Sunday, July 1, 2012


The Spirit of Wisdom Ministries are being led in a new direction. To be truthful, we are not completely clear what that new direction includes. Please turn with me to the book of Ecclesiastes. That book is found in the old Testament and is one of my favorites books in the Bible. But first, let me welcome everyone to your 24/7 week-long online church service. Everyone is welcome in this place. Now that you have found Ecclesiastes, let's read Chapter 3:1 together. This is what it states:

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."

I believe what this scripture is saying is that nothing lasts forever. Let's take the four seasons of life for example. No matter how much you love summer, there comes a time when it ends. The time for summer to end arrives, yet the beginning of fall is ready to move on with all the splendor of changing leaves and cooling weather. 

You see folks, when God is in it, every ending leads to a greater beginning. This is where we find ourselves today. The Spirit of Wisdom Ministries has presented your 24/7 week-long online church service to you for the past three years. God gave me a mission that we put into action in August of 2009. That mission was to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to you online but in the form of a church setting. We have endeavored to be faithful to that calling. 

I always knew that we were working in the context of a season. My stated mission to you was that I would present the truth of the Word that the Holy Spirit had revealed to me. In other words, I have done my very best to present words of life to you. My friends, we have covered so many subjects for you in the past three years. 

We have given messages on salvation. These were messages that were designed for only one purpose:to lead you to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and what he did for you and me even laying down his life by dying on a cross. For just one reason: to save your and my soul from the bondage's of sin. God loves us that much, my friends!

God's desire is and has always been that his creation would become his children. We have preached healing for your mind, body, and spirit. Those things are benefits from Gods gift of salvation. They come when your trust in God overcomes the pictures, feelings, questions, and doubt, that Satan presents to your mind and body. Truth is, no matter what your physical or mental condition is, God can and will give you peace and joy in your spirit. If you don't believe that, go back to last week's message and read or listen to it again!

We have also preached and taught about spiritual warfare. The ability to stand up and cast out evil spirits that are sent by Satan to rob, destroy, and kill you. Their main mission is to separate you from God. But, by your resistance, they must flee. We back this statement up by reading James 4:7:

"Submit yourselves therefore, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
 Stand firm on God's Word, church. Look that devil right in the eye and say without doubt or fear, "Satan, I cast you out of my body and my mind. I resist you, in the name of Jesus." Now, watch him and his evil spirits flee from you as in terror. Our former pastor, John Bulloch, always used to say that and I have never forgotten it. I hope and pray that you never forget it either. It should always be Satan that flees as in terror, church. There should never be any retreat by us. 

It has become clear to me that we have completed the mission that God gave us the honor to perform. There is a peace in my soul that allows me to announce that we will be closing the doors of our online church as of July 29th of this year. It has been a wonderful season of ministering to you! 

We have shown you the path and laid a foundation for you. Our desire is for you to now go forth in the spirit of God and share with others what we have presented to you. Between now and the end of this month, we will be presenting powerful and anointed messages that will be backed up by the Word of God and by our love for you. 

My friends, the Spirit of Wisdom Ministries will still be available for you. Our website will still be active. We will still be taking prayer requests and when God prompts us, we will come forth with whatever he lays on our heart for you. Our charge is always to be instant in or out of season to share God's Word with everyone. We take the words of Paul in 2 Timothy, Chapter 4:2 very seriously. This is what Paul says to us:

"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with an long suffering and doctrine."
That we have done. And that we will continue to do until God calls me home. It may be in a different form or fashion. It may be to just one person or many persons. God will show us the way. In August, I will be taking a vacation to see family and friends but I realize there is no vacation to a called man of God. 

Let me say this, my friends, we have four more messages to preach to you before your online church ceases to exist. Get ready, my friends. You are in for a treat! Just remember this, church, as the scripture in Ecclesiastes said, "to every thing, there is a season." We have had a wonderful season of preaching and teaching to you. Now, the season is changing.

You have had a season of listening or reading and learning. Now, your season is ending. The new season will begin in August with you preaching and teaching to others the same words of life we have preached to you. God's Word and ways will always be your path.

God Bless you,

 Brother Bob

1 comment:

  1. RoseMarie Baker LeleauxJuly 2, 2012 at 3:04 PM

    :( I will miss you! But look forward to surprise "drive by blessings" in the future! I hope mine is a branch of the family tree that you plan on swinging on in your travels???? Yeah, thought not. Oh well; have fun and thanks for all the lessons. It has been wonderful to have your voice in my house every week. I love you so much. Our parents would be so proud of you. People are talking about how bright the sun is shining these days, I tell them no, that's just my mom beaming down at my "Brother Bob".
    Your Very Own Thorn
