Sunday, May 29, 2011


Memorial Day weekend is upon us, isn’t it? Time to go to the beaches, backyard barbeques, picnics, the Indianapolis 500 race and don’t forget the parades. Family get-togethers are important. All this sounds like fun to me, but are we forgetting something? Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long online church service. Everyone is welcome in this place.

The question posed, are we forgetting something, is just not a rhetorical question, my friends. The holiday we are celebrating is Memorial Day, isn’t it? A day set aside to remember the wonderful men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice for us. Yes, through all the fun and frolic, a serious obligation lies before us. You see, originally Memorial Day was a day of remembrance and prayer. A day for us to thank God for our blessings as a nation. A time to pray for our country, our military overseas and stateside.

Oh, by the way, don’t forget to pray for our leaders, our President, Vice President, the cabinet and our senators and congressmen and women. God has blessed us with a country that proclaims freedom for all. We must pray that is not just a proclamation but a fact. Let’s look at I Timothy 2: 1-4. This scripture is an instruction to us, so let’s read it together. I Timothy 2:1-4 states:

“Exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”
Now, this scripture covers a lot of ground, doesn’t it? I’m going to comment on some of these Bible verses in two sections. The first section will relate to us as a nation. Why we have an obligation to always remember our soldiers who have fallen in battle and why we must always pray in good faith for – not against – our Presidents and men and women in authority. The second part will be about the importance of prayer. Not only on Memorial Day but everyday. You ready? Stay with me, church, you will not be disappointed.

All right, let’s look at verses 1-3 again – How does this relate to Memorial Day and our duty to our nation? The apostle Paul here is giving instructions to Timothy but also to us. Paul starts out by saying “I exhort you first of all.” So you see, there is a priority list here. Paul basically is saying “Pray people, pray!” Pray for supplications which is personal needs. It’s not wrong folks for us to pray for our own personal needs. You see, as our own personal needs get resolved, it is easier to pray and help meet the needs of others. So in fact, praying for our own needs is not selfish but helps us to be more giving. Have you ever looked at it like this before?

Paul also says “Keep praying and making intercessions.” In other words, don’t stop praying but pray even more for the needs of others. What are the needs of the people surrounding you? You know, your family, friends and even strangers that God puts in your pathway. Understand folks, what God is saying through the apostle Paul is that we should pray about everything including ourselves, others and as you will see even our nation and its leaders. Okay, let’s continue. Verse 2 says “Pray for kings,” or in our case our President and for all that are in authority. Paul is talking here about civil government. Now, why is he saying this? The answer is exactly what the apostle Paul talks about next. So we may a lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. I don’t know how that sounds to you, but it sounds very good to me. And that is why we should pray for our government leaders.

This may come as a surprise to some, but God is not a Republican or Democrat. He is not a Libertarian or Tea Party Member. I suppose it could be argued he is an independent, because he is sovereign, which means he can do anything he wants to. The point is, regardless of what party we belong to, our obligation is to pray for our government leaders and our nation. We must pray for their salvation. We must pray God’s blessing and direction for them. We are not to pray for harm to come to them. We should petition God to reveal himself to them so they can be changed spiritually and become the leaders we can follow with pride. Not false or selfish pride, but pride in our leaders and our country.

So I pray and ask you to pray with me “Father, in Jesus name bless our nation and our leaders. Lead and guide them, Father, so our country will be a blessing to you.” Verse 3 states “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.” And, this is what we want, isn’t it? Of course it is.

Prayer is so important, church. Basically when you communicate with God by voice, with song or even thought, you are praying. Prayer by definition is communication with God. I’m not a great believer in preachers of the gospel teaching formula praying. I say talk with God. Tell him your needs. Speak from your heart. I guarantee you, God will understand what you are saying to him. Feel free to tell God you love him. Feel confident when you call out to God he hears you. I must tell you this though, to be truly heard of God you must be one of his. The exception would be if you are calling out to him in prayer for salvation.

