Sunday, September 18, 2011


This week, I want to focus my attention on you. Not a day goes by that I do not think of you. I know many of you are very faithful to enter in to these services. Some of you occasionally and others once in a while, regardless of your "attendance." Just know this, my friends, you are loved and lifted up to our Father in Heaven every day. Our online church is here for you, period!!!

God loves you very much, my friends, He gives us his Word to share with you. He sent his only begotten Son to die for you. But, not only to die for you but to arise from the dead as a perfect sacrifice for you. He has paid your and my sin debt. He has not only provided salvation for you, Jesus himself is your salvation. Now, he gives us the divine Word of truth which evolves from his Word, which is the Bible, to share with you. He anoints and blesses our messages so you will be directed to Jesus. He allows this ministry to share his Word with you. Why? Because he loves you and desires you to be saved from the wages of sin, which is death. Do you now understand, Jesus took the death penalty for sin that we deserved and took it on himself.

Welcome everyone to your 24/7 week-long online church service. You are loved AND welcomed in this place. I have often told you that my teaching and preaching is based on only one thing; the Word of God, which is the Bible, and the revelation of that Word that the Holy Spirit provides. That being said, let's back up what I said about the penalty for sin. Turn with me to Romans 6:23. The Apostle Paul tells us here:

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
  Now, that is straight out of the King James version of the Bible. The version of the Bible that people have lead you to believe is so hard to understand. But, let me ask you, my friends, could anything be more clear to understand than the above scripture we just read together? The answer is, of course not!!!

The thing that I always strive to explain to you is this: as you read the Bible and see that the Apostle Paul preached to believers in many different cities, you must understand he is also talking to us. God wants you to know and understand that he has made a way for you to become part of his very own family. He has made a way for you to have eternal life with him and his Son, Jesus Christ. God has chosen you to be with him for eternity. He will strengthen you in your spirit, mind, and body, to help you in your walk with him. The question is, will you accept the call? Our ministry agrees with Paul, as he talks to the Thessalonians. In fact, we are saying the very same things to you. All right, church, I want you to read or listen to 2nd Thessalonians 2:13-15 very closely. This is what it says:

"But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. "
Tell you what, let's continue on and read through verses 16-17 also.
"Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work."
 I know you can tell we are talking to the believers in our online church. But this is also a call to you non-believers. God desires you to come to him this moment. The Holy Spirit is urging you to receive Jesus into your heart today. Do you not know this? My friends, I am ready to lead you to Jesus. Listen to me. Leave this message for a moment. Email me right now. I will answer you and help you to become a child of God. My email is: I am waiting and eager to hear from you!

You know church, when I first began to tell people that God was prompting me to start an online church, no one understood what I was talking about. I was not surprised by their reaction because, if truth be known, I didn't understand it either. But now, it is so clear to me. God loves you so much that he reaches out to every avenue possible. As God impressed on me his desire for this church, I began to realize our purpose. We minister to so many people that do not go to church.

There are many reasons for this. Some of you have jobs that prevent you from attending church on Sundays and Wednesdays. Many of you left church with hurts or unforgiveness in your hearts and never returned. That never meant you didn't love God or wasn't still saved. You just needed God to send someone to minister to you in a different way. Well, my brother and sister, here we are. Some of you, just on purpose, walked away from God and back into the world. You may have tried to forget God but, guess what, God has not forgotten you.

Many of you attend church regularly and love and serve God with purpose. You may even attend a good Bible-believing church. But sometimes during the week, you just need some added inspiration, don't you? God has sent us to you. Some of you do not know God. For whatever reason you may have, you have never received Jesus into your life and heart. You may feel you are a good person in the natural but God knows you need to be saved in the spirit. Our message to you is one of hope and life.

You see, God instituted this online church just for each of you no matter what category you fit into. And I know there are some out there that we haven't mentioned specifically, but whatever state you are in, mentally, physically, or spiritually, God is reaching out to you through this online ministry. God has given us a love for you and a mission; to minister salvation, healing, and deliverance from demonic influence. Once again, just for you.

You may feel God has deserted you or you are unworthy to come to God for forgiveness. God has sent us to tell you that is not so. God says, come home child, come home. Now you know why we always say, everyone is welcome in this place.

God Bless You,
Brother Bob

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