Sunday, May 22, 2011


You know folks, we have covered a lot of ground in the last few weeks, haven’t we? We have discussed the role of believers and what it means to be saved. We talked about mothers and how they are such a positive force in the spiritual growth of their children and families. Last week we reached out to unbelievers, those that are lost and separated from God. You see, God in his loving mercy and grace has and is at present reaching out to everyone who enters into this place. What a great God we serve. That is the reason we can say with purpose that all are welcome in this place. We welcome everyone. And once again, we do mean everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service.

This week I want to talk about our spiritual walk with the Lord. Contrary to some teaching today, wealth, church growth and recognition of men is not the great sign of faith it is taught to be. God’s desire is for us to know him. God knows if we come to know him through his son Jesus Christ, we will want to become as he is. Our spiritual growth is not dependent on how successful we are in life. Spiritual growth is not measured or at the very least should not be measured by what goods we possess or by what recognition we have by men.

To be honest, a person in rags with a contrite heart and a true belief and walk with the Lord is certainly more blessed of God than someone dressed in a Lord and Taylor suit that possesses a proud and haughty spirit. That boasts of their wealth and talks about their religion but does not follow or walk in the Spirit of God. Jesus in the book of Matthew lays it out for us. Matthew 16:24-26 states:

“Then said Jesus unto his disciples, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: And whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

You know church, in this world we are judged mostly by what we have obtained. Education, careers, wealth, organizations we belong to and oftentimes even what church we attend. The bigger problem is oftentimes churches judge in the exact same manner. Well of course, if we have higher education, a great career, wealth and attend the right mega church, we must be more blessed and loved of God, right? Wrong, my friends, wrong! This is exactly what Jesus is talking about in the scripture we just read.

Jesus is telling us in no uncertain terms. Ladies and gentlemen, it profits us in no way to gain everything the world offers us if in the process we lose our souls. The question Jesus poses – what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? The correct answer according to the Word of God is that nothing is that important. No wealth, no educational level, no reputation of men, nothing.

I talk with many young people and almost all of them are so engrossed in making money and having what they call a good time, they have no time for God or his son Jesus. They will sometimes comment to me that when they get my age maybe they will worry more about God and the afterlife. The problem is, there is no promise for them that they will ever live to reach the age I am today. That is the reason God wants this message out this week.

You know, I remember a good friend of mine. He was twenty-four-years-old. He didn’t drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. His wife always prepared healthy meals and he exercised on a regular basis. Certainly, he had every reason to believe he would live a long life. But in fact, my friend died of cancer within three days of being diagnosed. If he was waiting for old age to accept Jesus, he is lost and separated from God forever. I pray that is not the case.

The Bible teaches us that life is like a vapor. Here today and possibly gone today. Turn with me to James 4:13-15 and let’s read it together:

“Go to now, you that say, today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas you know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away. For that you ought to say, if the Lord will, we shall live, and do this or that.”
Does not this scripture talk about the attitudes and thinking of today? People today have discarded God for gain. How many people do you know who have moved to get a better job? Oftentimes staying on that job for a year or so only to move on to perceived greener pastures? Do you believe these same people would move to attend a church God wants them to attend? Probably not, right? You see, God is pointing out most people make their plans without considering him at all. Truth is, making your plans without considering God’s will for your life is like making plans for your own spiritual destruction. So, let’s look at God’s instruction for us in I Timothy 6:11-12. What does God desire from us? I Timothy 6:11-12 states:

“But thou, oh man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.”
The thing God is telling us through the apostle Paul to Timothy is this: Flee from the trappings of the world such as money, greed, pride and self indulgence and to seek the things of God. This is where accountability on the believer’s part comes into play.

We as believers must set aside the enticements and temptations of this world. Listen to me believer, this is important for you to know and understand. We must follow after God’s righteousness that he provided us at the new birth. We must exercise godliness and faith in all of our actions. We cannot exalt ourselves, but we must walk in meekness, a soft spirit and show love to the unlovely. Am I making any sense to you here?

Our mission is to fight the good fight of faith in Jesus Christ. Remember, we are in this world but not of this world. God comes first in all things. That is how we lay onto eternal life - our belief and trust in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and that is also how we will lead the lost to Jesus – by our example not by our words.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

P.S. Happy Birthday Julian!! Thank you for being a faithful member of our 24/7 week-long online church. The Spirit of Wisdom Ministries is praying for you and believing that God will do great things in your life.

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