God made a way for you to always have his ear and that is by your belief and acceptance of his son, Jesus Christ, into your heart. Once you have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you can say confidently as the psalmist says in Psalm 18:1-2:

“I will love thee, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation. And my high tower.”
Now, is that not a prayer you would love to pray? In the Book of I John 5:12-14, John makes it clear to us what it means to have Jesus as Lord and Savior. The scripture reads like this:

“He that hath the son hath life; and he that hath not the son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the son of God. And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us.”
Well, there it is, my friends. What a great God we serve! Now one last thing before we conclude this week’s service. Church, as believers we now know God hears our prayers and if we pray according to his will we will have the petitions we desire of him. I John 5:15, verifies this. Your homework is to read that scripture.

So, I am asking you to join with me this week in praying for all the prayer requests at the right side of this message. There are some serious prayer requests here. These people are counting on you and me to pray for the healing of their bodies, mind and spirit. So on this Memorial Day weekend, I am asking you to remember them and their needs.

So let’s summarize. This Memorial Holiday, pray for yourselves. Lift your needs up to God. Pray for the needs of others. Pray for our President and all the government leaders and pray for our nation and our troops. Also, do not forget to pray for the prayer requests mentioned above. Let the answer to the question – are we forgetting something? – be a loud No, a thousand times No, Brother Bob, we do remember!

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, May 22, 2011


You know folks, we have covered a lot of ground in the last few weeks, haven’t we? We have discussed the role of believers and what it means to be saved. We talked about mothers and how they are such a positive force in the spiritual growth of their children and families. Last week we reached out to unbelievers, those that are lost and separated from God. You see, God in his loving mercy and grace has and is at present reaching out to everyone who enters into this place. What a great God we serve. That is the reason we can say with purpose that all are welcome in this place. We welcome everyone. And once again, we do mean everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service.

This week I want to talk about our spiritual walk with the Lord. Contrary to some teaching today, wealth, church growth and recognition of men is not the great sign of faith it is taught to be. God’s desire is for us to know him. God knows if we come to know him through his son Jesus Christ, we will want to become as he is. Our spiritual growth is not dependent on how successful we are in life. Spiritual growth is not measured or at the very least should not be measured by what goods we possess or by what recognition we have by men.

To be honest, a person in rags with a contrite heart and a true belief and walk with the Lord is certainly more blessed of God than someone dressed in a Lord and Taylor suit that possesses a proud and haughty spirit. That boasts of their wealth and talks about their religion but does not follow or walk in the Spirit of God. Jesus in the book of Matthew lays it out for us. Matthew 16:24-26 states:

“Then said Jesus unto his disciples, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: And whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

You know church, in this world we are judged mostly by what we have obtained. Education, careers, wealth, organizations we belong to and oftentimes even what church we attend. The bigger problem is oftentimes churches judge in the exact same manner. Well of course, if we have higher education, a great career, wealth and attend the right mega church, we must be more blessed and loved of God, right? Wrong, my friends, wrong! This is exactly what Jesus is talking about in the scripture we just read.

Jesus is telling us in no uncertain terms. Ladies and gentlemen, it profits us in no way to gain everything the world offers us if in the process we lose our souls. The question Jesus poses – what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? The correct answer according to the Word of God is that nothing is that important. No wealth, no educational level, no reputation of men, nothing.

I talk with many young people and almost all of them are so engrossed in making money and having what they call a good time, they have no time for God or his son Jesus. They will sometimes comment to me that when they get my age maybe they will worry more about God and the afterlife. The problem is, there is no promise for them that they will ever live to reach the age I am today. That is the reason God wants this message out this week.

You know, I remember a good friend of mine. He was twenty-four-years-old. He didn’t drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. His wife always prepared healthy meals and he exercised on a regular basis. Certainly, he had every reason to believe he would live a long life. But in fact, my friend died of cancer within three days of being diagnosed. If he was waiting for old age to accept Jesus, he is lost and separated from God forever. I pray that is not the case.

