Sunday, April 15, 2012


The message we presented to you last week was titled “The Truth Is This.”  In fact, every message we preach should come under that title.  In one of our very first messages, over two and a half years ago, I stated this:  My job as your online preacher is to give you the truth of the Word as God has given it to me.  That truth is Jesus and him crucified and each message must be based on the Word of God, which is the Bible.  Teaching from any other book or point of view is not truth.

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service.  Everyone is welcome in this place.  Last week we preached on sin and righteousness.  Not always a popular subject, but one that must be taught.  Whether we are believers or not there is a judgment day coming.  Our mission is to prepare you for that judgment day by presenting Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God to you.

Psalms 85:7 states this:

“Show us thy mercy, O Lord, and grant us thy salvation.”
That my friends, is the cry of the nations.  People from all lands, from Israel to Palestine to all of Europe, every continent, including the Americas need a Savior to show them salvation, mercy, love and grace.  The only person that fits that description is Jesus Christ.  I’m making a point here, church.  Do you understand what I am saying to you?  A note to believers:   Psalms 85:8 gives you some very direct instruction.  It says:

“I will hear what God the Lord will speak; for he will speak peace unto his people and to his saints; but let them not turn again to folly.”
What this scripture shows us is this:  You have to be attentive to God.  This scripture points out clearly that God speaks to his people.  Oftentimes in the Bible Jesus is referred to as the Good Shepherd and we as his believers are called his sheep.  Turn with me John 10:27-30.  Jesus is speaking here.

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:  And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.   My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.  I and my Father are one.”

This should be very exciting and wonderful information for all believers.  Jesus says much in these two scriptures we have presented to you.  Let’s look a little closer at these Bible verses.  We have already established by scripture that God and his son Jesus talk to us and we are able to talk to them.  Psalms 85:8 also tells us what it is that God speaks to his people.  Read it again for yourselves.  It says God speaks peace to you.  My friends, one thing men everywhere in this insecure and crazy world is missing, is peace. 

How many times have you heard someone say or show how stressed out they are.  Even many believers seem frenzied and out of control.  This should not and does not have to be.  Listen to the voice of God, my friends.  He is speaking peace to you.  Now, referring back to last week, God says “I speak peace to you,” but then he gives a warning to you.  That warning is this:  “But do not let them return to their folly.” This is talking about sin in your life.

Let me put it to you this way:  God speaks peace to you.  You hear his voice.  Now, do you want to retain this peace God has given you or not?  If you do, you must not return to sin as  way of life.  I guarantee you peace cannot and will not stay where sin prevails.  Now look, I understand we are all human and sometimes we allow sin back into our lives.  The key is this:  As soon as you recognize sin has re-entered into your life, repent and turn away from it and ask God to forgive you.

Peace will stay with you and comfort you.  Why?  Because God loves you and will neither leave you, nor forsake you. My advice – read the Book and follow the instructions.  What Book?  The Bible of course.  We just read John 10:27-30, didn’t we?  Jesus tells us here that he knows us and gives us eternal life.  Is that not a great gift?  He goes on to say that we as believers will never perish.  Of course, Jesus is talking about eternal life with him.  Listen folks, there are people that teach no one will perish and all on this earth will live with God and Jesus forever.  But, that is just not true.

Jesus said his people know and hear his voice.  He gives peace to his people and his people will never perish.  He even warns his people to not return to sin.  Why would that be?  Because, as the scripture said, no man can pluck you out of his hand and that is truth.  But another truth is this:   You can walk right out of his hand anytime you wish to.  That, my friends, is called free will.

You may say “Brother Bob, why are you focusing so much on sin and accountability as this time?”  The reason my good friends, is because I love and care about you.  God desires that you have knowledge of the effects of sin in your life.  God wants you to have a life of victory and joy while following him on this earth.  I would be doing you an injustice if I did not point out to you the perils of sin.  The truth is, sin is deadly.  It may look and appear to be fun and exciting, but in truth it is ugly and has only one purpose and that is to destroy you physically, mentally and spiritually.  Jesus put it best in John 10:10-11.

“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; I am come that they might have life and that they may have it more abundantly.  I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.”
There it is, church.  Satan is the thief.  He wants to destroy everything good in your life.  This goes whether you are a believer or not.  He desires to rob you of all you possess.  But most of all, he desires to kill you physically, mentally and spiritually.  The tool he uses to accomplish his purpose is sin, no matter how good that sin appears to be.  Jesus gave you life and life more abundantly by removing sin from your life. 

Our desire is for you to be set free and to stay free from the bondages of sin.  That is why we presented this message.  If we did not love and care for you, you would not be reading or listening to this message today.

God Bless You,

Bro. Bob

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