Sunday, June 5, 2011


All right, church. I want to talk to you this week about living the life of a believer. What does that mean? And, is it even possible to do? My answer is yes, we can live the life of a believer and we as well as others will be blessed by doing so. Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. No one is excluded from this place.

Let’s get one thing straight right now. Living the life of a believer is not a lifestyle based on a belief system. It is living who we are as born again, Spirit filled believers. Being ourselves!! Now, there is a thought, isn’t it? So what do I mean by that? Turn with me to II Corinthians 5:17-18 and let’s read it together.

“Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature: Old things are passed away; behold all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation.”
Let’s take a good, hard look and let’s dissect this scripture a bit. There are things to learn here, church. The first thing to note is this: When we received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we became totally new creatures. That is why it is called a new birth. Basically, it is a completely new start. Instead of being born into sin we are now born into righteousness. Not our righteousness, because we had none. But, born into the righteousness of God who is all righteousness. Quite a start, right new creatures?

The scripture goes onto to say all old things have passed away. Do you understand what that really means? Every sin and everything that was not of God and affecting us in a negative or hurtful way is gone. So let’s continue. All things have become new. All things includes ourselves, doesn’t it? And all things are of God. Yep, that is us again. Is it sinking in yet? The Word of God continues. It says in simple English that God has reconciled us to himself through his son Jesus Christ and has now given us the ministry of reconciliation. In other words, God is saying to us – go get ‘em.

Tell people about Jesus and lead them to Jesus through your actions. Just be yourself, you new creature, you. The truth , ladies and gentlemen is this: Organized religion by all their man made rules and self righteousness, (Please notice I said self righteousness) are driving people away from Jesus instead of drawing them to Jesus. Now, I am not letting you or me off the hook here. These self righteous attitudes and man made laws and doctrines are only effective if believers blindly follow seminary teaching instead of Bible instruction.

The point I am making here is this: The born again, Spirit filled life is a personal relationship with God through his son Jesus Christ. That is what being reconciled to God means. It puts a responsibility on us, doesn’t it? Choose a church that allows you to be yourself in Christ. Question teaching from the pulpit or denomination that doesn’t set well with you in your spirit. Now, that doesn’t mean be rebellious and cause division. But, certainly you can talk with your pastor and let him know of your concerns.

Listen folks, if all churches or seminaries taught the whole one-hundred percent truth of the Word there wouldn’t be scores of denominations and hundreds of seminaries all teaching different things on the same Bible verse, would there be? Truth by its definition can only be singular and that is where your personal relationship and study of God’s Word comes into effect. In other words, use me for an example. If I teach or preach something you have the obligation to question what I am saying. If in your spirit there is unrest, I would not and by the way no man of God should be offended by a believer questioning his teaching or preaching.

I tell you this folks, do not take what I am saying as in indictment against your or any local church. I believe in the local church. I’m very thankful for the pastors and churches we have attended. However, there is much abuse and false teaching going on in organized religion. We must be aware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. All right now. I mentioned earlier to be yourself in Christ, right? One of the first things that will set you apart from the world is your love for your fellow believers and all of mankind.

Don’t worry, once you are truly of God, love will come natural to you. In fact, it is a commandment given by Jesus himself. You don’t believe me? Open your Bible to John 13:34-35, Jesus is speaking here:

“A new commandment I give unto you. That you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”
In other words, church, a believer is defined by love not hate. It is by our demonstration of love toward one another and to humanity that the lost will come to know that we are followers and believers in Jesus Christ. You see, it is not how many scriptures we have memorized or even our words that may or may not appear judgmental, but it is love that draws men to Jesus. Jesus thought love to be so important he repeatedly talks about it in the Word of God, which is the Bible.

Here is my thought: See if you can relate to this – remember, God has given us the ministry of reconciliation. If you do not like long hair, show love to someone with long hair. If you do not like tattoos, show love to someone with tattoos. What’s that you say? You hate alcoholics? That hate, my friend, will not bring them to Jesus. Show love to them. Not with a fake I’ll love you because I have to. Not with an enabling love, but maybe just a smile or a kind word of encouragement. Remember, hate is not part of you as a new creature, but love is. Just be yourself, believer.

I have given you instruction for outside the church building, but what about inside? We will return next week and talk about showing love inside the church building. You may be surprised how God shows his love inside the walls of the church, even though many believers and church leaders don’t. Just listen to this, church, Romans 5:8 states:

“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
Can we not at least love sinners and allow them in our churches? I believe Jesus has opened the door to them.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

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