The Bible teaches us that life is like a vapor. Here today and possibly gone today. Turn with me to James 4:13-15 and let’s read it together:

“Go to now, you that say, today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas you know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away. For that you ought to say, if the Lord will, we shall live, and do this or that.”
Does not this scripture talk about the attitudes and thinking of today? People today have discarded God for gain. How many people do you know who have moved to get a better job? Oftentimes staying on that job for a year or so only to move on to perceived greener pastures? Do you believe these same people would move to attend a church God wants them to attend? Probably not, right? You see, God is pointing out most people make their plans without considering him at all. Truth is, making your plans without considering God’s will for your life is like making plans for your own spiritual destruction. So, let’s look at God’s instruction for us in I Timothy 6:11-12. What does God desire from us? I Timothy 6:11-12 states:

“But thou, oh man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.”
The thing God is telling us through the apostle Paul to Timothy is this: Flee from the trappings of the world such as money, greed, pride and self indulgence and to seek the things of God. This is where accountability on the believer’s part comes into play.

We as believers must set aside the enticements and temptations of this world. Listen to me believer, this is important for you to know and understand. We must follow after God’s righteousness that he provided us at the new birth. We must exercise godliness and faith in all of our actions. We cannot exalt ourselves, but we must walk in meekness, a soft spirit and show love to the unlovely. Am I making any sense to you here?

Our mission is to fight the good fight of faith in Jesus Christ. Remember, we are in this world but not of this world. God comes first in all things. That is how we lay onto eternal life - our belief and trust in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and that is also how we will lead the lost to Jesus – by our example not by our words.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

P.S. Happy Birthday Julian!! Thank you for being a faithful member of our 24/7 week-long online church. The Spirit of Wisdom Ministries is praying for you and believing that God will do great things in your life.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


You know, there is a song that we have sung in church over the years. The song goes something like this “Holy Spirit, you are welcome in this place.” The place we are singing about could be your church, your home or any place you are. I believe the place God desires his Holy Spirit to be welcome in is your heart. So, the song could go like this “Holy Spirit, you are welcome in my heart. Where I go, you go. Where I am, you are. Welcome Holy Spirit in this place.”

The Spirit of Wisdom Ministries welcomes the Holy Spirit and everyone in to this place. This is your 24/7, week long, online church service and we exclude no one from attending here. A couple of weeks ago the message focused on believers. We pray it inspired you to be the best servant of Christ you can be.

This week we will be addressing the unbeliever. After all, we were all unbelievers at one time, weren’t we? Let’s clarify this. Who is an unbeliever? To put it simply, if you have not asked God for forgiveness of your sins and asked Jesus into your heart, if you do not believe God raised Jesus from the dead and if you have not confessed Jesus as Savior and Lord of your life, you are not a believer. And, you are lost and separated from God.

My friends, I realize I am operating in the office of pastor of this online church. But truth be known, I am an evangelist called by God to proclaim the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe the good news starts with John 3:16. Jesus in this scripture tells you who he is and why he came to this earth. John 3:16-17 states:

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”
So let me talk to you my friends. I know God is showing me by his Spirit that there are many people looking, reading and listening to this week’s message. Not only in the United States, but all over the world. God has approached you in many ways. Some of you had parents who loved God. They took you to church but you decided all on your own to go a different way, didn’t you? Some of your parents never attended church or possibly they believed other things. Human made concepts that sounded good but have led you away from Jesus.

God has put Christians, or as I like to say believers, in your life. But you either ignored or rejected the truth of their words. And in some cases, even mocked them, didn’t you? Yet all the time you know there is something missing in your life. I know the feeling because I was in the same place at one time.

Let me tell you what I’m seeing in the Spirit at this time. I see marriages where you love each other but if changes are not made soon, separation and divorce are in the picture for you. You’ve talked this over with friends, family members and in some cases counselors, but to no avail. Husbands, you want to but you can’t control your lustful thoughts. Wives, you are looking outside of your marriage for fulfillment and happiness, aren’t you? The truth is, your marriage can be saved and your love for each other completely restored. Now, take a good look at each other and at your children who you love so much. I’m going to tell you clearly and bluntly that you need Jesus in your life today. I guarantee you, if and I repeat ‘if” you put Jesus Christ at the center of your marriage things will turn around for you. By receiving Jesus Christ in your heart and by letting him lead you in your marriage, he will show you how to set aside all the distractions this world throws at you to cause the break up of your marriage. My friends, God wants you to have a good life on this earth and that includes a loving and healthy marriage.

