isaiah 53:5:

“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: The chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”

What a wonderful way God had of showing us that healing is for today. The last words of Isaiah 53:5 are “..with his stripes we are healed.” The unbeliever or in some cases even believers, who have not been taught correctly may ask what stripes are they talking about? Oh my, oh my, my good friends the stripes being talked about here are the thirty-nine stripes left on his back due to being beaten with a whip. Different medical experts have said all classifications of sickness and disease come under no more than thirty-nine categories. Yes, yes, yes Jesus took our sickness and disease upon himself so we could be free from sin, sickness and disease. But, Bro Bob, I don't feel free from sickness and disease. My body aches, my mind is confused, my outlook is not good, what about me? Have I been forgotten? Your condition is why I am doing this series.

I am here to encourage you by directing you to the Word of God. Read every scripture on healing. Make them your own!! You will find conditions that can stall the manifestation of your healing – such as unforgiveness, sin in your life, doubt and unbelief. But, the good news is God is always and forever with you. Do not give up. Your healing is on the way. We stated earlier in this series that we do not know why, when, where or how God will heal you, but God will through his Word and Holy Spirit reveal these things to you.

Let's turn to some scriptures to encourage you. How many know what Jesus did for the people he ministered to while here on the earth, he desires for you today. Luke 9:1-2. Jesus is talking to the twelve disciples. Read carefully here because he gives the same instructions to us in scriptures to come. Okay, now let's read Luke 9:1-2 together:

“Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.”

Once again, my friends, the things Jesus asked and told his disciples to do he asks the same of us today. Through the new birth in Jesus Christ we as believers have the same power and authority to cast out all devils (demons) and to cure diseases. My friends, there are demons in this world today with a soul mission of bringing sickness, diseases, things like cancer, depression and all manner of infirmity on you. The reason is to turn you away from God. The good news that may be hidden to you until now is this: Believers in Jesus Christ, born again by the Spirit of God, walking in faith and not by sight have authority to pray for you and to command sickness and disease to leave your body. These same believers have authority to cast out devils that may have oppressed you. You might ask, who are these believers? The answer my friends, is our selves!!

We just have to let the power we possess over devils, sickness and disease become real to us. We cannot go by what we see, how we feel or what people say. I remember our pastor in Michigan would say “Don't go by the way you feel, go by the word that is real.” And you know what? Pastor John Bulloch was absolutely right. This is one of the lessons this series was meant to provide to you. I know there are preachers who will say that Jesus only meant the instructions in the book of Luke to be for the apostles. But, let me say it kindly – they are wrong!! The same instructions Jesus gave to the twelve disciples in Luke, he also gave to us. Turn with me to Mark 16:15-18:

“And he (Jesus) said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

Church these were the last words recorded of Jesus, for then he was received up into heaven and sat at the right hand of God. You don't believe me? – read it for yourself in Mark 16:19. Regarding the subject of healing, what we do get from these scriptures, here it is right down to earth – if you are a believer you can cast out devils of infirmity, you shall lay hands on the sick and they will recover. Who said so? Jesus himself said so, that's who.

Look ladies and gentlemen, I am certain this series on healing has given you enough proof so that regardless of what you thought or believed about healing before, you must conclude healing is for today. To all those who are sick in body or mind at this moment, throw off all condemnation people have put on you. Read this series over and over. Read the scriptures regarding healing. Get rid of any self-destructive habits or thoughts. Know this ministry is praying for your healing on a daily basis and we are expecting a whole and complete healing for you. Healing may be a hard concept for you at this time, so start by agreeing with us for your healing. As the Rev. Oral Roberts used to say “Expect a miracle!” Why? Because healing is for today.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

1 comment:

  1. thanks you brother bob i need this a lot. from your friend in security H.I.E and good news all the praying have helped out Vanessa R she has no more cancer thanks you brother bob and all the people that have prayed for her
