Sunday, October 11, 2009


Welcome to this week's 24/7, week long online church service. This is a week filled with love, expectation and blessing. That is my prayer for everyone that joins in with us this week. As always my friends, everyone is welcome in this online church.

Set your problems, worries, and obstructions outside the door. Enter in and praise and worship God with us this week. God is so good and His mercy endures forever. God wants to bless you with all good things. He will be with you in trouble and if you turn to Him, He will deliver you out of every evil situation in your life.

I once did a sermon entitled “Bridge Over Troubled Waters.” I talked about how Jesus is our bridge over all our troubles of life. I think if I had it to do over again, I would add that Jesus is with us even when we are in the midst of our troubles. Just as Psalms 91 says. (Please read Psalm 91). It is by the power of God we not only come out of trouble, but that we go on to victory in every situation. God will supply us with wisdom and understanding in every area of our life. Do you want His help my friends? Everything pertaining to successful living is in His written word (the Bible). My advice is to open your Bible everyday. The directions for life are right there for you.

We look around us today and we see trouble on every hand: Wars, poverty, sickness and disease, man's inhumanity to man, corrupt and power driven governments and much more. How did this happen? How did we get to this point? The answer is more simple than we might think, my friends. Nation after nation, family after family, individual after individual have decided they know better than God how to live life today. Refer to Proverbs 14:12.

"There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”

Man has devised so many ways to be successful, rich, and admired. But, if they are not God's ways, the end thereof is death. Men have turned to governments, to gurus, to preachers of false doctrine, to religions, to Buddha, to Mohammed, to Scientology and countless other guidelines of life. Any major or minor religion that does not preach and live Jesus Christ and Him crucified and that alone is preaching spiritual death. There is only one way to the Father and only one way to eternal salvation; and that is Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of our Father in heaven. Refer to John 14:6-7. Jesus speaking.

“Jesus saith unto him (Thomas), I am the way, the truth, and the life: No man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: And from henceforth, ye know him, and have seen him.”

How much more clear could it be, my good people? Jesus did not say He was a way. He said He is the way. The narrow way has no detours, my friends. The GPS to eternal life will only lead to and through Jesus. Jesus did not say He was a truth, He said He is the truth. There are many truths in this world that sound fair, good and desirable, but they are false truths; and in fact they are not truths at all. Truth by its own nature must be singular and Jesus alone is the truth. Jesus said the only way to the Father was through Him. Not one of the ways, but the only way. Jesus said once you had known Him, you will have seen the Father. Yes, once you accept and believe in Jesus, God will reveal Himself to you and only then, my friends.

Do you believe what Jesus is saying? Or, are you willing to call Him a liar? I know this is blunt and to the point. I would love to be more eloquent and soften this up for you, but I can't. There is a seriousness to this message that can't be played around with. I mentioned last week we are not guaranteed even one more second of life. Turn to Matthew 10:27 and please read with me. Jesus speaking:

“What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light; and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the house tops.”

Ladies and gentleman, that is what I am doing this week. What God is revealing to me, I am revealing to you. My message to believers this week is get back to the basics. Remember the excitement you felt when you were first saved? Oh my God, how wonderful you felt! There was a renewed sense of life and hope. Suddenly you loved people you couldn't stand. Forgiveness became a way of life. You would pray and know that God heard you and you would read the Bible and the words would become alive to you. You prayed for everyone you knew. You would lay hands on the sick and expect them to recover.You would not let a chance go by to tell others about Jesus. What has happened to you, my friends? Our Father is the same today as the day we got saved. Jesus is still the way, the truth and the life, my friends. He is still your savior, your Lord, your provider. Maybe it's time to get back in the Word. Renew your mind once again to God's way and abandon the ways of this dying and corrupt natural world. This world will tell you there are many ways to peace of mind, satisfaction, eternal goodness while leading you farther and farther away from your heavenly Father. Stop it now!! Enough is enough!!

Turn with me to Romans 12:2. In a letter to the Romans, Paul wrote:

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

There you are believers. Are you ready to live the fullness of the gospel again? Nonbelievers, I have preached truth to you. His name is Jesus. Let's do it together. Mothers and fathers, I know you have been struggling to do your best for your children. You are hard working so you can provide for there welfare. But, if you do not present Jesus to them, you are failing them. Please do not do that to them. Give them a home where Jesus is the head of the household. Read the Bible with them and above all, bring Jesus into your family and love each other as God loves you.

It's time my friends. Make Jesus Lord of your lives. Ask Jesus to forgive your sins. Turn away from the misleading paths of this world and get on the right way. His name is Jesus, and He is offering you salvation and eternal life as a free gift for you today. Will you accept??

God Bless you,
Bro. Bob

This Weeks Bible Tip: One suggestion when reading the Bible. Circle every if, but or lest. It will make every scripture more clear as to its intent for you.

1 comment:

  1. God is really good. We need to thank Him in every blessing that He gave to us, giving us brand new life every time we woke up, and giving us enough minds to think what is right and what is wrong. We need to be good in return; we need to visit Him at His house every Sunday and in our free time. Thank Him and praise Him for everything.

    Church supplies