Listen folks, the devil and yes there is a devil, sometimes called Satan, who desires to destroy your marriages through spirits of lust, addictions such as alcohol and drug abuse, pride, poverty and so many things. Now, that is the problem. Jesus is the remedy. Tell you what, turn with me to John 10:10. Jesus is talking here:

“The thief cometh not, but for the steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.”
Church, the thief (Satan) is on this earth to do one thing. To steal, destroy and kill everything that is near and dear to you period!! By doing this, his hope is to keep you separated from God. However, that choice is yours and yours alone. Satan desires to destroy your marriage, your money, your job, your health and even your dignity, your children and if possible your life. Now truthfully, does that sound like someone you want to follow?

Jesus on the other hand says “I have come to give you life and to give it to you in abundance.” In other words, Jesus desires a good life for you. He desires your marriage to be blessed. He desires to set you free from all addiction. Someone right now – God is speaking to you. Urging you to come to him and he will set you free from the alcoholism that is destroying your life. Life more abundantly means God will give his peace that passes all understanding to you. Yes folks, the Holy Spirit is not only welcome in this place, he is in this place. He is urging you to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior today.

Jesus will become your present help in trouble. You know, sometimes I look at the people around me. People that I like and enjoy being around, yet my heart is breaking for them. I see the direction they are going in and I know by the Spirit of God only trouble and destruction lies ahead of them. The problem is they don’t see it. God, I pray to you to reveal yourself to them in a saving way. Give them eyes to see (spiritually) and ears to hear (spiritually) that they may be saved.

My desire is for you to receive Jesus into your heart and to be an overcomer. Yes, you can overcome all the attempts of the world’s system, Satan and all of his demonic spirits efforts to destroy you. Turn with me to I John 5:4-5 for confirmation.

“For whosoever is born of God overcometh the world: And this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world but he that believeth Jesus is the Son of God.”
This message is just for you, my friends. Don’t look to the left or right. The Holy Spirit is calling you to Jesus today. There are only two answers – yes or no. What say you? You might say “Bro. Bob, what do I need to do to be saved?” Well, in the book of Acts 16:29-31 a man asked the very same question you just asked. Acts 16:29-31 says:

“Then he called for a light, and sprang in and came trembling and fell down before Paul and Silas, and brought them out and said Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved and thy house.”
Well, there it is. What are you going to do? E-mail me today with your decision to I will be happy to lead you in the best decision of your life. Yes church, the Holy Spirit is welcome in this place.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Today, Sunday May 8, 2011, is the day set aside to honor our mothers. Now to be sure, everyday is the day to honor our mothers, aren’t they? After all, let’s face facts, without your mother there would be no you. Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. Each of you is welcome in this place.

You know church, I’m not one to write or give messages about or even on the day of a holiday. I believe everyday is the Lord’s Day. I have given messages decrying the mixing of secular practices with so-called Christian holidays. That is so, only because I believe if you are honoring God you should not pollute that honor with worldly ways. I trust this makes sense to you.

Mother’s Day, however, is a holiday based on Bible teaching. God desires that we love and honor our mothers. Please, turn with me to Exodus 20:12. Let’s see what God has to say about this subject. Exodus 20:12 states:

“Honor thy father and thy mother: That thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.”
Yes folks, this is one of the ten commandments of God. If God sees honoring our parents as this important, shouldn’t we? Now I understand when we are talking about parents we are talking about both mother and father. This week however, our focus is on our mothers. We will address the fathers at a later date. So God says – children, honor your mothers. Show them respect and obey them in the Lord. There is a promise that comes with obeying this commandment. God says – honor your mother and father and your days will be long on this earth. In other words, long life will you be blessed with.

