Sunday, April 17, 2011


One of my favorite scriptures of all time is in the book of Mark. Jesus was preparing to leave this earth. The words of instruction he spoke to his disciples and all believers, including ourselves, are recorded in Mark, Chapter 16:15-20. We’re going to look at these all so important instructions together.

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. Please tell everyone you know they are welcome in this place. As a young Christian many years ago, I always wondered what does Jesus really want us to do for him. Now I know people would tell me to be good, use good language (meaning no cuss words, of course), treat people right and go to church. All good advice, but surely there is more to it than that.

I have always known instinctively that God has a plan for us. I just didn’t ever quite know how to find out how to acquire it. Then, guess what? I read Mark 16:15-20. Suddenly the light went on. Of course, the plan for our lives would be found by listening to the urgings of the Holy Spirit and by reading and understanding the instruction Book of Life, which is the Bible.

In the two part series we just finished last week, we explored the last public prayer Jesus prayed before going to the garden where he would be arrested and led away due to the betrayal of one of his apostles, Judas Iscariot. This week we will explore the last words and instructions Jesus spoke before actually leaving the earth to return to his heavenly home to be with his father. Fasten your seat belts, church, we have quite a ride ahead of us. Please turn with me to Mark 16:15-16 and let’s read it together. This is regarding the words of Jesus:

“And he said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: But, he that believeth not shall be damned.”
So, what is Jesus really saying to us here? Jesus is clearly telling us that the gospel of Jesus is not just for the people of the United States, but for everyone, everywhere. We are not to concede the countries that are led by false religions and gods to those who would attempt to keep Jesus from the hearts and spirits of their citizens. Every Muslim, Hindu, atheist or any other believer of false gods is entitled by God to hear his Word and to be saved from their sin by receiving Jesus Christ into their hearts.

Jesus wasn’t kidding when he said preach the gospel to every creature. Listen to me. Believers, before you were saved, did you deserve the grace and mercy God extended you to be saved? Of course you didn’t. Then, why would you deny anyone else, and I do mean anybody else, that same opportunity? Jesus continues and says – anyone that believes and is baptized shall be saved. Jesus is being very clear here. Anyone who believes in Jesus and what he did for us on the cross and is baptized into him is saved. Incidentally, Jesus is not talking about water baptism here. Romans 6:3-4 confirms that to be true, so let’s read it together:

“Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized unto Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are, buried with him by baptism into death: That like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.”
Eternal life with God and his son Jesus Christ, just by believing and by being baptized into Jesus. No wonder it is so important that the gospel of Jesus Christ be preached to every creature. Now the warning. Jesus also says here, you hear this word and do not believe, you shall be damned. In other words, eternal life is offered to you, but if you choose not to believe in Jesus, eternal life is gone, only to be replaced by eternal death and separation from God. That sounds pretty serious to me. How about you? Let’s continue on to verses Mark 16:17-18. Jesus is still speaking here.

“And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”
These sound like pretty clear instructions to me, what do you think? We covered this pretty thoroughly in our previous series on spiritual warfare. I would suggest you go back and read or listen to that series again. Basically, Jesus is telling us as believers we have power and authority over the devil, but only in and by the name of Jesus. This is also where Jesus confirms the doctrine of speaking in other tongues. We will do a complete series on this doctrine in the near future. You won’t want to miss it. I promise it will help and empower you to serve God and to defeat the attacks of Satan against you.

Verse 18 tells us we have power over serpents and if we drink of any deadly thing it shall not hurt us (talking about believers). I know many preachers believe Jesus is talking about reptiles in this verse, but in truth, I believe he is talking about Satan. Remember in Genesis that Satan came to Eve in the form of a serpent. Oftentimes throughout the Bible Satan is referred to as a serpent. Therefore, we can conclude the handling of snakes is a misguided and foolish interpretation of this scripture.

In this verse 18, Jesus also affirms healing as a proper doctrine for today. He clearly states a believer shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. I know this is a lot to digest in one message. But, that is what this ministry is all about. Giving forth God’s Word to you. Your job is to read it for yourself. Ask God to show you how this all pertains to you. I believe you will be amazed at what is going to be revealed to you. Mark 16:19-20 states:

“So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of God. And they went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.”
As I stated earlier, these were the last words spoken by Jesus on the earth as recorded by Mark. Now, we have heard the instructions, haven’t we? Get going church. Preach the gospel everywhere and to every creature. God will work with you confirming his Word with signs following. How’s that for a plan?

God Bless you,
Bro. Bob

1 comment:

  1. This is a good one brother bob I can say this one cought my eye your frend j.l.p god bless you borther bob
