Sunday, October 18, 2009

Then along came Jesus

We made it folks!! Another week has gone by and we made it through. God is good and His mercy endures forever. Welcome to all who enter into this week's 24/7, week long online church service. Everyone is welcome in this place.

You know, ladies and gentleman, we have covered a lot of ground these last few months. Every step of the way has been based on the sure foundation of the Bible and on our Savior, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. He died on an old rugged cross. This same Jesus took stripes on His back for our healing and He bare our sins in His own body so we could be set free from the dominion of sin and death. Oh, my God, how thankful we must be for what you have done for us! Let us give thanks to God, my friends, for His love and mercy toward us. As we turn to I Peter 2:24, think back my friends, to before you gave your life to Jesus. No matter how much good we did, we were mired in sin. Sins of pride, lust and deeds. We were never what we really wanted to be, righteous and fulfilled. There was always something lacking. We were never quite satisfied. Then, along came Jesus. Now read I Peter 2:24.

“Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness; by whose stripes ye were healed.”

Yes, my friends, Jesus died and bore our sins. We have been set free. Sin now has no power over us. We can refuse sin in our life thanks to the sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

My belief, based on the scripture, is that Jesus took those stripes on His back for our mental, physical and most of all, for our spiritual healing. Many believe physical and mental healing are not for today. But that way of thinking is not based on the Word of God, my friends. I am going to address the reasons for man's disbelief and many divisions of thought in the church and religious world. I will do so as soon as I am positive that what I am saying about that subject is based on truth and Spirit only, backed by the Word of God. The church world is now based too much on opinion and not fact based on the foundation of the Bible.

This week I would like to share some of the things God has done in my life since I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. This comes about from sharing with coworkers testimonials of God's goodness in our lives.

There was a time, many years ago, we had two young teens and three small children who are all grown now. It was a very bad economy, similar to the present time. I was laid off twenty-seven weeks that year and we were told that foreclosure on our home was imminent. We needed seven hundred dollars immediately to save our home. It might as well have been seven million dollars. We had no idea how to save our home or what to do. I was a youth director at a small Baptist church. Each Monday our church had visitation night and I would always take one teenager with me. This one Monday evening, a brother in the church asked if he could go on visitation with me, and the young teen go with his partner. He said it was important to him. This good brother and I visited a sick member of the church, prayed with him and had good fellowship. As we left the house Bro. Vaughn asked if I would like to share a pizza with him. Now, I must admit, I love pizza. But, I was embarrassed to say I didn't have any money on me to help pay my share. Bro. Vaughn noted my hesitance and quickly said “The pizza is on me, Bro. Bob.” So I quickly said “Yes!” Incidentally, the pizza was great. When we were done eating, this good brother in Christ said to me “Bro. Bob, do you have a financial need?” Now I must tell you, no one knew of this need but my wife and myself. I decided to admit the problem. I told him, but I did not say how much I needed. He looked me straight in the eyes and said “Bro. Bob, God spoke to my spirit and told me to give you seven hundred dollars.” He then proceeded to give me seven one-hundred dollar bills. He said I could not refuse. God had provided, my friends. I was and am so thankful! I went home with gladness and gratitude to God in my heart. When I entered the house I saw my wife writing a letter to her sister, telling her of our plight, but also telling her we had faith that God would provide. I laid the money on her letter and said “Our God has provided!” We were standing on the Word of God and He came through for us. Thank you Lord!

Paul said in a letter to the Philippians (believers), Philippians 4:19.

“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

I have related this testimony to encourage you, my brothers and sisters. Stay strong in faith in your difficulty and your God will surely supply your every need.

The second testimony is about giving. I know many believers are put off by messages about giving because they see the abuse many so-called preachers have done to this very sound

Preachers who misuse God's provision by being gainsayers will answer to God, my friends. My wife and I were in a service at a charismatic/pentecostal church we attended for many years. We had a guest minister. He was preaching on giving, especially to missionaries who depend on our support to do their work and to provide for their personal needs. We were in prayer as to what and how much to give. The Spirit of God was moving in that place. There was a roaring silence. God was definitely speaking to hearts. I looked over at my wife and she was taking her wedding ring off. Now to be sure, our rings were not expensive as wedding rings go. We bought them both on sale for four hundred dollars. But to us they were priceless. Now my wife was depositing her priceless wedding ring in the collection basket. I was sort of shocked and to say the least surprised. I guess she noticed the look on my face and she whispered, “God told me to do this.” Ladies and gentleman, I don't always know much, but when my wife says “God told me to do this,” I let her do it.

