Sunday, July 10, 2011

On The Road Again

You know what, church? Let's begin this week by praising God and thanking him for all he has done for us. I am especially thankful for the wonderful family God has blessed me with. This past Tuesday, my wife, Vicki, boarded a plane, destined for the Detroit, Michigan area. Today, she is enjoying her time visiting our children and grand children. By the end of her time in Michigan, she will have seen three of our five children, plus six grand children, and a bunch of great grand kids. There is nothing God has blessed us more on this Earth than with a great family.

I mention all of this because this coming Wednesday, July 13th, I will be taking my annual summer vacation to see family and friends. I will be driving to Michigan to reunite with my wife. Together, we will see many friends and relatives, including my sister and her family in Northern Michigan.

This will also be a working trip for me. On Sunday, July 24th, I will be preaching at the Wesleyan Mission Church in Hazel Park, Michigan. This is your invitation to come and have Church with the members of this local Church and with me. Let me give you the details. The Wesleyan Mission address is:

1006 East George
Hazel Park, MI

The Church is located two blocks north of 8 mile road and one block east of I75 North. This invitation is for everyone just as the online Church is for everyone. The service starts at 11AM. Come on out, folks. I will be looking for you.

The Wesleyan Mission is a small Church by membership but a very big and welcome Church to all in their community. I believe God is sending me there to give a Holy Ghost inspired message that will light the spark that will ignite a powerful revival in that local church and in the city of Hazel Park, Michigan. You might say, Brother Bob, that is a big order. I would say, our God is a mighty God and he wants to do mighty things in Hazel Park. Folks, I am just a messenger. Psalms 37:23 states:

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord; and he delighteth in his way."
I must tell you any goodness I have is only because of Jesus and what he did for me on the cross of Calvery. I am delighted God has ordered my steps to the Wesleyan Mission Church. I am delighted in his ways. God is faithful.

Psalms 37:24-27 continues:

"Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand. I have been young, now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed. Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore."
That, my friends, is the message I will be delivering. You see, it is not the messenger, in this case myself, but rather the message of God that is important. Words of life. The devine word of truth can and will accomplish much. I am also hoping to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever I go. So, get ready, Michigan. Brother Bob is coming your way!

I might add, on our way back to Florida, we will go by Tennessee to see our daughter Shari and her family. Our Grandson Jordan will be on a mission trip. We will miss not seeing him but we are looking forward to our visit with our son in law, Pastor John Osier, and our daughter Shari. Hopefully, our granddaughter Jessica will be back from vacation at that time. Can you now see how this will be a blessed trip and at the same time a greatly needed vacation for Vicki and myself. God is so good and worthy of all praise.

There is one regret for us. We will see four of our five children. Our son, Pastor David, lives in the Northeast part of the country and we will not see him and his family. Our determination is now set to visit them as soon as possible. Let it be said we are proud of all of our children. Each one is unique in their own way.

You know church, when I meditate or contemplate on all God has blessed me with, I am overwhelmed. I believe, as I have often told my children, the closer to God you are, the better your life will be. The further away from God, the worse off your life will be. Staying close to our Heavenly Father, through his son Jesus Christ, allows us to agree with the Psalmist as he sings to the Lord. Psalms 16:11 states:

"Thou (God) wilt show me the path of life; in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."
That is the way I feel, church. I desire you to have the same closeness with God as I have when I draw close to him. That is why I preach this word to you. I say, in the name of Jesus, be blessed, church. Let God show you the path of life. Stay near his presence so you may dwell on the fullness of joy. The real pleasures in life, now and beyond, are in him.

I have shared with you my agenda for the next several weeks. So the question remains, what about our online church services? Will they continue while I am traveling and visiting with family and friends? The answer is a very big resounding yes, my friends, yes! We are going to repost four previous messages starting July 17th and ending on August the 7th. You will be able to read or listen to them. Gods word does not change. Therefore, if the presented message in 2010 was really of God, it will pertain today just as well. Please read and listen to each message. You will not be disappointed.

We will return August 14th, 2011, with new and current messages for you. I will have access to my email. If you have any prayer requests or need to contact me, I will be available for you. Our email address is: Please, church, continue to pray for all prayer requests shown at the right side of each message. I will personally pray daily for them and for you.

God Bless You,

Brother Bob

Urgent New Prayer Request: Please pray for Sharron Shaw. She has been diagnosed with cancer of the liver and has been in critical care. Please pray for a complete healing and recovery for Sharron. This prayer request is now posted at the right side of this and future weeks messages. So, please, keep her in your prayers until further notice.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful message, as always. Have a safe trip and a blessed time for you & Vicki as you visit family.