You might say “Bro. Bob, this is Old Testament stuff.” I say, so what. Is not the Old Testament the Word of God anymore? The New Testament is the fulfillment of the old. Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is the fullness of both the Old Testament and the New. Tell you what, let’s move into the New Testament for confirmation of the old. Please, turn with me to Ephesians 6:1-3 and let’s read it together:

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: For this is right. Honor thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with thee and thou mayest live long on the earth.”
Does that not sound familiar, my friends? You know church, when our children were small we would tell them this scripture over and over again. Why? Because we wanted them to know how to, and that they could have a long life on this earth and that things would be well for them. Sometimes, we would point out to them if by obeying your parents long life and living well was promised, what would the opposite be? Am I making myself clear here?

Let me say this about my wife, ladies and gentlemen. My children were and are blessed to have my wife as their mother. It is easy for our children to love their mother. Why? Because no matter what, they know her love for them is genuine. They also know her love for God is genuine. She looked on our five children, which are a combination of his, hers and ours and never saw a difference. I believe it was because of her dedication and love for God that two of our children are in the ministry and the other three know about the love of God for them and their families. I stand here this week blessed to be the husband of a beautiful mother that loves her children more than her own life.

Allow me to say this to the young mothers out there. You are the greatest influence in your children’s life. If you are not right with God this day, get right for your children’s sake. I believe one of the worst forms of child abuse is denying your children from knowing about God. Is that tough and hard preaching? Yes it is. But then, truth is never easy. Mothers your children need you. They need you no matter what their age. From birth to old age “Mom” is a blessed name to them. Take time with your children, mothers. Read the Bible to or with them. Tell them about the love of God for them. All the things you can buy them pales in contrast to sharing the love of God with your children.

Listen to me, young and older mothers alike. I know your heart’s desire is for your children to have a good life here on this earth. Let me give you a scripture that will give you instruction on how to achieve this. Psalms 37:4-5 gives you some sound advice. Let’s read it together:

“Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.”
Did you get that? Listen to me moms. The instruction is very clear here, isn’t it? You know, I’ve heard so many times over the years that there is no manual on how to be a good parent. Now, admittedly that sounds true, but in truth it is a lie right from the pit of hell. The manual for being a good mom or dad is the instruction book of life, which is the Bible. So, God is saying here in Psalms 37, Moms delight yourself in the Lord, and he (God) will give you the desires of your heart.

We can look at this two ways here. First, if your desire is for your children to live a long and blessed life then delight yourself in the Lord. Teach your children about Jesus and watch them grow up in a firm foundation of love for you and God. The second way to look at this scripture is this: Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. In other words, God will provide you with his desires for you, which is you will be a loving and caring mother to your children. Yes, God will give you the desire to be the best mother you can be. The second part of this scripture says – commit your way to the Lord and trust him and he will bring these things to pass. What things? Your ability to love, care and raise your children in the love of God.

Now, here is the key. The only way to fully delight yourself in the Lord and commit your ways to him and to trust him is pure and simple. Moms, receive Jesus Christ into your heart today and confess Jesus as Lord of your life. Or, if you have done that but walked away from Jesus, repent and turn back now. Your children are worth it. Well, aren’t they?

Now a note to all children or as my mother would say, “all the children of the world.” Honor your mother this and everyday. Call her today and tell her you love her. If you live a far distance from her, tell her you miss her. For surely, my children, she misses you. Thank God for your Mom. Happy Mother’s Day.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, May 1, 2011


This week I’m going to focus on believers, those who have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. What is our mission here on the earth? What does God, our heavenly Father, expect of us and what does it mean to be “separate” from the world’s system? Actually, as I speak I sense that you are asking these questions and more of yourselves, aren’t you? Well guess what? That is a good thing. Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. Certainly you know by now no one is excluded from this place.

I may not be able to answer all your questions. But, I can point you in the right direction. By the way, any preacher who tells you he can answer every question of life for you is one to walk away from. I have come to the conclusion no man, woman, church, denomination, seminary or anyone else, including preachers and teachers of the gospel know all things pertaining to God and to life here on the earth. That does not mean they do not know some things. I am not disparaging anyone here, I am just telling the truth. So, where is truth to be found? The answer is the Word of God which is the Bible.