About four months later I was preaching at a sister church in Sarnia, Canada when a sister in the Lord approached me (after the service). She said she was selling jewelry, would I like to look at her catalog? I saw this beautiful wedding ring and I thought of my wife and I really desired to get this ring for her. The cost was about sixteen-hundred dollars with payments of around thirty-five dollars monthly. I thought this would be God's blessing for Vicki, giving her ring in that collection, but of course I was wrong and underestimated once again the goodness of God. I told sister Emily I would take the ring and pay the thirty-five dollars monthly. She said “No Bro. Bob, I will give it to you for five dollars a month.”
What a blessing!

I wish you could have seen the look on my wife's face when I presented her with her new and better ring that God provided. Now that my friends, was priceless! Of course this is not the end of the blessing. I paid five dollars monthly for about four months. Sister Emily approached me again in Canada and asked if Vicki liked the ring. I told her “She loves it.”

Sister Emily then said “It is paid for.” She would not accept any more payments and said it was a blessing from God. By the way, my wife wears that ring to this day.

My friends, I have related this testimony to build your faith. Keep giving my good people. Give of your time, your effort and your substance and God will give back more than you can even imagine.

Refer to Luke 6:38, Jesus speaking:

“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down and shaken together and running over, shall men give unto your bosom. For with the same measure that you mete withal it shall be measured to you again.”

Remember everyone, God's blessings will always be based on His Word. God loves you, my friends. He wants to be a help to you in this present time. Tell your heavenly Father what you need and trust that your help and blessing is on the way.

I admit this message has been directed mostly to believers. But, to my unbelieving friends, the only thing that is keeping you from being a believer is you. God is calling you today. The Holy Spirit is drawing you to God, my friend. Will you answer Him today? Accept the free gift of salvation today. Jesus paid the price!! Right now!! Say, Jesus come into my heart, save me Lord. I will turn from my sins and follow you. I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is my Savior and I make Him Lord of my life.

E-mail me today and let me know of your decision to follow and live for Jesus. Believers, e-mail me with your testimonies that I can share with others. Our e-mail address is Your comments and e-mails are a constant source of encouragement to this ministry. Let me conclude this message by quoting Acts 10:34-35:

“Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.”

Are you accepted with Him, my friends? You can be, you know!!

God bless you,
Bro. Bob

An added comment:

Brother Bob is having a heart procedure performed this Wednesday (10/21/09). Our ministry is requesting prayer for Brother Bob. Pray that God will provide the physician with wisdom and healing skill. We expect that there will be an online church service next week.


  1. RoseMarie Baker LeleauxOctober 19, 2009 at 2:33 AM

    Wow Bob, wish that added comment had been posted a few hours earlier so I could have brought it up at church. I got your back Bro. Your pizza story stirred up my favorite 'God Will Provide' moment {and as a segue, let me just say that Brother Bob was not kidding, he is a pizza fanatic. On my first trip back home from my move to Louisiana, people asked about the alligators, the music, the crawfish and the weather, but Bob wanted to know "How's the pizza down there?"} I digress...While attending Spring Arbor College, a Methodist University, I became involved with an off campus, spirit filled charismatic bible study group. We would drive 40 miles to worship at a spirit filled church during the week. We heard that a prayer/praise rally was going to be held in Grand Rapids which was on the other side of the state. We prayed & the Lord was definitely leading us to attend. One guy had a small station wagon so we all crammed into that and headed west. About 20 miles out of town, the driver announced that he was on completely empty and oops! didn't have any money. So we all dug into our pockets and hah! big surprise, none of us college students had any money. At all. Gas was 0.72 a gallon. We had about 40 cents collectively.(What to do? No gas to go forward, no gas to make it back home. We decided that since God was sending us that God would deliver us. We pressed on with our empty tank and drove approximately 85 miles singing all the way. Upon our arrival, we were sought out by a gentleman who asked us if we were college students who had traveled there under trying circumstances. When we confirmed this he told us that the Lord had told him that he was to give us $20.00. Double miracle... we not only covered the state on fumes alone, we were funded for food and fuel on the trip home. God will provide!
    Praying for you my dear brother!!

  2. Another great message. I really appreciate reading them.
    My prayers are with you on your procedure WEdnesday.

  3. Just wanted to let you know I've been reading your messages on the computer. So has mom. We're praying for your heart procedure and for your ministry.

    God Bless,
    Your cousin,
    Jan (Fleming) Roberts

  4. Bob,i would like to know how heart procedure went.I love you and thank god for you and your ministry.Love Aunt Sis
