Sunday, December 4, 2011

Who is God?

Well church, Thanksgiving has come and gone, hasn’t it?  That is the day set aside to give thanks to God for our blessings.  Thanksgiving Day has passed, but in truth, giving thanks to God should never be set aside, should it?  Maybe we should take this week to take another look at our heavenly Father.  It may answer some questions as to why we should be thankful to him every day of our life.  Welcome everyone to your 24/7, weeklong, online church service.  We must emphasize again, everyone is welcome in this place.

The question might be asked, who is God?  What are his attributes?   What does he mean to us and why?  You know folks, oftentimes this online church talks about God’s love, mercy, grace and peace.  The reason we talk about these things is to show who God and his son Jesus really are.  The Book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament is a good place to start.  Please, turn with me to Deuteronomy 4:29-31 and let’s read it together.

“But if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and all thy soul.  When thou art in tribulation, and all these things have come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the Lord thy God, and shalt be obedient unto his voice; (for the Lord thy God is a merciful God;)  He will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he swear unto them.”
What a great description of God’s love for us.  God is saying from the first time you look to and for him, he will show himself to you.  My friends, God is not hiding from you at all.  My prayer for each of you is that God reveal himself to you in a very real and personal way.  Why?  So that you may be saved from the bondages of sin and that you may walk with him in victory right here on this earth.

This scripture clearly says that God is a merciful God.  He sees your human flaws, yet he says “I will never forsake thee, neither destroy thee.”  Do you get this, church?  God is a God of life and not death.  He desires us to know him and to follow his ways so we can have a better life today and forever.  Why, if you listen to some people, you would think God is ready to strike you with a bolt of lightning, when in fact, all he really wants is to show his unending love for you. 

Now, read these scriptures again.  Take special notice of the “ifs” in the scripture.  Remember, I always tell you to circle the ifs, buts and lest when reading the Bible.  They give you instruction on how to receive the blessings of God.  They also help you to avoid destruction and defeat.  I have often referred to the Bible as the Handbook of Life.  With good reason, don’t you think?

Another important aspect of God is his Word.  How many here remember the old saying – “He is a man of his word?”  Talking about men who would do everything they could to back their words with action.  Well church, let me put it to you this way – no one keeps their word more than God.  That is why you can trust the Bible.  It is the Word of God in written form just for you.  Let’s take a look at Psalms 119:89-91 for confirmation.

“Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.  Thy faithfulness is unto all generations:  Thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.  They continue this day according to thine ordinances; for all are thy servants.”
I hope you are getting this church.  It is these truths that will build your confidence and faith in the  Lord.  So now, we know God is always available to us.  We now understand God is not out to destroy us, but to give us abundant life in him.  We have pointed out once again that God is merciful toward us and isn’t that something to be thankful for? 

Now, we clearly see that God’s Word is settled in heaven, not just for the saints of old, but for all of us today and for all future generations.  Who would that include?  Well, how about our children, grandchildren and all future great-grandchildren?  The 90th verse says God will be faithful to perform his Words of Life to all generations. 

You know folks, we all desire our close relatives and friends to be faithful to us and us to them, don’t we?  But the truth is, that just doesn’t happen as much as it should.  But with God, it is just the opposite.  He is always faithful and he always will be.  Another scripture that highlights these aspects of God comes from Psalms 89:2, let’s check it out.  This scripture says:

“I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever:  With my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.  For I have said, mercy shall be built up forever; thy faithfulness shalt thou establish in the very heavens.”
Oftentimes when I pray, I thank God for his love and mercy that endures forever.  I understand one thing for sure, my friends, God’s love and mercy does endure forever.  But that love and mercy is not just for me.  No.  It is for all of you.  I am asking you to allow yourself to receive God’s love and mercy into your life today.

This goes for you no matter what spiritual condition you find yourself in at this time.  You may already be saved, yet far away from God.  You may not know or believe in God at this time.  But, just remember  how Deuteronomy 4:29 starts:  It says, but if from thence – so what does that mean?  It means from the time your thoughts begin to focus on God, he is there to help you. 

God has given his son Jesus Christ to die on a cross to pay for your and my sins.  He loves us that much.  The very least we can do is to accept that love and mercy so generously given to us.  Some of you need to email me today for further instructions, don’t you?  After all, this is your online church.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob 

1 comment:

  1. This message is great brother bob God bess u and thanks you so much your friend in securty