You ask me a question and I will give you an answer. If I know the answer I will tell you so. But, if I do not know the answer I will tell you that I don’t know. Now, here is the rub. Even though I may know the answer to your question and give it to you, your job is to double check my answer by reading the Bible and allowing God to show you through his Word if I am correct in my answer to you. I have just taken the long way around to tell you all answers to life and living are in the Word of God. Because you are a believer, God will give you spiritual eyes and ears to understand everything you need to know to be an effective witness for him. Let’s check this out together. II Timothy 3:16 states:

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”
As believers are we not all striving to walk and abide in the righteousness of God? The Word of God not only tells us how to walk in righteousness, it tells us we are the righteousness of God. All because of what Jesus did by dying on that cross. Let’s look at I Peter 2:24 talking about Jesus:

“Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness: By whose stripes ye were healed.”
This scripture clearly tells us that Jesus gave himself in sacrifice on the cross. Jesus by this action took the full penalty for our sins which was physical death. Certainly his suffering and pain were a part of what happened, but that is not what redeemed us. It was the total giving of himself even unto death that saved us and actually made us dead to sin. Thereby allowing the righteousness of God to become our righteousness. Do you understand this church?

We are not and cannot have or be righteousness in ourselves. But, through our belief and by receiving Jesus as our sacrifice, righteousness is imputed – or in other words – given to us. This scripture goes on to say by his stripes we were healed. This is talking about spiritually and physically. Today we are focusing on the spiritual only. But, just by this can you conclude God is an awesome God who loves you and me the best? There is one thing I must state here lest I neglect a very important point. It is the Holy Spirit who will enlighten your understanding of the Word of God. He will do this only because of your faith in what Jesus did for you on the cross. It is this enlightenment that will allow you to carry out God’s plan for you on this earth. Now, with this in mind, let’s return to some of the questions we proposed at the beginning of this message.

Many believers wrestle with the question of God’s plan for their lives. Instinctively believers sense a call to duty, don’t they? So let’s discuss this. My first bit of advice to you is to take a breath and relax. Be open to God and he will show you what he desires of you. However, the Word of God is pretty clear in some things. Let’s look at some of them. John 14:12 gives all true believers some instruction. Let’s read it together. Jesus is speaking here:

“Verily, verily, I say unto you. He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do: Because I go unto my Father.”
Right there, my friends, are a mission and a plan for you to follow. Jesus is stating in no uncertain terms that if you believe on him, you will do the very same things he did while he was on the earth. Wow!! That covers a lot of ground, doesn’t it? So what did Jesus do? Well, he preached the gospel. He taught people about God and his ways and he healed people both physically and mentally. He cast out devils. Well, didn’t he? My suggestion would be to open your Bible. Read the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Ask God to show you what Jesus’ mission on this earth really was. In short, I believe you will find out very quickly in addition to what we just listed, that the preaching, teaching, healing and casting out of devils was all part of a plan to do one thing.

The mission Jesus had was to reconcile all of mankind to God. Everything he did before his death, burial and resurrection was for our benefit. He became our living example of how to live on this earth. I believe, my friends, that our job as believers is to be as Jesus. That answers the question of what being separate from the world system really means. Tell people what Jesus has done for you. Be there for them. Pray for the sick. Be a mentor. And here is what I mean by this.

As a young preacher I was asked to preach at the Detroit Rescue Mission. I saw people who were beat up by sin come forward to receive Jesus. Many of them I am sure were very sincere. There was a joy for me and them, a new hope. Yet, when I left that rescue mission I realized as I returned to my home and church that they were returning to the streets and in many cases to their old ways. You see, church, there was no follow-up. I’m telling you this so that this mistake need not ever be made again. Lead people to Jesus, but then see that follow-up is made available. That is our mission and that is our plan. Think about it my friends. The answer is in the Word.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Prayer Request: We have an urgent prayer request for Buddy Harper. Buddy has been diagnosed with cancer of the throat/esophagus. Please pray urgently for a complete and total healing and thank Jesus for his healing touch.

Please pray for Nancy Stewart. She has been recovering from liver cancer but she has now has a second attack with spots on her lungs. Testing is still ongoing. Church, pray Nancy that she be totally healed of all cancer.. you foul spirit of cancer we bind up your works in the name of Jesus and command you to leave Nancy's body this moment. We pray this in Jesus' name, Amen.